
The land of good and horror

Standing from the floor gently I move north of my direction, till I was just inside the portal like hole, a new world came in view, those animated kind were clouds had three archs.

Rainbow like butterflies, perfect trees . Grasses, and an oddly breathable air, the environment was filled with the scent of petals of different flowers, the sky was slightly purples and I couldn't see any building even if there were, I wouldn't see them.

I can't see much from the point of view

Walking foot to foot towards an unknown direction, I had access to more now, as I saw different arches like buildings; they were more like temples, with pillars guarding it. Where is this place?.

I hear giggles noises, approach me, they sounded more like a siren going off and on in a dramatic way, but more playful, where is this coming from?, turning south, I get stunned by a dazzling creature.

Running towards me, it's honey brown eyes swaying as it ran towards me, it's skin was lighter brown, it's legs slender and straight, it's hands free as the wind as it held it up running from a friendly predator.

" Athena stop" I hear a rather melodious high pitch voice yell from behind, why do they sound like that, it affects my ears to an extent, the voices increase and I had to cover my ears with my hands.

Ahhh it hurts too much!

I felt a tug and I turn to see what might have pulled me backwards , the giggling voice was just behind me and it was higher this time, way higher than before, I turn to look at why it has increased drastically just to see the grasses suffocated by two creatures as they played on the grasses.

The one being tickled layed on the grass,with her hands on her chest, I looked a lot more closer, and a mere sight of her eyes stupefies my senses, she doesn't look human, but she is built like one, they all have different features I haven't seen in a while.

I remained mute so my presence won't be noticed, in any way, but with the look of things my presence wasn't acknowledged, " stop it mama " she said, or maybe so I heard, their mouths weren't moving as words proceeded from their mouth but that was exactly what I heard.

I step backwards a little, as I got a glimpse of their golden nails as well, the beautiful ones are the most dangerous, and their rainbow eyes, flawless turmeric brown skin, and perfect body shape does not convey a good heart too, and a regular conscience.

I take more steps backward, it might be in the land of goddesss and Demi gods, and they aren't familiar with the humans, a ghost to be presice, "hey stop there!" I hear one of them screaming before me and I halt, for a while, it's the kady like creature pursuing the honey brown haired girl, whose name had come to my awareness to be Athena.

I take to my heels as I mentally chant to myself not to die now, at least this is not my heaven or my hell, this is not my life, run for your life rethabile, I feel a tug again and I fall to the floor, I see the ladies running before me, their back we're facing me, this only means one thing they don't see me, then what am I doing here?.

I survey the surroundings. Is this supposed to be a treasure hunt of some sort, I walk around anticipation eating me up as a trillion questions dawdle in my mind, why am I here, am I supposed to figure something out?, is this a test of some sort, where are the clues.

I need to act smart, I ran towards the lady like creatures, they were running amidst the mazes now, and it was hard to track. I followed suit like the paparazzi with my eyes like a microphone, focused on their direction.

They halt after minutes of making me chase then round a maze, " Athena, come papa needs you in the palace now " the older looking lady with a silk hair reaching her waist line said, I could see bridges forming gently on Athena face, she wasn't so pleased with the request.

" mama the altar is boring I don't want to go back there" she said with her lower lips poked out slightly, her mother smiles, pulling her close to her tender skin, " the altar is your home Athena don't run away" she cautions but Athena shrugs the idea off.

" I don't like it "

Her mom holds her by her hand gentle beaming at her,

" Athe_"

A fine young man interrupted the fine lady before she could respond to her daughter. He only had garment from his waist down, which shined with great light and glory, his wrist endowed with ornaments with carvings.

His hair slightly grey, his eyes were ocean blues, he has more feminine features than the women down here, is he a god of beauty?, his hands were knotted gently behind his back, as he flicked his lashes while looking at the ladies before him.

Lost in the view I walked a little bit closer to him, to get a better view of this creature before me, his abs were well-defined and I could run my hands on them but I fear physical contact will make the notice me.

" what is the problem"

" Your majesty the king seeks your presence in his palace now,'' he said without raising his head. ``You can go back to your chambers,l would see the king soon" , she said while lifting her daughter and carrying her in her arms like she's the most precious thing in the world.

" take your training seriously, the future of these lays on your shoulders" she said, athena had a sad look on her face, " yes I will," Athena said smiling weakly, she wasn't amused, she didn't want this I guess, who wouldn't be happy taking care of a kingdom