
Gone for good this time

I stare at Peter , it was weird having to look at your corpse being kissed, but he wouldn't see me Either so why try, I hear a knock on the door and I know it's time for the shocking news.

Mom walks in, she looks pale and disturbed, " hey Peter " she says, as she pushed it open, Peter immediately stopped his rather unreasonable act before he was caught.

I imagine myself standing up in shock Wjile being caught, while mom will know something happened for sure, Peter looks at me then at my mom, " did she wake up?" Mom asked worried.

Jamal arch's a brow at me and smirks, probably thinking I am pretending to be asleep, " yea she woke up seconds ago" he said patting my corpse slightly. Hoping I would blink at least but I stare at my motionalless body on the medical bed.

" hey Reth wake up" he said shaking me this time around, my heart aches a lot, I walk closer, pushing my hands through hoping I would magically go in somehow, but it didn't work, it was like putting a hand through a jar of smoke, is this what every dead person faces.

Jamal shakes me again as his smile slowly fade from his face," hey rethabile " he cried as confusion found it's way in his head, he places his head on my chest, I bet it's no longer beating.

He raises my eye lids, nothing, his fingers beneath my nostrils too, yet nothing, my mom stare in confusion as Peter performed all this ," mummy I don't know what happened to rethabile, she…mummy she was awake" he cried as tears which had been accumulating in his eyes finally found its way down his eyes



I had left the ward, I can't bear to see them sad anymore, maybe this is a different journey, titled the afterlife, I walk down the balcony, every one was in a haste for some reason, and it hurts when they don't even take note of me at all.

Thin as air

I sat on the base of a pillar just outside the hospital, watching the sun, which actually makes me feel hot inside, and gradually I began to feel really uncomfortable, as the lava like feeling grew even stronger.

Peter walks out of the hospital his nose red, and his eyes wet, he sat a inch apart from where I was, and it feels like he felt my presence , as he shifts uncomfortable, I get very close to him, even With the painful call of nature.

He flinched again, I just want to tell him that I am here, but everyhing falls right through me, "babe " I whisper, he didn't respond, I guess he can't see me, babe!" I yelled shouting as I made attempt to push him but nothing, instead I saw him crying, this time not the manly type of cry where you watch into a distant and cry without a word proceeding yoir mouth

His lips were fidgeting, and hands trembling, I think I just made him worse, I should just leave that's better and maybe this odd feeling is my calling, slowly I could feel a pull on my clothes like I was being sucked into a big circle.

" bye" I said, smiling shyly, he looks at me, " Reth!!" He yells running towards me, this single action makes my heart leap , " no!!" He was just about to hug me when this silly vacuum takes in while.

" no!"

Everything went blank way too fast, and the pain was gone, I begin to hear whispers slightly, which wakes me up, am I in heaven, I look around there's no winged human, with halo on his heads

But what I could see was a place void and white, while I slept on a floor as white as snow, is this how heaven looks like?. I was expecting more? Walking foot to foot, into the light the quietness was making me sad and anxious.

I continue walking hoping I finall see the end, and with the looks of things there's never going to be an end,it feels and looks like I am moving in circle, as everything looked exactly the same

" anyone!" I cried, but there was to reply, I continue moving, but eventually this was my hell, something I despised while I was alive, and God Made it my hell.

I look back and I see what is a replica of a door, my joy knew no bound as my tangled fingers finally found release, i hear whispers behind me, and I turn I see two more doors there, what's all this?, could this mean I was given a choice at such a low moment of my life?.

What if I choose the wrong one, what if I make mistakes, I seat back down on the floor, perplexed by my current situation, it's hard here when there's no one to guard you through all the pain.

The whispers grew, and it's beginning to get weird way too fast, maybe I should just enter one, that's it, beside what will I be doing in a room where all I could see is light, it's boring to a whole new level