
Please don't suck

As a 'computer whiz' as they put it, I don't have like human interactions. I'd rather communicate with machines than humans. Relieved was I when my 3 months boyfriend decided he was too bored to move forward. Having been let down enough I had grown accustomed to some pains. With the designing of new softwares, catching the hacker who has made it his life mission to destroy the company, Love is the last thing on my mind. In rushed this sexy chef like a boomerang in my life. I can tolerate him, just hopes he is not like rest.

Heather_Gold · Ciudad
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2 Chs

New And Old Friends

I had tied my black hair into a Small ponytail since it was all my medium length hair would allow. I realized after coming home, some people had filmed the whole thing and it was now on net since I was some sort of 'celebrity'. I was now on the trending pages of some search engines. I had blocked some but it was kinda getting out of hand. I would have to leave it to my company to resolve this. Many messages were sent to me from those I know to those whom I didn't know existed. I ignored all and went to check on my game. I had to play some and check for errors and so on.

Someone had thrown a challenge about the game. He was all cocky and full of himself. And here I was about to release all my frustrations on the poor guy, how fun.

I had to give it to him, it's been an hour since the challenge and he has not been beaten once.

His user name was CAH. I picked up my greyish blue mouse and accepted the challenge.

"You are probably new here so I'm gonna go easy on you. Don't worry I won't crash all your balls,I will leave you some dignity."

Came a conceited male voice.

"Oh really?" I replied.

"It's a girl" he said as if surprised a girl will play this game. I rolled my eyes at that.

"And it's a boy, typical"

" First of all I'm a man. And this is going to be easy , I won't even lift a finger."

"Interesting, can we start already?."

"I'll make it less painful, princess".

I rolled my eyes again St his statement.

It's been 20 minutes and he's down by 16 points. It's cute, how he's still struggling. On  the 17th point he raised a white flag. I smirked.

"How come?" Came his annoyed and somehow amazed voice.

"Does your ego hurt. Do u want me to blow on it, princess".

He chuckled." Okay I see what u did there".

" I think we should talk about how you hacked the game."

"What do you mean?".he said trying to play dumb.

"Trident was released about 6 hours ago. If you're a fan of the programmer, you would have noticed the game releasing time. It will take 4 hours to decrypt some codes – if you are fast, which you seem to be – since the security wasn't meant to breached this early,it was not strong from the forgo. After the decryption and changing some things, you threw a challenge online and the rest is history. What I really want to now is why you wasted such time on this game when it doesn't even pay the winner."

"Fuck, you're smart. How did you even know that. Well I was bored and decided to polish my skills a bit. Turns out I still got it." He replied still overweening.

I had a feeling I was going to like him.

" Who are you?" I asked.

"And why will I tell you that"

"Errm... Because just like I knew you hacked the game I can find you and can probably report you for hacking my game just after I released it?.or is that not enough reason."

"Geez chill, I'm Cedric Haltmann. Apologies for hacking your–,wait... , no wait...,did you just day..." I laughed at his reaction.

"That's how you knew I hacked the game. Jade Reynolds, daughter of the business tycoon Sebastian Reynolds.Such an honor. Well you cheated too."

" I don't think that's how it works." I said chuckling.

"Okay ,okay how about this, the next game we play it's gonna be on your account but not your own game"

"Next time?"

"Sure,unless you are scared"

"Never,bring it on".

"I'll email you the details"

"When you get the email then."

"I will don't worry about the how."

"Have a nice day"


After the duel was made I removed my headset and switched my phone back on. Checking the time I wondered if my gift had been delivered yet. Just as I was about to get out of my chair the screen of my phone flashed the Pedro's name on it. I sang along to Jesus in LA by Alec Benjamin which was my ringtone. After the third call on the 5th ring I answered.

"JADE WHAT THE FUC–" I hanged up. Upon hearing him rage I knew my gift was well delivered. I burst out laughing and got out of my chair.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a dinner meal but I settled on popcorns to wait for my taco's to be delivered since I burnt the food. With the help of Daisy – my newly invented personal AI – I got some caramel popcorns.

I scooped a hefty amount to fill three bowls and struggled on balancing them on my arms. With calculated steps I reached the table in front of the television and tried but failed to drop them carefully on the table. I picked the fallen ones and placed them back in the bowls.

"Daisy" I called out .

"Yes, Jade?" She answered.

"Turn the television on, switched it to one of my favorite shows."

"On it". She replied.

I smile. She was making progress. She was my next big thing so I had programmed her to imitate human behaviors in order to make interactions easier.

I settled in the curved blue and white couch facing the tv. I picked the white bowl filled to the brim with the snack and waited for the next series to make an appearance.

Good doctor up next so I placed the bowl on my lap and excitedly threw some popcorns in my mouth.

Just as it was about to start , I heard a ping sound indicating the front door has unlocked. There were a selective people – by me of course – so my security was rest assured. I turned to face the intruder named Jodie. She smiled innocently at me and I gave her a seriously look.She has already put on the black and white house slippers. She had the same for Jodie and I. Wearing her own collection of off shoulder baby pink blouse showing a little of her belly paired with a white flowy high waisted skirt, almost waist length hair, peach-shaped hazel eyes, a small nose , a pinkish glossed lips to make it extra rosy, Jodie was the definition of beauty. She was a stylish goddess given that she designs and styles for celebs and all.

"Is that Good doctor?"

"Yep" I countered.

She Jumped unto the seat next to me. Picked up the pink bowl to my left and join in the excitement, forgetting about her actual purpose for being here. After 20 minutes someone burst open the door like they owned the place. It was obviously June. She was busy cat-walking as if she was on a runway show.

"Hey!, You guys could've waited for me." We both turned our heads to her, looked back at each other and rolled our eyes.

She had changed her hair color again. We were all naturally brunettes, which was one of the many features we had in common – same peach shaped hazel eyes,olive skin and the list goes on. June changes hair dye as she changes clothes. Just last week she was a Blondie but now she is some kind of I don't Billie Ellish twinie or something. Her hair was black with some turquoise layers in-between them. She had on a sea blue body con dress hugging her curves like nobody's business.She looked like...well,June. June Looked like a celebrity – which she is – like Rihanna mixed with Drake kinda style.

She hurriedly sat beside up and pulled the green bowl towards herself.

After the episode ended , June unfortunately remembered her goal for being here. I gave them the details that they wanted.

"Who the fuck is he to even try to make you feel small. You should be grateful for that burden to have been lifted of you.That fucker is nothing but trash and that is why this victorious day should be nothing but celebrated. It's party time bitched!". June ended her statement cheerfully. She sped to the closet room– which had most of her clothes even though it's mine– to pick an attire for the occasion.

"Jade, sweetheart, don't dwell too much on his words cause just as June said you shouldn't expect more than garbages from disposal cans. And as I always say ' if can't see that you're a dime, he is fudging blind'."

We both said the latter part in unison. She liked saying that as motivation after every bad break up.Which with me was every breakup.