
My first love

Hii guys I'm Park Jimin I live in Busan with my parents and a younger brother . I'm currently in higher secondary school in class 8 . Today is the first day of our class and I'm very excited .

(Jimin's pov)

OMG !!!! it's already 7 : 30 and I have to be in the school before 8 : 30😣😣 it's all because of JiHyun that little brat 😤😤 He said all night here and played online games in my computer that why I slept late in night . Just let me come back from school I will sue him.😏 Ohh😦 I think eunwoo would be waiting for me he

had called me so many times but my phone was in silent so I didn't know that he had called me🤦🤦(eunwoo is jimin's childhood best friend)

(third person's pov)

After checking he's phone Jimin moved flurry to the washroom to get freshup and he changed he's clothes to his school dress which was black shorts and grey and white checked shirts then he picked up his school bag and ran through his living room.

(Jimin's mom)

Jimin why are you running so fast .

jimin : mom I'm very late for my school just because of JiHyun

Jimin's mom : okh but first have your breakfast quickly

jimin: no mom I don't have time I'll eat something in our school canteen . okh byeee mom iloveyou ❤️

jimin's mom: Byee ! Love you too baby ❤️

(Author pov)

Eunwoo was waiting for jimin in jimin's main door . Then jimin arrived after jimin teasingly apologize to eunwoo they both headed to school .

it's now 8: 25 just in time they both arrived . Now they head towards they're classes . As this was there first class of a new class their class teacher came little bit late . As the class arrived everyone in the class stood up and greeted her . then after their teacher told them to sit. As Jimin and eunwoo are best friends they always stay together as they are magnets😅 if one of them don't came to school the teacher will ask the other one about them you can say as you can say they are not just friends they are Best friends or you can say brothers ❤️.

Teacher : Good morning everyone ! so t want to inform you that 5 new students will join our class today

(Jimin & eunwoo pov)

After listening that some new students will come me and eunwoo exchanged glance as we do always 😅 in our mind we were like whatever we don't care who is coming .

(Author pov)

After teacher finish five boys enter the class they were all hot like hell and everyone were staring at them . But except jimin & eunwoo they we're like we don't gave a shit😏

After that teacher told them to introduce them

the first guys : hello ! my name is Kai . and I hope we all will get better together then he smiled and sit down .

jimin & eunwoo listen didn't gave a glance to them .

the second guy: hello ! my name is hyunjin . then he sit back.

the third guy : Hii! my name is Felix 😊 he's voice was good and deep

the fourth guy: hello ; my name is Bang pd .

(the fifth guy) : hello ! my name is Jeon Jungkook . I love to sing .

while they others were introducing them selves jimin don't react anything but when jungkook introduced himself just listening him he felt something in his heart but he didn't turn to see him .

Then after listening that jungkook can sing the teacher told them to sing something . and jungkook agreed .

Jungkook sang With you it was a ost of the series our blue .

jimin was just listening to him but he didn't turn towards him thus listening to him his get was fluttering so fast . Then Jimin screamed in his mind .

oh shit!!! I think I'm in love in first sight no we have to say love in first song 😅😅and guess what it's my first love

to be continued....