

The next morning, all of them went to the Guild building which is near their area. The main building of the Guild is called the Pantheon. It is a wide space with counters for adventurers to talk with their advisors and also has an exchange area. There are also small meeting boxes where adventurers can talk one on one with their advisor without anyone else hearing them.

From the information they gathered, the main goal of the Guild is to manage the monster threat created in the dungeon. Aside from this, the Guild buys magic stones, drop loot, and adventurer created maps of the dungeon. The Guild also provides weapons and armor to new adventurers who are just starting out.

Entering the building, the group didn't attract attention beyond some curious glance. The Guild employees are wearing the standard Guild uniform which is a set of black vest and pants with a white collared long sleeve shirt underneath and a grey bow tie. The only distinguishing feature between the two genders is having black and brown boots for males and black shoes for females. While the adventurers' attires vary widely from tunic to steel armors.

Leading the way, Hestia went to the registration area and a male human employee entertained them, "Welcome to the Guild. Are you here for registration?"

"Yes. I'd like to register for a new Familia. My name's Hestia."

"Understood Hestia-sama. Please wait for a moment as we pull some of our records."

The registration process just took around 20 minutes and they didn't forget to tell the guild employee that this is not their first time receiving a Falna and they're about to level up.

"Everything is taken care of. Congratulations, I-rank Hestia Familia, for your registration. One final thing before you start your adventure, You would need an advisor. The Guild staff also take the position of advisors for adventurers, often suggesting at what depth an adventurer should go in a dungeon in accordance to their level and skills, as well as warning them of any special dangers of certain floors and how to prepare against them. A staff member may be in charge of one or more adventurers. Since you're a group, would you like to only have one advisor?" The Guild employee looked towards Kisuke as he's the one registered as the Familia's captain.

"We'd like just one advisor. Thank you."

"Understood. Please come with me and I'll show you to a private booth. Once there, I'll be inviting your advisor." Leaving his spot, the staff led them to a room and exited soon after.

Ten minutes later, a silver-haired Elf entered the room and introduced herself, "I'll be your advisor starting today, Sophie. Pleased to meet you." As she introduces herself, she did it in a monotone voice and she didn't even give any effort to hide her unenthusiasm.

Hestia was about to protest but Yoruichi immediately stopped her. The rest didn't mind her attitude and Kisuke immediately introduced himself and the others.

"Urahara-san, do you plan to enter the Dungeon today?" Sophie asked with her still flat tone.

"Yes. We're just new to Orario and we would like to make some money for living as soon as possible."

"Very well..." Sophie then proceeded to explain everything about the first few floors. Despite her attitude and tone, she didn't hold any information and put more effort into giving them the warning about the dangers of the Dungeon.

Everyone except for Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Medusa was surprised at her contrasting demeanor and ended up smiling during her explanation.

Sophie furrowed her brows at their reactions, "What? There's nothing funny about the Dungeon. You could lose your life even from some weak monsters if you let your guard down, so please remember everything I'm saying."

Kisuke also wanted to smile but stopped himself and immediately explained, "Please don't mind them. They're just feeling excited because they've been hearing about the Dungeon and the things it could give them even before arriving in Orario.

Sophie sighed and accepted his explanation, 'Did I choose reckless adventurers to advise?... Dammit... Those guys would start betting on how long they'll survive again...'

"Still... Be careful... Or better yet, please extinguish that excite of your as it might hinder your judgment in there." Sophie continued.

"We understand."

Sophie then nodded and stood up, "And finally, take this." She passed Kisuke a booklet and when he took a peek inside, it notes what she just explained, 'Even though she could just give this to us from the start... She still took the effort to explain it properly. What a good girl.' Kisuke thought.

"Thank you."

Leaving the Guild building, Kisuke faced Hestia, "What's your plan, Hestia-sama?"

"Hmm... I'll go to my part-job in the northern part of the city."

"I see. Then good luck with your day."

"You too, Kisuke-kun, Yoruichi-kun, Aika-kun, Kuroka-kun, Koneko-kun, Sona-kun, and Medusa-kun. Be careful in there... Don't you dare die." Hestia said seriously before walking away.

The group first decided to go back to the hideout to change their attires to the standard of Adventures. For Kisuke, minimal steel plating with a short sword on his side. Yoruichi wearing the same armor as Kisuke but she has a long sword behind her. Kuroka, Koneko, Aika, and Medusa has light leather armor on them and each one of them uses daggers. While Sona also has leather armor, she'll be using a bow. A skewed party without any tank and magician.




"So this is the Dungeon... Fascinating..." Those are Kisuke's first words when they took a step on the first floor of the Dungeon, 'The Mana is flowing through the walls, ceiling, and floor... For now, all I can see is its random movements, but I doubt that. The system is probably so big that I can only see one nonsensical part of it. In addition to that, there are also traces of spiritual energy around... Although the monsters here can grant excelia to the Adventurers, why does it feels like it's disconnected from the so-called Tenkai?"

Due to abruptly entering into deep contemplation, Kisuke stopped moving. His companions waited for 10 minutes while other Adventurers are clicking there tongue at them, annoyed by the fact that they're blocking the traffic.

Losing her patience, Yoruichi elbowed him on his side with a bit of force, "Gah!"

"I know that you're curious, but not now!" Yoruichi then started dragging Kisuke with her to go deeper into the Dungeon. The rest could only smile wryly at Kisuke and followed them.

After ten minutes of walking, they encountered their first monster. It's the first monster that Yoruichi saw when they arrived in this world, "Goblins... huh..." A group of four Goblins.

"Seeing one in person makes me think that we're really in a fantasy world," Aika muttered.

"I'm pretty sure that there are also Goblins from our world." Sona reminded her.

"Seriously? Ah... Right... It's also fantasy back at home, just the modern type..."

Just as they're about to pounce on the poor Goblins, Kisuke stopped them, "Wait... I want to test how the Falna and gathering of excelia work first before anything else. So just restrain them for now."

Hearing his instructions, Medusa conjured her chains and tied one up. Sona used her water magic to tie one and Kuroka used her Youjutsu to restrain one. The last one, however, met the most brutal restraint from Yoruichi and she picked up some stones and threw it towards its limbs, blowing them off.