"An amazing item, and since I received 2 of them, I can give one to Charmeleon and another to Gyarados."
[You gave Charmeleon <Metronome > to hold.]
[You gave Gyarados <Metronome > to hold.]
With everything settled, It was time to enter the Dark Hole.
I exited the Pokemon Center and moved towards the lone NPC trainer standing far away from the entrance of 'Rock Tunnel'.
Since I had cut down the Small Tree, I could bypass the NPC trainer and enter 'Rock Tunnel', but since I had already fought every other NPC trainer on 'Route 9', one more wouldn't hurt.
<Picnicker Heid>
Clefairy Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Pikachu Lv. 20 <Defeated >
[Charmeleon gains 485+450 EXP. Points]
[Charmeleon grew to Lv. 27]
[You got ₽400 for winning]
After defeating the NPC trainer, I once again headed back to the Pokemon Center to heal my Pokemon since I can't take any chances inside 'Rock Tunnel' and even 1 HP can change the game.
After healing my Pokemon, I headed to the entrance of 'Rock Tunnel'.
Right in front of the entrance, a sign was placed that read:
<Detour to Lavender Town>
After reading the sign, I entered the 'Rock Tunnel'.
[You have entered Rock Tunnel]
{Image Of Rock Tunnel}
Just as I remembered from the game, it was pitch black inside 'Rock Tunnel', and I could only see one step around me.
While I was busy getting away from the players and fighting NPC trainers, I forgot to teach one of my Pokemon <Flash >.
"Shit! I forgot to teach my Pokemon <Flash >" I quickly pulled out the HM for <Flash > from my backpack and used it on Oddish.
[Oddish learned Flash]
After teaching <Flash > to Oddish, I took out its Poke Ball, and just like how I used <Teleport >, I used <Flash >.
[Oddish used Flash]
Oddish appeared and used <Flash >, which caused its body to generate white light that illuminated the surroundings.
Surprisingly, even after Oddish went back into its Poke Ball, the light didn't stop.
After using <Flash >, I was able to see a decent distance around me.
"Now I just need to explore 'Rock Tunnel' and find the exit."
With that said, I began moving along the walls of 'Rock Tunnel'.
Geodude Lv. 15 <Caught > x2 Poke Ball
[Geodude's data was added to the PokeDEX]
[Geodude was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]
I learned from my mistake, and now every time I encounter any new Pokemon, I would try to catch it so that I can fill up my PokeDEX.
Mankey Lv. 16 <Defeated >
[You found one Repel]
<PokeMANIAC Ashton>
Slowpoke Lv. 23 <Defeated >
Cubone Lv. 23 <Defeated >
{Image Of Cubone}
[Gyarados gains 429+435 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽1288 for winning]
Geodude Lv. 15 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 16 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 16 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 17 <Defeated >
After exploring around, I came across a ladder leading down.
'As I was exploring, I didn't come across any other path, so that means to move forward I would need to take this ladder'.
I descended using the ladder.
I was now in another area; I moved around to explore and find my way out of the 'Rock Tunnel'.
{Image Of B1 Of Rock Tunnel}
Onix Lv. 17 <Caught > x9 Poke Ball
[Onix's data was added to the PokeDEX]
[Onix was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]
<PokeMANIAC Winston>
Slowpoke Lv. 25 <Defeated >
[Gyarados gains 468 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽1400 for winning]
Zubat Lv. 16 <Defeated >
Zubat Lv. 16 <Defeated >
[Cubchoo grew to Lv. 22]
Geodude Lv. 16 <Defeated >
Zubat Lv. 15 <Defeated >
[You found one Revive]
<Picnicker Martha>
Bulbasaur Lv. 22 <Defeated >
Oddish Lv. 22 <Defeated >
[Cubchoo gains 303+369 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽440 for winning]
<PokeMANICA Steve>
Cubone Lv. 22 <Defeated >
Charmander Lv. 22 <Defeated >
[Cubchoo gains 378 EXP. Points]
[Charmeleon gains 293 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽1,232 for winning]
Zubat Lv. 16 <Defeated >
[You found one Potion after defeating Zubat]
<Hiker Allen>
Geodude Lv. 25 <Defeated >
[Gyarados gains 443 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽900 for winning]
Cubone Lv. 16 <Caught > x1 Poke Ball
[Cubone's data was added to the PokeDEX]
[Cubone was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]
Onix Lv. 15 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 17 <Defeated >
Zubat Lv. 16 <Defeated >
<Hiker Eric>
Onix Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Machop Lv. 20 <Defeated >
[Charmeleon gains 413+327 EXP. Points]
[Charmeleon grew to Lv. 28]
[You got ₽720 for winning]
Geodude Lv. 17 <Defeated >
I came across a ladder, which I climbed up since it was the only path forward.
<Wild Horde>
Geodude Lv. 13 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 14 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 14 <Defeated >
[Gyarados grew to Lv. 30]
<Hiker Lenny>
Machop Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 19 <Defeated >
[Gyarados gains 343+337+337+337 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽684 for winning]
<Hiker Oliver>
Geodude Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Onix Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Onix Lv. 20 <Defeated >
[Gyarados gains 356+455+455 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽720 for winning]
Geodude Lv. 15 <Got Away Safely>
Mankey Lv. 16 <Got Away Safely>
[You found one Hard Stone]
[Hard Stone : An Item to be held by a Pokemon. It increases the power of Rock-Type moves by 20%]
"I'll give this to Rhyhorn once I exit 'Rock Tunnel'."
<Hiker Lucas>
Geodude Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Graveler Lv. 21 <Defeated >
{Image Of Graveler}
[Gyarados gains 372+679 EXP. Points]
[Gyarados grew to Lv. 31]
[You got ₽756 for winning]
I came across another ladder leading down, which took me back to the basement of 'Rock Tunnel', but this time in a different area.
Zubat Lv. 16 <Got Away Safely>
<Picnicker Sofia>
Pidgey Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Jigglypuff Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Meowth Lv. 21 <Defeated >
[Charmeleon gains 248+428+311 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽420 for winning]
Geodude Lv. 15 <Got Away Safely>
[You found one Max Ether]
Onix Lv. 17 <Defeated >
<Hiker Dudley>
Graveler Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Geodude Lv. 21 <Defeated >
[Charmeleon gains 309 EXP. Points]
[Charmeleon grew to Lv. 29]
[Gyarados gains 340+372+372 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽756 for winning]
<PokeMANIAC Cooper>
Slowpoke Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Slowpoke Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Slowpoke Lv. 20 <Defeated >
[Charmeleon gains 339+170 EXP. Points]
[Gyarados gains 187+373 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽1,120 for winning]
Another ladder, and I was back on the ground floor of 'Rock Tunnel'.
<Picnicker Leah>
Clefairy Lv. 22 <Defeated >
Bellsprout Lv. 22 <Defeated >
[Gyarados gains 558+390 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽440 for winning]
<Picnicker Ariana>
Pidgey Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Snubbull Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Rattata Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Bellsprout Lv. 19 <Defeated >
[Gyarados gains 248 EXP. Points]
[Victrebel gains 245+233+360 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽380 for winning]
[You found one Pearl]
<Picnicker Dana>
Meowth Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Pidgey Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Oddish Lv. 20 <Defeated >
[Victrebel gains 297+237+335 EXP. Points]
[Victrebel grew to Lv. 27]
[You got ₽400 for winning]
Mankey Lv. 16 <Got Away Safely>
Geodude Lv. 15 <Got Away Safely>
Geodude Lv. 16 <Got Away Safely>
After exploring and fighting many NPC trainers, I came across a sign that read:
And some distance from the sign, I could see light coming.
I quickly moved towards the light, and sure enough, I was at the exit.
I was out of that dark tunnel.
[You have entered Route 10]
{Image Of Route 10}
"Finally, I am out, I don't know what I would have done if I had seen another Geodude. I lost count of how many Geodude I encountered; ever most of the NPC trainers in 'Rock Tunnel' had Geodude. I was literally losing my mind seeing a floating head with arms coming out of it on every step."
I looked around, and there were two NPC trainers standing just outside 'Rock Tunnel'.
I decided to quickly defeat them and then head to 'Lavender Town'.
<Picnicker Carol>
Pidgeotto Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Pidgey Lv. 21 <Defeated >
[Victrebel gains 549+248 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽420 for winning]
<Hiker Clark>
Geodude Lv. 21 <Defeated >
Onix Lv. 21 <Defeated >
[Victrebel gains 338+432 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽756 for winning]
After defeating the NPC, I moved towards 'Lavender Town'; since I was close to the ledges, I decided to jump over the ledges to get to 'Lavender Town' quickly.
But as I reached the last ledge, there was another NPC trainer standing there.
<Hiker Trent>
Onix Lv. 19 <Defeated >
Graveler Lv. 19 <Defeated >
[Victrebel gains 392+558 EXP. Points]
[You got ₽684 for winning]
After defeating him, I moved towards the town when another NPC trainer standing just outside of the town challenged me.
<PokeMANIAC Herman>
Cubone Lv. 20 <Defeated >
Slowpoke Lv. 20 <Defeated >
[Victrebel gains 344+339 EXP. Points]
[Victrebel grew to Lv. 28]
[You got ₽1,120 for winning]
Quickly defeating him, I finally entered 'Lavender Town'.
[You have entered Lavender Town]
{Image Of Lavender Town}
<Total Gain>
[+ ₽15,036]
[x1 Repel]
[x1 Revive]
[x1 Potion]
[x1 Hard Stone]
[x1 Max Ether]
[x1 Pearl]
<Total Loss>
[-12x Poke Ball]
<Levels >
[Cubchoo Lv. 21 > Lv. 22]
[Charmeleon Lv. 26 > Lv. 29]
[Victrebel Lv. 26 > Lv. 28]
[Gyarados Lv. 29 > Lv. 31]
<Team's Current Status>
[1 - Cubchoo Lv. 22 - 00/59 - Fainted]
[2 - Charmeleon Lv. 29 - 00/78 - Fainted]
[3 - Gyarados Lv. 31 - 05/105]
[4 - Victrebel Lv. 28 - 15/86]
[5 - Abra Lv. 19 - 42/42]
[6 - Rhyhorn Lv. 26 - 79/79 {Oddish Lv. 06 - 22/22}]