
Chapter 9

Violet Ashlock

Playing games in your life that you know you won't win in the end.. will pretty much hard. I know so well that I will lose in the end and even will fall in love with him. Just like I predicted.. Austin is using me completely just for work. He thinks I'm dumb for not realizing but little did he know that I'm playing along with him.. wanting to know until how far he will go.

I don't know if he's dumb or what.. he never cares about me. He just took me everywhere and everytime he made a deal. He's playing games with in a really obvious way.

"Have you eat?" I asked and he just ignored me. I walked out from the room and bought myself a bagel. I ate it myself and walked back to the room.

"Babe, let's have a date." I said and he looked up.

"Violet baby.. I'm busy." He might say sweet things but he never mean it.

"Oh come on, you always busy.. I'm your girlfriend, at least you should spare time for me." I said and he sighed.