
Chapter 25

Austin Portwalt

I took a really deep breath and got out of my car. I walked into the lift and pressed the L button. My heart was beating so crazily to the fact that I'm going to see Violet again. I miss her.. I just miss her.. and it makes me crazy.

I walked out from the lift when the door opened. I walked towards the ballroom and showed the employee my invitation. As soon as I walked into the ballroom, I scanned the room to find Violet.

"Austin.." I turned to see Alex


"How are you?" He asked.

"Not in a good state.. physically and psychologically.." I said honestly.

"She's on the right side of this ballroom." Alex patted my shoulder and I smiled to him.

"Thanks." I walked to the right side of the ballroom and tried to find Violet. My eyes landed on her right away when I saw that captivating blue eyes. She's currently talking to someone smiling widely and I felt my body automatically walk to her.