
Chapter 24

Austin Portwalt

3 months later..

"Are you a human or a monkey?" Blake asked and I ignored him. I sipped all the strong liquor in one shot. Blake took all the alcohol away from me and punched me really hard. This is not the first time he punched me.. it's been a hundred of times and I just let him.

"Get yourself together and find her!" He bursted angrily and I sighed. I got up from my seat and walked out from the private room. I got into my car and sped up to my apartment. I opened my apartment door and froze to see Violet standing in front of the fridge smiling at me.

"Violet." I called her and smiled. I walked to her but she disappeared.

"Austin!" I turned to the dining room and saw her gesturing for me to see. I walked to her and again.. she disappeared. I've been hallucinating her since she left. I'm starting to get crazy. I screamed my lungs out.