
Chapter 22

Violet Ashlock

"Everything is set, Ms. Ashlock." My secretary said through the phone.

"Good.. Settle that and send me the file." I said.

"You're still working?" Austin asked.

"I just need to check it and after that I'm done." I smiled at him.

"Good.. because I don't want our work to interrupt our wedding." He kissed my cheek and I nodded.

We're currently in Miami checking the wedding venue and everything. We need to make sure that everything is in place because I don't want any imperfection in my wedding.

"Babe.. What do you want to eat? I can ask my secretary to buy it." Austin asked.


"Salad? You've been eating that these days." He said.

"I need to fit in my wedding dress, Austin." I said and he sat in front of me.

"You will fit.. Don't worry. I'll buy you a salmon steak okay? How's that sound?" He smiled and held my hand. I nodded weakly.

"That's my girl." He said and ruffled my hair.