
System Activates

It was a Christmas afternoon when suddenly the earth shook and then moments later random portals appeared out of no where. A few days later people started getting random notifications pop up in front of them saying welcome to the player base, All of a sudden monsters started pouring out of the portals all across the world. Me I'm a 24 year old Male whose currently in college and I'm one of those so called players however like everyone else I had no idea what that ment. Next morning I watched the news about the monsters appearing and how only players where able to beat them, So I went through the money system and read all the information in it. As I finished reading it a notification popped up saying you're the first to read the information we are rewarding you with a unique system called Godless system. Next thing it said I could choose a class between 3 unique classes being 1: Sky God 2: Fire God or 3: Demon God each of the classes where 1 of a kind and only able to be used by 1 person. After thinking about it I went to click Fire God but the system shocked me to where I passed out. When I woke up I turned out it gave me all 3 classes and I my system said congratulations on getting lucky. I officially decided to go to a dungeon to attempt to complete it.