
Player with 1 ATK and 1 DEF Stat

Satori, a high school student who came to life as a player at the age of 17, hopes to one day play professionally in order to make money and put money down for the future. After completing the tutorial, He starts grinding for EXP hoping for his stats to grow up. He regularly defeated low-level monsters, yet his ATK and DEF were still 1.

Yamiru · Fantasía
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5 Chs


"It's been a week since the Devil gave me a hard time. The boss may have low health, but the attack pattern is too hard. However, since my agility is high, it's too easy to dodge. Satori writes this down in his diary and puts it in the drawer under the table.

"I can summon the boss that gave me a hard time and turn it into a servant," he thinks to himself. He looks up and opens his inventory system, grabs the scroll, and puts it on the floor. Then he puts the Real Blade inside the scroll. "This better work." He clicks the summon button on the system screen. A circle appears that looks like a summoning ritual. A heart shape then comes out from the summoning ritual.

"Ahh, I remember this... The second boss's phase," he says to himself as he slowly steps back. "You called for me?" the voice of a girl speaks from the heart-shaped object as she starts to change her form into a girl instead of her devil form. "Strange, isn't your devil form like full-body black?" he asks. "I may only activate it if you give me an order or when we're in a pinch."

"I see. You're cute," he says to her as he smiles. She then flinches for a bit as she hears it. "Thank you. But may I ask what name you will give me? As your servant, I need one."

"Oh, right... Let me think," he replies, looking at her closely. "Lilith Kokoro!" He is proud of the name except for her. "Master, Please give me a better name..." She sighs. "Eh?! Isn't it a good name?!" She looks away with a blank expression. "Hecatia." She looks at him with a smile. "Much better." He looks away with a sigh.

"Now then, let me see your stats," he says, swiping the air to open the system stats for Hecatia's profile. "Eh? Level 1? But your ATK is already at 100!?" He looks at her and then back at the stats. "As expected of an SSS boss," he mutters.

Then a short girl opens the door. "Hello, Satori! What are you-" She stares at Hecatia. "Laplace, it's been a while!" Laplace then glares on Satori. "Bringing a woman, I see how it is..." Her aura starts flowing around her body. "Looks like you need some correction, Sa-to-ri!" She lunges at Satori, and a blade comes out of her hands.

"You've misunderstood something!!!" Before Laplace can get near Satori, Hecatia steps in front of him and tackles Laplace to the ground. "Ack!" Hecatia then disarms her blade and points it at her face. "What's the order, Master?" She looks at Satori. "S-She's friendly. Let her go."

"Master?! So, Satori, you need some explanation going on right here," Laplace says, glaring at Satori. "Yes, yes, I will do that... but you need to cool your head first."

She sighed and looked at him. "So, start explaining," she demanded. He let out a deep sigh. "Okay, okay, Hecatia is actually my servant," he admitted. Laplace's anger flared up, and she glared at him with bulging veins in her forehead. "I know that you idiot!" she shouted at him.

He shouted back at her, "Then why did you want me to explain if you already knew!?" She shot back, "Because you didn't explain how or why, you moron!" The two continued to bicker, their argument devolving exchange of insults and frustrations.

"Ohh, I see... Then let me explain this time..." He sits down on the ground. "Hecatia, is actually a Rank SSS Boss, Her original name was "The Devil" but I defeated her. "...You mean this girl who is currently holding me down is a Rank SSS Boss? then how did you make her into your servant?"

"I defeated her and got her weapon and the scroll of familiar, though there's a requirement which I already have met and here we are in the present." He gives himself applause. "...I see, then have you seen her stats?" Laplace asked.

"Here you go." He swiped the air and passed the system stats of Hecatia's profile. "Level 1, ATK 100?! DEF 120?!" She was shocked and surprised at the same time. "That's the same reaction I had."

"I can't believe it. She's still at level 1, yet her stats are already so high..." Hecatia then releases Laplace. "Hm? Oh, I forgot that I'm still on the ground." She stands up and takes a closer look at Hecatia's stats. "These abilities are marked as '???' - do you have any idea what that means?" Laplace looks at him, waiting for an answer.

Satori shrugged. "I mean, I guess there must be a reason why her abilities are hidden." Laplace tilted her head for a moment and looked at Hecatia. "How about we test your servant in an A-Rank Dungeon?"

"That's fine with me, but I have to go check on my little sister and mom." Satori turns around and checks the time on his phone. "Yeah, I gotta go. Laplace, I'll leave Hecatia to you, and Hecatia, make sure to behave with Laplace." Hecatia nods as Satori opens the window and vaults outside, landing gracefully. He starts jogging towards his destination.

"Well, shall we go?" Laplace asked Hecatia, who nodded in response. They got into Laplace's car and drove towards the nearest open-gate dungeon. As they arrived and found out it was an A-Rank dungeon, Laplace parked the car nearby. "Oh, it's an A-Rank dungeon. Well then, shall we?" Laplace said as she and Hecatia got out of the car and entered the dungeon.

As the two entered, the inside was filled with skeletons lying around the ground and some of them were hanging. "It must be an undead dungeon. Look out for the necro-" Before Laplace could finish her sentence, Hecatia crouched down and dashed towards the dungeon. "Mancer..." Laplace shook her head and followed Hecatia cautiously, making sure to stay alert for any traps or enemies.

"Eh? She's fast..." Laplace follows her as she notices Hecatia muttering <Body Enhancement> and her movement speed increases. As they run deep into the dungeon, Laplace notices Hecatia's left arm turning black where her knife was equipped. "What's that black substance?" she asks herself.

Hecatia then destroyed the massive door leading to the boss room. "It's the Shadow Necromancer!" Laplace shouted as she aimed her palms at Hecatia. "Holy Barrier!" Hecatia's body was then protected by a barrier, and she looked at Laplace and nodded in thanks. Hecatia crouched down again, and her eyes turned red.

She holds onto her <Real Blade> mutters <Crimson Pierce>, then. She sprinted over to the shadow necromancer and five times stabbed it in the face. Sanguine Slice, she murmurs as her "Real Blade" flashes crimson. She then slashed the shadow necromancer's head, forcing it to fall to the ground and crumble into dust.

"The system screen displays a message: 'Hecatia has leveled up.' It seems that she managed to defeat the A-Rank Boss using only two skills. Unbelievable!" Laplace exclaims, covering her mouth in astonishment. She notices that Hecatia's black arm is no longer there and asks to herself, "Has the black substance disappeared?"

Suddenly, the two are teleported out of the dungeon and the gate closes behind them on its own. Laplace is deep in thought, "Satori, your servant... is really the Devil..." she thinks to herself. Hecatia notices Laplace's expression and asks, "What's wrong?" As she looks into Laplace's eyes. Laplace quickly composes herself and responds, "Nothing, let's go."

The two enter the car and Laplace takes one last glance at Hecatia before shaking her head as they drive away.