
Player 1 joins the game/Pureya 1 ga gemu ni sankashimasu

One gentle morning next to his darling, Kenta Ieda remembers everything that they managed to endure together on the way to becoming a happy couple. However, there is one “but”, a lot of beauties were spinning next to Kenta, including his chosen one. Who will be her? Together with you, readers, we are going to dive into the school romance story of Kenta Ieda and feel all these emotions with him: happiness, sadness, joy, etc. I really hope, you will love it and, maybe this story will warm your hearts during cold nights.

faith_in_the_Lord · Ciudad
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7 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Milk Caramel ○1

Chapter 5:

Milk Caramel ○1

[I want to wake up smelling your scent next to me]

*How is it possible that Akemi-san is coming to my house even though it's almost nighttime?*

Such thoughts rushed through Kenta's head as he and Akemi approached Kenta's house. Not far away they could already see a large mansion, the house of the Ieda family. It was all built in a modern style, many elements of the house were glass, which emphasized the incredible elegance, and also, the color of the material of which the house consisted was white, but under the moonlight, the material gave off a slightly darker grayish color. The house consisted of three floors: two above-ground and one underground. The light from the panoramic windows was hitting so hard that it seemed as if all the city's electricity was coming off here.

- Wow, what a beautiful house you have, Ieda-kun! - Akemi exclaimed.

- Yeah, my father didn't skimp on it. I remember when this house was first built when I was little. We used to live in one of my father's hotels.

- It wasn't easy for your father, was it?

- Yeah, he worked hard. It wasn't easy, but I'm glad he can rest now. By the way, what's your dad's job, Yokota-san?

- My dad's job? My dad is the director of a logistics company, it wasn't easy for him in the beginning either. And now, he gives a lot to people in need. He owns several charities himself.

- That's awesome! He donates money to people in need, so he doesn't let money tempt him.

- Yeah, I think so too. I don't care how much my future husband earns, as long as he's as kind and honest to others as my dad is.

- Heh, but I don't think you've been missing Mamoru-san here. He's kind and helpful and also not poor. His family has something to do with the railroad business, right?

- Yes, but he wants to earn his own money instead of squandering his parents' money. He wants to find something he'll enjoy, so he made it his goal to find that kind of business.

- It sounded like a real romantic manga.

- Ha ha ha. Yeah, you're right.... What a nice evening breeze.

- Yes, you're right. Such a bliss to walk under it. Also that moon, it's so beautiful tonight.

- Incredibly beautiful.

Akemi smiled as she looked at the moon, but after a few moments, she and Kenta turned to each other. Their faces were completely red with embarrassment and the realization of what they had just said to each other. They abruptly turned away from each other.

- Um... Yokota-san, we're here now.

- Y-yes... Let's go inside.

Akemi and Kenta went inside Ieda's house through the front door. At that time, his sister Rin ran out into the hallway to greet her brother.

- Ahh... Brother? Who's that with you? - Rin asked with surprise.

- Ahh... Rin, this is my schoolm... I mean, girlfriend.

- Nice to meet you, Rin. My name is Yokota Akemi. Recently, your brother and I started dating.

Rin stiffened from not understanding the whole situation and not knowing what to do now.

- Y-yes... Pleased to meet you. I'm Rin Yeda.

Rin ran towards one of the living rooms, calling out to her parents:

- Mom, Dad, Kenta is here. And he's... not alone. He has his girlfriend with him.

- GIRLFRIEND?! - Kenta's parents asked each other at once and immediately rushed into the hallway.

*I never knew they would react so violently to something like that. *

Man and woman appeared in the hallway wearing homemade clothes, which, despite their purpose, were neatly ironed and had a very presentable appearance. The man was tall, of medium build, and even a little thin. His hair was smoothed back, but still had a slightly chaotic appearance, and a few strands of hair were visible in the front, hanging slightly down closer to his eyebrow line. The woman, was also a tall, neat middle-aged woman. Her hair was braided into a neat bundle and it looked extremely elegant. As she stood across from Akemi, her arms were elegantly crossed.

- Did our little son get a pretty girl. You spend so much time reading books, Ke-kun, we were starting to get worried. I'm Ke-kun's mom. You can just call me Aki.

- Yes, our son is a great trouble maker. I hope he hasn't caused you any trouble. Let's meet Yoichi Ieda, Kenta's father. Don't just stand there, let's go to the kitchen.

- Yes, of course, thank you, - Akemi replied shyly.

The kitchen, like the rest of the house, was well lit, like Christmas lights. I don't even need to describe what their kitchen was like. Lots of modern fixtures, expensive furniture, a large table, aristocratic dishes, and heaps of ingredients for cooking all kinds of viands.

Kenta's dad sat them down at the table.

- I think you're tired from walking all day today. How about our milk caramel tea? It's very soothing. I think you'll like it. It's good for calming the nerves, even makes you a little drowsy. The tea itself tastes great, it has little bits of strawberry in it, and the milk caramel gives it a nice creamy aftertaste.

- Wow, you're into tea drinking? - Akemi asked excitedly.

- I guess, tea is my passion, an art that I love to explore. Every sip of high quality tea is like a newly written masterpiece.

- I never really thought about the full depth of this ritual.

- Huh, here you go, try this.

Kenta's dad held out a cup of tea to Akemi, and thick steam was coming out. Akemi only lightly inhaled the aroma of the tea, and it enveloped her thoughts. She felt warm, as if she had been snatched away by a warm plaid during a heavy snowfall.

- What a beauty!

- You see, enjoy it.

- Thank you so much.

The evening went beautifully. Kenta, his parents, and Akemi had tea. Then Kenta and Akemi went up to his room. Akemi was getting ready to leave.

- I'll see you out, Yokota-san.

- Kenta-kun, let's not be so formal. We are playing the role of a couple. Call me Akemi.

- W-what? Ahhh.... Okay... Yokot.... I mean, Akemi-san.

- Good grief. Sit down for a while.

- Okay.

Kenta sat down on the bed next to Akemi. His breathing quickened, he looked at her, and then... Akemi plopped down on Kenta's shoulder and fell asleep.

「What to do now?」