
Play Until Love

Xaviar Dale a.k.a Childe, a professional e-sports player, is on a break in the esports circle to study at E University. Calista, an elegant flower student at E University, was participating in a popular event at the University festival. What would a professional e-sports player, and an elegant flower student fateful encounter shall be?

SugarPlumFairy · Adolescente
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14 Chs

CH 4

Xaviar and Calista arrived in front of the stadium. Calista texted Kylie where she and Oliver were seated. While doing that, Xaviar is roaming on the surroundings, also searching for them.

"I know where they are." Calista murmured then looked at Xaviar, but, Xaviar didn't hear it because of the sound of the speakers. Calista poked Xaviar's arm. He looked at her confused. She signaled him to follow her. Before walking, Xaviar grabs her arm. She looked back and Xaviar whispered in her ear.

"I think it's better to take a hold of you, there's too many people. We might lose each other on the way." Calista was flustered by what he said. So instead, she turned her arm so she could link arms with him. Xaviar was surprised by her gesture. She tiptoed to reach his ears

"Now, you don't have to worry about losing me in the crowd. Let's go?" Xaviar could only nod. His ears were red and his heartbeat was fast. As they walked together while linking arms, the people who knew and saw them were enraged with gossip.

"OMG is that Calista Roe?"

"This is the first time I saw Calista get that close with someone other than Oliver."

"OMG they are linking arms!"

"Isn't that Childe?"

"Why is he holding hands with the Computer Science Department Beauty?"

"I know that he's professional, but he needs to line up for our White Rose!"

"Yeah! He got our goddess to link arms with him."

"Not even Oliver could touch Calists that easily."

"But I think they suit together though."

"IKR! Visual couple!"

All eyes were on them. Calista was awkward but maintained her posture while Xaviar kept his eyes forward for his heart was about to burst.

'This is the first time I felt this way. This is too much.' He thought. Luckily, they spotted Kylie waving at them. She was shocked by them and her mouth formed an 'o'. She wiggled Oliver to look at them. His eyes grew big and hurriedly took out his phone to take pictures. Upon realizing, Calista and Xaviar withdrew their arm, felt embarrassed.

'Cali, what's wrong with you.' She scolded herself. Xaviar is looking at her expression and his ears are red as a tomato.

'I didn't think I would be that comfortable to agree to that gesture with him/her.' They both said in their minds.

"Hello? Earth to Calista and Xaviar? Your seats don't serve you there." Kylie broke their thought, so they went to their seats. Their seating position will be, Xaviar, Calista, Kylie, Oliver.

"Hey Cali, I sent the photo to aunt." Oliver teasingly said. Calista glared at him and was about to stand up and hit him when Kylie pinched Oliver's ears.

Shortly the announcer showed up on the stage.

"Greetings everyone. Thank you for coming on short notice. We, the faculty and staffs have a grand event for you all. In the upcoming school founding festival, we will held an e-sports event which has been popular for quite a while. Mobile Legends. Each department must have two teams, Boys and Girls category.The winners will not only receive a prize, but can also meet Inoc E-sports personally. Next is our famous 'choose your woman'. Which are the girls who are participating will have a veil. And the boys will have to pick their match. If the boys pick the same girl, they will have to fight regarding the spin of the wheel. But this time, let's spice things up. Instead of spin the wheel, they will embark on a 1 versus 1 on Mobile Legends. The person who wins will be the girl's partner. But if there's so many who will pair up to the girl, we will just have a brackets prepared for it." The crowd was in awe.

"By the way, the ladies that will participate will be a secret. It's more fun that way isn't it?" The principal chuckled. "We will held it in 2 months. So students, Give me the entertainment of a lifetime."

AFTER THE Announcement by the Faculties and Staffs, the student council President took over the microphone.

"Hello everyone, we know that all of you are excited for the event. But of course, we would also like to announce that the Student Council and other student organizations have collaborated on the upcoming event. Also, we would like all of you to submit the suggestion box of what booths we shall have, events or entertainment programs, and the night of the student's party that will be held on the E-field. Further announcements will be passed on to the next meeting. Thank you very much."

"Dear students, you can now go back to your respective dorm or go home for now, the school faculties and staff will hold another meeting after this so enjoy your afternoon."

The crowd was overjoyed because they will have a freetime after the announcement. Kylie is already planning where to go since it is an opportunity for them to enjoy themselves. Oliver is watching a pro game on his phone, Calista is still reading and Xaviar is playing his rubik's cube. The eyes on their area was on them.

" I smell fishy on those four."

"Yeah, That new guy easily got in their triangle."

"It took me 2 years to approach only Kylie"

"Same here, They are too hard to approach because of their presence."

"Like royalties."

"Aura is like them but more approachable."

"Yeah, Aura is friendly"

"Aura from the Business Management Department?"

"Yeah, not only is she smart and beautiful, she is also good at playing mobile legends."

"That's why she's one of the top beauties."

"I don't know why she's only in the 3rd spot though."

Near the gossip group, there was a woman sitting meters in front of them.

"Aura, they really idolized you." Mary, a student, roommate, friend of Aura.

"Aw stop it, I think they just appreciate me. I am always told to be kind to everyone." Aura, 3rd spot of the beauty in E-University.

"Well, you're much more beautiful than those two." Mary said then rolled her eyes. Aura was flustered then looked at Kylie and Calista.

"I want to be friends with them." She said to Mary. But Mary tsked.

"Aura, you do realize that after Malia, Kylie will be your biggest competitor in the beauty ranking, right? Why don't you focus on getting more beautiful than hoping to be their friend?" Mary pleaded.

Aura glanced at Kylie who was talking to Calista and Calista attentively listened to Kylie and a girl joined their conversation. Kylie was shocked and hugged the girl while Calista smiled and held the girl's hand. Aura was envious as she also wants to be friends with Calista. She wondered and planned a time for them to meet without Mary looking.

'I want to be friends with Kylie And Calista. I have to think of a way to approach them. This is my final year at E-University. I have to.' She thought to herself. She stands up and reasoned out to Mary that she needs to go home and leave the stadium.

BACK AT KYLIE and Calista who were talking about where to hang out, their conversation was interrupted by Malia, who just got back from abroad. Kylie was so happy that she jumped to hug Malia, Calista smiled then greeted her while she held her hand.

"Maliaaa~ I thought you won't be back until next week?" Kylie cried.

"Aw, Don't cry sweet girl, my errands went well so I took a flight back ASAP." Malia answered.

"Welcome back, Malia." Calista said while smiling. Malia is in a daze because the flower in front of her smiled. Then her eyes went behind Calista. Malia was stunned.

"Xaviar? What are you doing here?" Xavier turned his head.

"Oh, Malia? I'm here to finish my degree."

"So, How's Charles?" She asked.

"Call him to find out." He bluntly answered. Malia glares at him. But Malia felt chills when Kylie looked at her with a look.

"Gossip? Hmmm." She turned to Calista "I smell gossip dear."

"We already know the story honey." Oliver who just came back after receiving a call. Kylie was shocked.

"What?! How could you not tell this to me?!" Kylie felt betrayed.

"Well, you're the one who brushed it off and told Malia that she can tell it to you once she's back from abroad." Calista defended.

"I–i, Okay fine" Kylie rolled her eyes and linked arms with Oliver.

"I have to go back to the bootcamp. I still need to pick up my clothes and transfer it to the university dorm." Xaviar then bids goodbye. He turned to Calista and smiled at her. Calista smiled back and waves. As he leaves he heard what Kylie said.

"You know Calista, you two will make a great match. Considering you both give off the same energy."

"Also, you're both paaisjurr–" He couldn't hear the last sentence since he was far away. He wondered what they said.