
Play Until Love

Xaviar Dale a.k.a Childe, a professional e-sports player, is on a break in the esports circle to study at E University. Calista, an elegant flower student at E University, was participating in a popular event at the University festival. What would a professional e-sports player, and an elegant flower student fateful encounter shall be?

SugarPlumFairy · Adolescente
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14 Chs

CH 2

"Oliver, what are we doing at the airport so early in the morning?" Calista sleepily asked while leaning at the window.

"Picking up a friend." He simply said. Calista yawned and simply drifted to sleep.

Viar Calling…..

Oliver answered.


"I'll be outside the airport in 10 minutes. Have you arrived?"

"Yes, who would have thought that the legendary prince charming of esports wants to be picked up by his best friend." He jokingly said.

"Yeah, whatever." He hung up. Oliver just chuckled, 'he's still the same.' He thought.

After 9 minutes, Xaviar finally saw his best friend waving at him.


"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm having a hiatus so I can finally focus on my priorities for now."

"I see, by the way, my cousin is with me since she is also going on the same road as us. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

Hearing that, Xaviar's heart beat faster.

"Who?" He asked.

"Don't worry. It's not your crush. It's my younger cousin even though we are of the same batch, she is still 3 years younger than us." Oliver explained. He had an ounce of relief when he heard that.

"You can sit on the passenger's seat, since she is in the backseat, sleeping." Xaviar just nodded and went in. He looked back and just saw a caterpillar shaped blanket. Oliver also went in and looked back. He laughed and said;

"Don't mind the worm in the backseat, that's what she does when she is sleeping at the backseat."

"Yeah, I think she is more of a caterpillar than a worm." He commented. Oliver just laughed and started the engine.

AT THE road, they talked as if they never separated for 2 years.

"How's life being a professional e-sports player?" Oliver asks.

"I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy being at the spotlight. These past two years, I experienced a rollercoaster ride. There is no exact explanation of what I felt. Up until now, I still want to achieve greater performance so all of the e-sports circle will not take my team lightly." Xaviar answered. Oliver was amused by his friends' resolve and was inspired of what he had become. 'I want to achieve it too.' He also came up with his resolution.

"I heard that your mage player will retire?"

"Yes. Right now, they are looking for a new player that can fit the role and can keep up with our pace." He sighed.

"What if I try out on the team?"

"Are you interested?" Xaviar raised one of his brow. Oliver nodded.

"You know that if it wasn't for the accident, I would have been with you. Now that you're needing a player. I will do anything to fit into the role. You're not the only one who has an ambition on e-sports." Oliver said then rolled his eyes. Xaviar chuckled.

"Well, I wish you the best."

After 20 minutes, they have arrived at E University. Xaviar went ahead to get himself enrolled while Oliver struggles to wake his cousin up.

"Cali, we've already arrived 5 minutes ago, wake up sleeping beauty." He pleaded. "Right now, you're becoming a cocoon than a caterpillar or a worm." He jokingly said. But, Calista is still fast asleep. He sighed then took out his phone and called out to his girlfriend. Kylie picked up.

"Honey~ Calista won't wake up." He cried. "I tried everything but she became a cocoon." He complained. Kylie just pursed her lips. Stopping herself from laughing.

"I'm right next to your car, moron." She said then hung up. Oliver turned to his right and saw Kylie. He rushed to hug her then continued his complaint. Kylie brushed him off then head towards the Calista cocoon.

"Calista, wake up. I bought you some egg sandwich with iced coffee." Kylie said. Calista immediately broke out from her cocoon blanket and stared at Kylie.

"Where is it? I'm hungry."

"Here." She then gives it to her.

"Thanks. Love you." Calista smiled. Kylie blushed. Oliver is jealous.

"Calista, it's almost the first period. Just eat while walking." Oliver said. Calista nodded and they bid farewell to Kylie who's course is foreign language. As the two walked towards their department, they stumbled across a bunch of people. They both looked at each other, curious as it is. Oliver asked one of the people there.

"Excuse me, what is going on?"

"Childe from blocklist just enrolled at our university! He is also taking Computer Science." The man answered then squeezed himself towards the crowd. Oliver only nodded while Calista tilted her head.

They finally arrived at the classroom and went to their seats. Minutes later the teacher arrived.

"Good morning, I am pleased to announce that there will be a new enrollee in our class. Please come in and introduce yourself." The teacher announced. The man walked in. All of the people except for the teacher, Oliver and Calista were stunned.

"Hi, I am Xaviar Dale. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." He introduced. The teacher pointed to a vacant seat beside Calista. Xaviar makes his way through and sits down. Calista stared at him then looked away.

'Why is he also here?' She thought. As the teacher discusses, Calista was lost in thought until the bell rang. She hadn't noticed that the man beside her was staring at her all along.

"Hey." He greeted. Calista broke out of thought when hearing his voice then turned to him.

"Hello. I'm Calista." She Introduced herself.

"Xaviar. Nice to meet you." His lips form a small smile. She just nodded then smiled. The two just keep staring until Oliver spoke.

"Ehem. Person here?" He announced his existence. Calista broke her stare then started fixing her things. Xaviar is still staring at her. Oliver raised one of his brow.

"Let's have lunch together. I'll call my girlfriend. And Viar, we need to talk." Oliver seriously spoke. Xaviar looked at him and nodded. Calista just shrug.

As they are walking. Oliver told Calista to go on ahead for he needs to talk with Xaviar about something.

"Viar, I know that look. Even if we haven't met for two years, I still know you like my favorite mangas." Oliver said. "Let me clarify things. Are you interested with my cousin?" He asked.

"Yes." He answered without batting an eyelash. "To be my friend." He added. Oliver sighed in relief.

"Good decision. I still remember of you're failed confession to my other cousin." Oliver reminisced then Xaviar stretched his left leg in front of walking Oliver, making him tripped.

"AH HEY!" He yanked. Calista stopped her tracks and looked behind her.

"I didn't know you're that much of a cluts, Oli." She commented then proceed to walking. Oliver gave a betrayed look on her. Xaviar just laughed.

'She's interesting.' He thought. Then helped Oliver up and followed Calista.