
Plants vs Zombies the third element

It was just your typical weekend for Jason Rivera, chilling in his room minding his own business. messing around on on the Xbox late at night playing GW2, getting clowned on cause he’s shit at the game. it’s not his internet he’s just ass, he would have no further excuse if you asked him. even so he still was having fun with friends but then BAM! power goes out! nothing better to do other than wait for who knows how long or sleep? he decided to go to bed in hopes the power would be on. only for him to wake up in a entirely different house, in a different neighborhood than he remembered. could be worse, after all he could’ve got the pain of getting killed by truck Kun. ———————— heyoooo! thank you for taking interest in this story, this was just made cause I couldn’t get the idea out my head and figured why not give writing fanfics another try? here is a few warnings before you dive in! I am not an experienced writer! my skills in my honest opinion will be lacking and may not hold up to your expectations, my literacy/grammar skills are also not up to par. not cause I don’t know my English but just cause I’m honestly stupid. I tried paying attention in school but it is what it is. another thing if you see any flaws in grammar please let me know! but if your just going to be rude because you don’t like something and won’t be helpful to help me improve so you can enjoy the story then just leave. plenty other authors for you to bother.

Lucky_Shot · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

it’s training day!

-updated near the end, 90% of the chapter didn't change just added more words near the end cause it was bothering me that I didn't make this chapter 2K worth of words,

Updated again, was just trying to fix some words the chapter hasn't been changed. Working on the next chapter and the next chapter for my other fic rn-

Once Jason set up some makeshift targets for his peashooters he immediately got them ready for training their aim, which they listened without any complaint that he was happy for. As for the sun flowers he didn't know exactly what he could have them train for besides trying to produce sun faster.

They was healers and supports so it would be best if they could decrease the time it takes to release sun for the frontline plants that would be getting attacked first. Jason pondered some more as he watched the peashooters fire peas at the targets he set up for them.

A good portion missing the center part of the target but that was okay, they was trying and that was all that mattered to him. In time they would improve along with experience facing the zombies.

As for the sunflowers they was all concentrating hard, producing sun that would slowly fade away. Jason wondered where exactly those sun that aren't collected went, producing sun faster seemed to tire out more quickly.

But that would help the sunflowers build stamina in the long wrong. As for Jason? He was repeatedly swinging his shovel at the air, practicing his swings and even running back and forth with it. He knew he had to work on stamina at all cost, he wasn't overweight nor weak but he was a major introvert who wasn't exactly fit either.

He only ever left home if he had too or for other reasons, like work responsibilities or other matters that affected him. If he didn't need to leave his house then he'll stay home, he wasn't active by any means so his stamina was rather poor. As well as his speed, so he was going to try and improve them both.

There are stronger zombies than regular brown coats, like the football player zombie and gargantuar zombie. Especially from the ones in garden warfare, he had to prepare for the future.

While Crazy Dave was perfectly fine leading the plants from behind the scenes Jason wasn't, he was nothing like Crazy Dave. Jason not dumb but not super smart either. Nor was he going to be comfortable letting his plants fight the zombies without him.

He definitely was going to be on the front lines to help them. His mind was already made up on that matter.

After swinging his shovel around multiple times, he didn't even notice how sore his arms was getting and drained he was as well from how deeply lost he was in his own thoughts.

The sound of more peas firing than the ones shooting at the targets took him out of his thoughts. "Another attack already? They sure are persistent undead" the sounds alerted his training plants but he simply held his hand out to stop them from following him.

"It's okay guys, I'll go check it out and see how the new plants are doing. Just keep training alert?" He said with a smile, which easily help convince the plants to go back to their training.

Jason then would make his way through his house, passing crazy Dave who was making more lemonade for no apparent reason and opened his front door to see a good sight.

It was just a bunch of brown coats, not even a large swarm of them either that was getting mowed down by the repeaters and ice peashooters. It was an interesting sight seeing the ice peas in action as they was slightly different from how they worked in game.

The ice peas did more damage than the regular peashooter, evident by the fact the frozen peas hit harder. It was frozen round pea round that was being shot at high volecity after all.

Compared to a normal pea round, a frozen one is much more….whats the word? Durable? Rough? You get the point of what Jason trying to say, overall a frozen pea was stronger and hit harder than a normal pea.

It's not only stronger but it still had the slowness effect when it hits any zombie, evident by Jason watching as a brown coat zombie knee gets obliterated for its crime of existing as a ice pea round hits it and shattered into frozen pieces and that the rest of the zombie suddenly had a more dark blue hue to it.

With the sudden loss of its right leg up to the knee, the zombie would fall over and get its head caved in by a repeater firing at it. Jason didn't have to do anything really. The attacking number of the zombies was too few to worry about, even without the wallnuts, potato mines and chompers the Repeaters and ice peas will be alright.

So Jason just watched, seeing how the ice pea rounds cause more damage than a regular pea round. And of course do it's intended effect, making the zombie already slow movements even slower.

The battle only lasted for about a minute or so, with nothing else truly worth mentioning than burying more zombies in the dirt to see if they'll be good fertilizer. Once he was finished with that chore he would head back inside just to see Crazy Dave making a Taco.

Seeing the Taco would make Jason eye twitch a bit, seeing that Taco gave him a sort of PTSD. For you see dear readers, in PVZ2 a taco holds significant importance plot of the game.

Because Crazy Dave ate a taco in modern day dropped by a zombie or hot sauce. Jason can't remember fully other than the taco was so damn good Crazy Dave needed to eat it again.

By abusing TIME, so he tries to go back in time. Enters the wrong time period and then travels all throughout time battling Zomboss, who probably the good guy -sorta of- in which crazy Dave is fucking up the entire space time continuum. All for the sake of wanting to eat the same Taco again.

Crazy Dave went back in time, to eat the same taco. This is a thing he casually did in PVZ with no fucks about the consequences of time travel. Jason is certainly not helping Crazy Dave time travel for a taco.

Even if getting a whole bunch of new plants might be worth it. "Now that I think about it…bringing new plants in modern day might be worth it...no that's stupid!" Shaking his head to focus as Crazy Dave eats his taco while watching 'my little pony' on Jason Tv.

Apparently Crazy Dave fan, who knew? Feeling a bit spent from training with the shovel, and burying a bunch of corpses Jason would sit down on the couch with Crazy Dave.

And lean his head back closing his eyes for a moments of rest.

-meanwhile at Dr Zomboss lair-

Dr Edgar Zomboss was having a good time right now, taking over a good portion of neighborville. Collecting Brainz for himself and his dumb minions, currently it was time to watch his favorite show and eat his favorite snack and drink his favorite drink.

"Fluttershy is by far my favorite pony!" Zomboss said to himself as he watches 'my little pony' eating pop tarts and drinking orange juice. Should he be focusing his efforts on conquering neighborville? Yes, however he would disagree if you asked him.

For his show was equally as important and one should always take a break to do something they enjoy to rest the mind and let it relax before doing a hard task.

Zomboss was about to take a sip of his orange juice, only for a certain zombie to open his door. Not knowing he should knock before entering and slammed the door into the wall making a bang.

This would make Zomboss spit out his orange juice that he was drinking through a straw and panicky change the channel on the Tv. He then turns to look at his zombie with an angry look, "well?! What is so important you have to barge into my room unannounced! You low brain pion!" He shouted with his arms cross as Greg the brown coat zombie pondered for a moment to gather his thoughts in the best way to convey what he learned.

"Aaaaaa….your hated enemy is not home boss, he's at some walking meat suit home" he said letting out a typical zombie groan at the start. While Zomboss would stare blankly, zomboss was interested BOS and gestured for Greg to continue on, while Zomboss taking mental note on how Greg was more intelligent than a zombie should be.

-half later-

It didn't take Greg long to explain to his boss about the walking meatsuit and his hated enemy being in one place, Zomboss wanted nothing more than to destroy his hated rival and greatest enemy. And this was the perfect opportunity to strike considering David was as well protected now considering he was at neighbors home.

"Hmmmm David is a smart fool, a fool but a clever one none the less…he will have tricks up his metal hat. No matter I will just force him to reveal all his tricks with overwhelming numbers and get him to surrender and accept that I! Edward Zomboss am the greatest inventor alive! And get him to admit he cheated the science fair MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA- ack!"

Zomboss was monologuing to himself at the moment, ignoring Greg who starred with awe at how smart his boss truly was, sending overwhelming numbers of his brothers to capture his most hated enemy to admit defeat? Truly genius, perfect even. Perhaps even the best plans of plans!

While Greg was in the middle of daydreaming of vicotry, Zomboss was struggling to breath as he choked on nothing but air somehow during his stereotypical evil villain laugh. Once catching his breath he would point towards Greg who stood at attention.

"You! You know where he staying at his neighbors therefore you shall gather some forces and direct them towards the house, capture David but the human you may have its brains" he said to Greg who nods to his boss and immediately shuffled out the room, Greg already had in mind who he wanted to join him on the attack, he even had a plan in mind as well!

Meanwhile as Greg left the room, Zomboss waited before quickly taking a seat to resume watching his favorite magical horse show. And eating a bunch of pop tarts to himself. As for Greg himself he started gathering the biggest hoard he can gather before thinking it's enough.

This time Greg would be more prepared, this time Greg vowed victory was within the zombies grasp, this time he won't fail. This time he shall plan accordingly. He will think ahead.

Of course plan as much of a zombie could with the amount of intelligence he has, it's not much but it was way more than the average zombie of course.

-Back with our MC-

Jason would wake up suddenly from how Power nap, he felt like something was off. But since he couldn't remember what he just went back to his nap. Only to not too as he remembered he needed to shower. "Damn I stink, I need get clean" he mumbled to himself when he smelled himself.

As he got up he would notice that Crazy Dave was gone, the first thing he does to check if Dave was still here is to see if his car was here or not, which wasn't letting Jason know the Dave was gone for now.

"Huh, he left his wallet" Jason muttered to himself while seeing crazy Dave wallet on the couch, he'll just have to give it back to him whenever Jason sees him again. Pocketing the wallet Jason goes upstairs to take as shower while also making plans in his head.

It wasn't anything big other than train the plants aim, train the chompers to chew faster, train the sunflower to produce sun faster and train himself into better fit. In Jason mind it shouldn't take the plants long to improve their aim. They was made for defense against the zombies and would be getting in frequent conflict against the zombies.

He hoped that the two factors of training and fighting against the zombies would help him and the plants improve at a rapid pace, only time would tell if that would be the case.


Short chapter Ik sorry, have a good day and stay safe please:p

Also starting on me new fic hope y'all enjoy that one like this one^^