
Planets At Rise

One small step for Humans One giant leap for Planets. A mysterious figure goes from planet to planet and claims that there exists too many planets in the universe, and in order to solve this issue the planets must chose a representative to fight for them in a tournament in order to earn their right to continue existing. Panic looms over the Earth as it's people dread over the thought of having their existence cut short and never getting to fully live out their lives, though not all people have chosen to feel this way. Before and even after the announcement was made that Earth's time would be running out, there were those who had already made up their minds that they would face each and every trouble that they were going through, and would wait for the perfect opportunity to achieve what it is that they wanted. And one of those people were chosen to become Earth's representative. So let us see where their story will take us.

Kemzxl · Ciencia y ficción
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87 Chs

Minty and Mafia

Arriving back in the morning, Minty was surprised to see that the kids had been a bit creative while she was away.

Dressed before her, each one of the kids had attained a new suit that they would be wearing into the battle against the mafia.

They were all dressed as heroes from the popular TV series Arachnid Kid, the boy who got bitten by an Arachnid and gained superhuman abilities such as strength, speed, endurance, wall-crawling, web-slinging, and venom.

Terra had suggested that they dress up as superheroes because when would they ever have another chance at doing such a thing while fighting bad guys?

Vito's heart skipped a beat hearing Terra's definition of bad guys.

Now as much as they thought the idea was silly, Cyrus the most reasonable of the group had agreed to it saying that a disguise would be perfect for this occasion because he could vividly imagine how insane those guys would sound if they had to explain to others that they got beat up by a bunch of cosplayers.

And the fact that they would be cosplaying wouldn't get them that many weird looks seeing as how cosplays became more casual in this generation as time went on.

And with the world ending, cosplayers would be the least of people's concerns. It would be the naked people running around the streets that would concern them and even then some people were already becoming desensitized to it.

Now the issue here is that each of them wanted to dress up as the main character in the Arachnid cast, but none of them wanted to end up cosplaying the same character, and since they would all feel bad if one of them ended up getting him, they made a rule that none of them should have him.

This made Dawn very sad as he was looking forward to dressing up as the main character. If he was going to be forced into this, he at least wanted to dress up as his favorite.

Seeing as how he couldn't get the original, he decided to dress up as the companion/successor who wore a black and red suit with some red stripes going under his armpits.

Cyrus on the other hand went for an alternate version of the main character who worked as a detective in an all-black suit with a hat and and a gun. His favorite part of the suit was the thick coat that he wore over his suit.

Edith had decided to go for something more unique. It was way different from what the boys were expecting. She had on a black wig and covered half of her face with a red mask. Her suit was mainly black and white but there was a bit of red on it as well.

"Why you'd go for that one?" Vito asked. "With your blonde hair, I was certain you would go for the Ghost Arachnid."

"Yeah but, it would be kind of expected you know? I was hoping to outdo expectations one way or the other. In the same way that you are doing so right now," Edith replied.

Vito was wearing a suit that covered him in red from the chest downwards and was black around his head, shoulders, and fingertips.

"I guess I am," Vito smiled placing a hand on his head.

But out of all of them, Minty was surprised to see what Terra was wearing.

Wearing a blue and black suit with the number 3 on it, Terra walked out with pride as the Bombastic Arachnid, with the only thing covering his face being a paper bag with some cuts made for his eyes to see through.

Minty now asked them what they were doing, why they were wearing these things, and how they even got them in the first place.

Cyrus proudly answered that he found a clothing closet somewhere in the building while he was exploring in his free time and with some help from Edith, he and her constructed the costumes that everyone else requested. However, they didn't get much sleep because it took them nearly a whole night to do it.

Minty was impressed and taken aback, and though normally she would tell them to take these off and wear something a bit more professional for their outing, she took it that kids this age would enjoy such things and see them as fun! So she let them keep them on.

"Alright, everyone!" Minty announced partly hesitant as she closed her eyes for a bit, "Let us go!"

Opening a portal, the group was now transported to an alleyway in the streets of California somewhere.

Upon reaching the alleyway, Cyrus spotted a sign that had the word Coronado and he read it out loud.

'Wait Coronado?' Dawn thought, 'Isn't that inside of San Diego? I live around here. Well, not close but close enough. And why does there happen to be a mafia group in my city of all places?'

"There!" Minty pointed. The group had laid their eyes on two teenagers who were standing outside a bar somewhere and were chatting about something, as though they were standing as guards.

"You mean those two boys?" Edith asked. "They look younger than us, at least 15 or 14 years old," she said.

"Those two are just some henchmen, people at the bottom chain who are desperate to climb higher up one day and get a good position," Minty brushed off. "Our main objective is that bar they are going into right now."

As Minty said this the two boys who were standing outside had greeted a man who nodded at them and walked inside with them as well.

Minty was more than happy to see this. "That man has to be their leader. On this day every week, this small group of mafia members meet in that bar to discuss what to do next and set new agendas. So we are going to walk into the place, beat them up, and then hand them over to the police."

Terra hearing this asked Minty, "Shouldn't handing them over to the police be the first thing that we do?"

"Don't worry Terra," Minty answered reassuringly as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "We sometimes do the police's job for them. Take this to be one of those times. Now let us go!" Minty said as she hurried along down the street making the kids have to chase after her.

Reaching the double doors for the bar, Minty kicked them open as she and her crew walked into the bar to behold the sight of ferocious Mafia members with guns, drugs, women, and alcohol. With money on display at every corner of every table so that the gangs could gamble and place their pride on the line.

That was what she was expecting.

Entering the bar Minty nearly had a heart attack to see kids. More and more kids playing around in the room instead and drinking what smelled like apple juice. Every single person in this bar was a teenager except for the man who was at the bar counter. But the confusing part of this all was that the bartender was the man who was greeted by the two boys outside.

"You!!" Minty pointed at him, "You are the bartender!!?"

The man answered politely, "Yes I am. And excuse me but who are you and what is it with the cosplayers dressed up behind you?"

"Mikey!" he yelled looking back into the room at a table placed in a corner, "Did you happen to initiate more weirdos into your group again?" the bartender asked.

Mikey or what Minty presumed was the boy who came before her looked to be around 19 years old and he was short. No taller than 5'4 maybe even 5'3 and he had a lollipop in his mouth.

"Nah I don't know these guys, and what's with the weird outfits those kids behind you are wearing?" Mikey asked.

"Kids?" Edith asked from behind Minty.

"You are the leader of this group?" Minty asked Mikey.

"Yep," he replied licking his lollipop.

"And how old are you?" Minty asked.

"Almost 15," Mikey answered.

Minty almost fell to her knees.

"Speaking of which, what are you guys doing here, this is supposed to be a private meeting, and nobody ever comes to this restaurant around this time. Did you get lost?" he asked Minty. "Or did you get famous," he turned around to ask the bartender as he stuck his lollipop out.

Minty had had enough. "Damnit!!!" she screamed as she punched a hole into a wall. "John!! That liar!! He gave me the wrong information!!! This isn't a group of upcoming mafia members, these are kids!! Little kids who just wanna act cool and all!!"

"Hey, we are not just kids," Mikey's best friend Dragon pulled up to say to Minty as he placed his elbow on Mickey's shoulder. He was also way taller than Mickey.

"We are the Revengers! The soon-to-be most prominent mafia group in all of California. And you'd better respect that."

Hearing this Minty started to cry a little as she fell to her knees, "Haha, I messed up! I messed up! I wanted to give you guys at least one cool mission where you got to fight against the mafia but instead, I gave you this," she pointed towards Mikey.

Terra immediately went down on his knees next to her to comfort her, "No, don't cry, this is more than good enough. They are still Mafia, or at least self-proclaimed or soon to be... I think. You didn't do anything wrong."

"No! I failed! I spent so much time working till late last night, investigating these people and figuring out their location to give you guys some experience like no other, but in my rush, I never even checked to see if they were a real threat or not," Minty cried.

"I should have known it was too good to be true, that another family would randomly start forming out of nowhere. This mission is a failure."

Minty then stood up and went over to the bartender sulking, "Bartender, give me one of everything until I find something that does the job, I'll pay for the expenses, all of them," she said as she slid her entire wallet to him.

The bartender was confused by this action and tried to give it back to her but she refused.

"Wait!" Terra exclaimed, "But what about the mission?" he asked.

"Just do whatever you want, I will pay for the damages," Minty said with her face under her arm as she waved the other hand at him without looking.

The bartender hearing this could tell immediately that there would be a bar fight happening soon. Though he didn't want to, he took some money for what he thought would be enough to cover the expenses for the drinks and furniture as well as a bit of profit and then placed the wallet right back by Minty's side without taking anything else other than cash.

"Oh!? So you guys came in here to fight?" Dragon asked as every other member of the revengers stood up in the black uniforms carrying around both wooden and metal bats and some metal crowbars.

"Well, looks like we are doing this one way or another Vito said as he stood beside Terra and was facing both Mikey and Dragon.

Next chapter~Bar Fight!

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