
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Fantasía
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50 Chs

The Return of the Evil Elements

The world is chaos incarnate. The world is made up of five elements. Light, Fire, dark, wind, water and earth. There is a good and there is bad. Light is good. Fire is good it keeps one warm. Wind keeps you cool but not cold. Water rejuvenates and energies and soothes and earth nurtures. But what of the dark element. It twists, corrupts and contorts. Fire burns. Wind destroys and levels. Water drowns and earth quakes. That is why legend has it when the world is created the Elements rebelled against good. And that evil corrupted the elements. Creating monsters and demons. Hence the evil has stirred once more since the plane of dream has opened coterminous. The Elemental Fiends have returned to wreak havoc.

Somewhere deep in a volcano a man crawls out of the mouth .His body is covered in burns and rags. His eyes mad and unhinged. His teeth on edge. He painstakingly climbs out of the volcano. He stands up slowly catching his breath looking at the heavens. Then he roars in rage, shaking the heavens. Rath roars.

Somewhere in the ocean there lies a man stranded on a derelict modern day steam ship. His mind too is unhinged. He is deep in the bowels of the ship. Every creak of the ship he hears sends him chiterring and cowering. He mutters" It's coming, it's coming". He mutters prayers to unseen gods. Outside the ship vultures circle the ship. And in the Deep, something arises.

Meanwhile deep underground in Abel, a statue of a woman can be seen. It's form cracks and acrid smoke seeps through the slips. It finally cracks open, a monster of the earth. A thing of beauty and horror. It's shape was that of a woman but it's face is that of a misbegotten dream. A woman's jealous rage. It has hair, but that of snakes writhing. There are no legs but a snakes tail. The ancient Queen of Abel has awoken.

Meanwhile in on a mountain. There is the sound of death in the wind. A horrifying man makes the sound on his flute. A melody of blood curdling screams of rage and torment. Sadism and careless hedonism. The Prince of Sin has started to play his tune. Death and mayhem is in the air. The man features are blurred as if his likeness was smeared. But within it is a face covered in a mask of a smiling man.