
Planesrunners:Battle for the Multiverse

To truly fight your evil, you must find the center! The battle has begun! War is imminent! The collapse of our universe has begun!

Christopher_Tanaka · Fantasía
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50 Chs

The Nova Trifectas

Somewhere in Europe, trouble of a different kind is brewing. The people of the Progroms. Have risen once more. The land is cursed by the gods of Earth. Mists creep on the earth, the sun does not set, monsters and other creatures lurk the streets. Mayhem ensues as mobs of humans form factions and kill each other. Even the monsters have formed tribes and have established kingdoms in the chaos. All the orcs have rallied behind a single banner, after much murder in the power vacuum. It is said there leader is looking at the elves for magical assistance. The elves have formed a alliance and are trying to make sure the orcs don't steal there magic. Though some of it has been stolen and the orcs themselves have put a spin on its appearance. The Old Ones have even established a presence here and are taking control of the people there, sending there alien creations to indoctrinate people into cults. The Undead have formed a agreement with the Dark Lord and the Demons. In exchange for protection, the leaders of the Undeath council will have there soldiers become the demons soldiers. Allowing the demons to have a presence in Russia especially. Behind closed doors they wait to summon the demons across the stars to inflict mayhem upon the world. The governments have their own faction, those who are pro government. The other humans have vied against them forming a coalition of human spell-casters and other people that just wish to be left alone. Living in the wilds they sit neutral.

Meanwhile in Africa. A blackish dark comet descends onto a village. The shaman and the chief receive a vision from there god ,that inside it contains a vessel of great power. Skittering of rats could be heard from the comet. And as each person from the village touches it they become less human and more beast. They grow tails, claws and fangs. Until they become an anthropomorphic creature. It isn't too soon that they find it would seem prudent to conquer as many people, to 'share' the 'gift'.

Nearby a greenish comet lands in Egypt. A seer of great power and repute discerns from the spirits and gods of the land that it also holds great power. As curious onlookers touch it there skin becomes bark and he grows exponentially into a giant. Leaves grow out of his hair and his feet become mobile roots. Nearby they hear the rustling of leaves and the sound of trouble far to the north east. A feeling.

Meanwhile in China, the polluted earth of the country is infested with Undead and strange muck men. Hedrians. And other foul creatures. Like the Chimera Tribe which has found a foothold here. The air has become supernaturally foul to breathe. And people have worn full face masks to protect themselves. People who take it off even away from there province die by inhaling the fresh air. The people and the land itself seems almost cursed by some malicious being. The Hedrian empire, Chimaera tribe ,Undeath Council and Devil Command have formed a kingdom, knowing there power was greatest when unified. Each leader will have a voice for there people. Yet the hedrians have also outreached to the United States for the Thralls of Ooze and in British Isles the Slime Empire. They have decided to become allies of the Hedrians. And have added to its power greatly. All the other coalition members have done the same. The Council has reached from all the way to across the stars to find other undead willing to assist. As people have been understandably angry at the supernatural intrusion. Especially the Christians and the federal governments. Even the media seemed rabid in particular. Homes were broken into all over the world by mobs and law enforcements, unlawful arrests were made and any cry's of ascent were drowned out by hateful opportunists, the scared and the victims themselves willing to ingratiate themselves to the infuriated public by assassinating character of others in the same situation as themselves. It was a literal witch hunt. And utter chaos.