
Not Safe

I opened my eyes, fully expecting to see the grass filled meadow. Instead, I was greeted by the darkness. It was the same gloomy darkness that I was surrounded when I first opened my eyes.

I closed my eyes and then promptly opened them up again. Still, the same darkness was before me.

It had been several days that turned into weeks since I last went into that dream. Ever since, I have been having dreamless nights.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I sat up on the bed all while not realizing that the feeling of the bed sheet against my hands was absent. It had been a few days since I noticed that I couldn't feel some things, but I thought nothing of it.

Instead, I focused on the dreamless nights I was having. I felt as though I was forgetting something extremely important. I thought back to what I remembered.

I think I entered the dream, but this time, I didn't fall in the abyss. Instead, the bushes turned into a...door? Yeah, I think it was a door.

I leaned against the wooden backing of the bed, trying to remember the rest of the dream. I felt as though I would regret it if I didn't remember the dream.

I think I saw a tree? Or was it something else?

I shook my head in frustration. This was the first time I couldn't vividly remember my dream. And it was driving me absolutely insane. I felt as though I had learned something important. Something that could help me understand the situation I am currently in.

I rested my head against the wooden backing as a loud bang was heard, but surprisingly, I didn't feel the impact. All I felt was the absence of a person that was close to me.

Right! It feels like I'm forgetting someone important to me. But who?

I grumbled as I constantly ran through all the memories I had of the dream. The dream came to me in fragmented pieces.

It was like a puzzle, but so many of the pieces were missing. Without them, the puzzle felt lacking and uninteresting.

I sighed again.

"Why are you sighing so much?"

I quickly turned my head in the direction of the sound. I was so preoccupied with the dream that I had failed to notice the sound of footsteps and the door opening.

"I was waiting for you," I said as I quickly lied to Daniel. There was no way I could tell him about this dream. He was too untrustable to risk it.

I heard a chuckle along with approaching footsteps. "Is that so? Or were you waiting for the food?" His teasing voice came out naturally as he placed the tray on the side table.

I made a goofy face as I smiled, producing a soft giggle. "How did you know?"

"I could hear the rumbling of your stomach all the way from the kitchen. If that didn't give it away, I don't know what would have."

"Is that so? I didn't know it was that loud," I said, playing along with him. I opened my mouth for him to feed me the soup as usual, but I didn't hear the clinking of the plate and spoon, so I closed my mouth, confused. "Am I not drinking soup today?"

"Yeah, today we are having something different."

The only times we have something different is when I eat an apple, I thought as my eyes lit up.

"Am I eating an apple today?"

"No, you're eating that tomorrow, but you're close. You're eating carrots today!"

"Carrots? But I never had carrots before."

"Yeah, I thought you should try something different today."

I nodded excitedly as I wondered why he would suddenly feed me carrots. Is there something about them? But what could he do to carrots?

"Hold out your hands. I finished peeling them, so you can eat them now."

I held out my hands, waiting for the carrot to be placed in my hand, but nothing happened. Instead, I heard Daniel gasp.

"What happened?"

"You accidentally poked yourself with the knife. Wait, I'll get a napkin to clean your hand." I heard a chair screech as Daniel got up to get the napkin.

"Really? I didn't feel anything. I can just lick it, since it's a little bit." I raised my hand up to my mouth. As I was about to lick the small area, the smell of metallic blood entered my nose.

What? Didn't he say he just poked me with the knife? So, it should just be a small cut, right? So why does it smell like my whole hand is covered with the blood?

I dropped my hand down as I heard a faint sound. It sounded like droplets of water were hitting the ground. My eyes grew wide as I realized what's going on.

No way. He stabbed my hand. So much that the blood is dripping to the floor, and the room is smelling like metallic blood.

My body started to shake from the realization. Only one thought was going through my head. It was ringing loud and clear.

I am not safe in this house.

Right then, I heard the door creak open as I pretended to be oblivious of what had happened.

"Daniel, did you get the napkin?"

"Yeah. Let me just wipe your hand, okay?"

I nodded as I held out my hand for him to easily wipe off the blood. I stayed silent through the whole thing, waiting for Daniel to speak first.

"Okay, I'm finished wiping it. Now, how about I just feed you the carrots?" His sweet voice sent shivers down my spine as I realized that he was going to continue to act like the knife wound was just a poke.

I nodded my head as I felt the carrot in my mind. I chewed it slowly, dragging out my time with Daniel as I waited for him to confess. But he never did.

As he left the room, the only thought going through my head was one I had been thinking about for a long time.

I need to get out of this house soon.