

Real story........

Sk_Gaming_YT · Horror
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2 Chs



To get to our room we had to pass a graveyard, then a Shiva temple and finally a large playground. Two or three more houses after our room After that, there is the main gate of the mental hospital, a mission hospital built during the British period, beyond which we never went. We took it there to see if the rent was low. We stayed in a single room on the ground floor of a 4 storied building. Me and the other two stay together, same room with same bathroom. We could see everyone coming and going, the elevator was on the left side of our room and the stairs were on the right side. Next to our room was the watchman's room. I was the only one in the room very curious about things after death, the other two were a little scared. When I went to bed I used to scare them away at night by saying these things. Movies on my computer are all ghost movies, I used to watch horror movies in all languages ​​regardless of language. Why is it so interesting to tell about the story heard in my village when I was a child?

Then I think ten years ago, ours is a village near a town, we all used to play in our mango orchard with more than 200 trees near our house, after coming home from school. My mother used to say that you should play as long as possible but come home before it gets dark. I asked him many times why and he never gave me a reason. There was a rumor in our village that after dark at night, someone roams in our mango orchard, so they used to say that no one should go there. My grandfather used to stay in that garden all the time, he used to guard the garden and take care of the trees like babies. Good and good fruits ripened in the dry paddy grass near the tree and were specially eaten by my mother, mother is the life of my grandfather. He has passed away recently, a man who lived happily for over 80 years, his mango plantation is considered below his family. There are some who say that the man who spends more time in the garden than we do, it is because of that affection that he walks the watch at night. A week after my grandfather passed away, two lovers lay dead by the fence around our garden. There was no injury on their bodies and no one knew the cause of death. After my grandfather passed away, my father did not pay much attention to that garden. Out of 200 trees, there were about 20-30 trees that were seen first when going from our house, nobody used to go past them. We didn't even go inside the garden to play in the beginning. Out of 200 trees, there were about 20-30 trees that were seen first when going from our house, nobody used to go past them. We didn't even go inside the garden to play in the beginning. Out of 200 trees, there were about 20-30 trees that were seen first when going from our house, nobody used to go past them. We didn't even go inside the garden to play in the beginning.

When I was playing in the garden, I used to hear my grandfather calling me and my friends used to laugh that I was doing it for fun. There was a big pond near our garden and at the end there was a big forest. No one goes near that pond except during Lord Vinayaka's immersion. It also ends by 5 pm. When my grandfather and grandfather died, that is, 100 years ago, there was no pond there, that is, the cemetery, only those who died suddenly due to any disease were buried there, if the husband died due to illness, his wife and children were alive, their belongings, possessions and gold were burned or buried. Suspecting that someone else could get it through them. Being a low-lying area, whenever it rained, the graveyard would get flooded and it would take a long time for the water to recede. At that time, if someone died of illness, they would put them in an iron boat and burn them, and throw the ashes into the pond after tying them in a waterproof cloth. After the pond was filled, the ashes were covered with soil. The cemetery was so big that people from many surrounding villages cremated their sick people here.

The strange thing is that when someone is shot there is no smoke at all, but the next day there is a lot of smoke. The iron boat that used to be there is no longer visible, but some people claim to have seen a burning boat floating on the water from time to time. It is said that the paper used to start the fire will always keep burning. Once some thieves went for the gold and money in those tombs on the night of the new moon, they beat up the shepherd and went inside. The next day, the shepherd found some new graves in the cemetery, marked with the belongings of the thieves. After many days the shepherd also disappeared. No one knows whether he ran away or died. Not a single thing related to him was found in his room. Occasional cries of small children from the graveyard, Screams of husbands and wives quarreling, cries of people suffering from illness were heard, and on the day when such sounds were heard, someone died somewhere in a village. If someone fell ill and died after some time, they would leave the cemetery first, and the corpse would not be found the next day. Knowing these things, they closed the graveyard in fear and decided that no one should go there....

Next day... the ghost...........?

To be continued........🙏🏻😈

Next chapter date..... tomorrow....9pm....

Thank you...🙏🏻🔥


Sk Gaming YT.....