
PJO: Wait... This Ain't Kansas

For the love of Mundus' ass, can't I catch a damn break? I've just came back from Hell just a few months ago with both Dante and Vergil, and now I'm stuck in this new universe for an indefinite hiatus? Ugh... Dad, no offense, but the family luck sucks ass. Whatever, I'll just keep doing what I do. Kill whatever I can to make a living. Monsters? Gods? Eh, that doesn't spook me at all. I've dealt with worse, a horny Patty. *shivers in fear* I'm almost 40, Patty! ... Shit. Hopefully Nero can stop them from burning the house down... Again. I just repaid for insurance last week! PJO x DMC [Hiatus For Now]

Damaine_N · Derivados de obras
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3 Chs


"What in the name of Satan is THAT?"

He muttered as he took a closer look at the demonic beings that were chasing the two kids, a girl who looked 12, and a boy who looked 14, from a rooftop that he hopped on with his somewhat still supernatural physique.

Both were holding weapons on their own, a spear and shield while the other had a knife respectively. That shield that the girl was holding was made out of something that he's never seen before as it radiant some energy that made his instincts flare at the sight of it.

Anyway, the demons that were chasing the two were unlike anything he had ever seen in his 20 years of demon hunting. They looked uglier than even an Empusa.

'Hmm... Gun it is!'

Keeping White Devil back in his soul, he brings out Black Angel and aims at the leading monster that was chasing the two. Bracing his arm and shoulder, he aims properly to not hit the two before firing.


The recoil of the gun almost ripped his arm off, making his hiss in pain as he dropped the gun, but the results were as expected.

The head of the leading demon blasted off its neck and rag dolls to the ground, causing a domino effect to occur since they were so close to each other, resulting in the demons falling to the ground like puppets with no strings.

The two looked back in confusement before the boy used his arm to cover her head and immediately guided her to a building where he couldn't see them.

'Not bad, he's instincts are on point.'

He thought as he used both hands now on the handle of the handgun before firing more shots.


One by one, the bullets coated with A.P. properties landed true, slamming and blasting heads left and right until every demon was dead and on the ground.

Once he checked that no more were coming, he placed Black Angel back into his jacket before hopping down from the rooftop to meet with the two.

As expected, they were both on their guard when he walked up to them both.

"Now now, no need to be so cautious, geez."

He tried to raise the mood of the conversation before the girl pointed her spear at his throat.

"Who are you? And what do you want?!"

"Thalia — "

"Well, 'Thalia', name's Claud, and I just saved your asses."

"... You mean Cloud? A cloud?"

She pointed at the sky at a random cloud, making him twitch his eye in annoyance.

"Jesus, if I'd have a dime every time someone makes that connection, I'd have ten dollars now, no! It's Claud as in Nero Claudius, "The-Lia"!"

"Hey — !"

She was about to retort back when the boy raised his hand and pushed the spear away from his throat.

"Well, it kinda does sound like that..."

She just glared at him, the tension now dissipated as he asked the money question.

"So, where in the hell are we? And where's a payphone that I can get?"

The two just looked at him as if he was retarded or something.

"What? A payphone?"

"... Yeah, a payphone. You know, a stall that has a phone in it where you can call someone from anywhere in the world?"

She starts to get angry once more as she yells.

"I know what a payphone does! What I meant was — "

"What she meant was that half-bloods like us can't use the payphone."

He interrupted her sentence before giving her an apologetic look, to which it was Claudius' turn to get confused.

"Wait, half-blood? You two are half-demon?"

"What? A demon? Ew!"

"I meant half-blood as in half human and half god, lower case 'G'."

Claud just freezes at this knowledge as the gears in his mind starts turning rapidly.

'Scrapes time, no info of where the scraped item disappears, time travel, unknown demons that I'd never seen before, and gods?'

"Hey, quick question. Do any of you know Red Grave City? Mallet Island? Dumary Island? Fortuna? Incident of a huge ass tower coming out of a city?"

They just looked at his panicking expression before shaking their head, making a lightbulb turns on in his head as he starts cursing out loud, understanding what happened to him.

"Ah fuck, this ain't Kansas no more!"

He had somehow transmigrated into this new world, a fucking Isekai. He isekai-ed for fucks sake!


While Claud was panicking in his head, Thalia looked at Luke before asking quietly.

"He's kinda crazy..."

That made Luke chuckle slightly before he hears something move behind him. Looking at the direction, he sees a sheet of corrugated iron that was awkwardly out of place.

Tapping on Thalia's shoulder to draw her attention from the panicking but funny-looking boy that just saved them, he signals her to raise her guard as he, with his knife up, walks slowly to the sheet of iron.

Reaching up close, he could hear faint breathing, and pulled the sheet away, immediately dodging a hammer strike to the head before taking a step back to face the kid —

Wait, kid?

He double takes as he sees a blond haired girl with gray striking eyes staring at him with a hammer in her hand, causing him to lower his guard in relief that it wasn't another monster hiding.

'Two demigods in a day? What luck.'

More demigods mean more help, and that was something that they sorely needed after the Halcyon incident just an hour ago.

Keeping the knife back into the sheath at his waist, he instructed Thalia to drop her guard as he slowly closes the gap between the little girl and himself.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm not a monster."

"H-How do I know? Y-You could be one too!"

With quick thinking, he draws his knife once more, not missing the girl's attempt to raise her guard, before stabbing himself on his free arm with it causing Thalia to scream.


Grunting in a sharp pain, he looks at the red blood that dripped onto the floor before looking at the girl who had a scared face.

"See? I bleed like a normal person. I'm not a monster."

After a few seconds of staring into each other's eyes, she eventually dropped the hammer onto the floor before kneeling onto the ground, her body sign showing that she was fully relaxed.

Immediately after, Thalia zoomed to his side before grabbing a roll of bandage that they stole a few days ago in a pharmacy and started wrapping it on his wound.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

She semi-shouted as she purposefully tightened the bandage, causing him to groan in pain.


Looking at the tired girl kneeling and the weird white haired boy that saved them earlier, he could only smile as he was being healed by Thalia.

'Things are finally looking up for us.'


Once Claud had overcome his temporary crisis, he soon found himself with another girl in the team in a campfire. Thalia and Luke (He heard his name earlier) were sat opposite to him and the girl next to him while Luke roasted some marshmallows.

"So, we're fellow half-bloods, so we should introduce ourselves! I'm Luke and this is Thalia, 12 and 14 years old."


She gave her short greeting before looking back at the marshmallows, making Luk chuckle at her attitude.

"She was like this with me too for a few weeks, sorry for her attitude. Anyway, you two are?"

"Annabeth. 7."

"Claudius Caesar Sparda. Should be around 8 to 9. Nice to meet you three."

Since he was in a different world, he couldn't care less of using his real name.

"It's nice to meet both of you too. And thanks for saving us earlier, Claudius. That was a little too close for comfort."

"No problem, and call me Claud. Claudius is kinda long for the tongue."

He said nonchalantly before leaning back on the ground with his jacket being a nice blanket for his back.

"So, what were those things?"

He could see that Annabeth was now listening attentively too as Luke hummed.

"Monsters. From Greek Mythology. The ones that chased us were leucrotae, and there were a dozen of them. We've killed most of them already but..."

"Didn't have enough Greek Fire to kill them all, so we had to run. Monsters can't die from normal iron."

Thalia finished the sentence as Claud noted that the shield that the girl had must be made out of something else other than normal steel.

"Greek Fire?"

Annabeth asked, to which Luke kindly gave the answer.

"Greek Fire, one of the most dangerous magical substances in the world. It burns green and from what I've heard, is as hot as the Sun and can never be extinguished, even underwater."

Annabeth just muttered a whispered "whoa" as Claud's eyebrow raised at the potency of the fire.

"And, it can harm monsters too. Any monster. The problem is the method of crafting it. It's really hard to make, and it takes 48 months to complete a vial of Greek Fire, so it's really rare."

This time Claud gave a whistle at the production process. That was a long time for just a vial. Not time-efficient at all even if it was really powerful.

"Anyway, how did you even save us, Cloud?"

Thalia asked with the emphasis on his misspoken name, to which he just ignored and drew Black Angel out, making them "wow" and awe at the design of it. Handing it to Annabeth who took it with shaky arms, he grabbed a stick with a marshmallow before chomping on it.

"A gun? But how did it's bullets kill the monsters?"

Luke questions, to which Claud just shrugged.

"No idea. I just found it and it just works without needing to reload, though I kinda feel tired after a while."

That was a blatant lie. He knew the reason, it was due to his demonic energy.

You see, he doesn't actually use real steel bullets when fighting demons. Don't really do much to them at all. No, he uses demonic energy to create the bullets, like how Vergil creates his Mirage Blades, now that does damage to them.

And coupled with Nico's tinkering to amp his bullets five times, you're left with a dessert eagle that could shoot through a thick steel wall like paper.

"I turned the safety on, so go ham. As long as you give it back by midnight!"

He said with a smirk before chomping on another marshmallow. This shit was good.

As Thalia was playing with Black Angel, Luke turned his attention to Annabeth.

"Now, I won't press on why you ran from home. Heck, we all are. But if you're going to be with us, you need a weapon. Here."

He hands the little girl the knife that he stabbed himself with.

"It'll work much better than a hammer, trust me."

"B-But what about you?"

"I'll be fine. Look."

He digged into his backpack before bringing out a map that had multiple 'X' marks on it. Pointing at a place, he continued.

"We're here right now, near an 'X' mark. These 'X' marks are saferooms designed by the god of crafting, Hephaetus, to help any demigod that needs a weapon or armor. We're planning to head there by tomorrow."

Huh, that's really thoughtful of him.

"So, keep it alright? It'll be our promise that we wouldn't let anything hurt you and we would become a better family than your old family, OK?"

She starts to tear up as she hugs Luke tightly, causing him to tighten the hug. He glanced at Claud, hinting for him to join the hug, who just gave him a 'X' cross with his index fingers, causing him to laugh before patting on the girl's back.

"So, do we have a promise?"

He could feel her nod in his chest, making him smile.

Claud just watched the two hug it out while the other girl was thwirling his gun around before keeping it into her pocket like a cowboy, making him just grin at the weird but welcoming atmosphere.

'This party is sure getting interesting...'


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