
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

Alexxz · Famosos
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792 Chs

Chapter 41 Kaka's Choice

Chapter 41 Kaka's Choice

The dust of Beckham's transfer has settled, and the biggest deal in Italian football during the winter transfer period has finally been completed. At 33, his star shows no signs of dimming.

What is even more commendable is that Italian football not only did not get Beckham at the beginning of 2009, but also did not lose their star.

For example, Digan, for example, Kaka who was almost poached by the Arabs!

When the media is now full of reports about Beckham's official transfer to Fiorentina, Kaka in Milan can only respond with a wry smile.

Kaka is really envious of Degan now, envious of Degan's detached status in Florence. Didn't see Degan just said that he had doubts about the future of Florence. Beckham, who had been caught in a price tug of war before, got the transfer immediately. Perfect solution.

But Kaka also said, said similar things, but what was obtained, the previous non-sale items became sellable items.

Especially when other teams are taking advantage of the winter break to repair their lineups, AC Milan, which he swore allegiance to, has done nothing.

Of course, it is biased to say so. It is not that AC Milan has no newcomers, but the newcomer and him, of course, have nothing to do with the first team. To make an account, it's just a call for a young player.

Other teams have become the protagonists of the media because of their signings, but the former Serie A overlord AC Milan has been completely reduced to a supporting role. Perhaps the biggest news is that Kaka has been implicated inexplicably with US President Obama this winter.

Because on the day of Obama's inauguration ceremony, Kaka also made a decision to stay at the same time. It is not necessary to tie the two incidents together. It is really unexpected. Among the Italian sports reporters, Among the fans, some people have taken the initiative to compare the black and white of the two celebrities in the world.

Too many times when people comment on these two things at the same time, it can only be explained that this era needs idols with missions, and Obama and Kaka both carry missions.

One takes on the mission of the black people and the lower classes, and the other takes on the mission of sports and life values. Their opposites are money, power and the iron fist of the ruler.

In this era when everyone is shouting about the financial crisis and complaining about the lack of positive social values, and the ordinary people are having a hard time, politics and football, the two activities that can capture the masses the most, have created two "particularly worthy of appreciation". "Even worshipers, Obama and Kaka inevitably became idols. It is not known whether Obama can fulfill their respective missions. That is his political responsibility, but Kaka is different.

Kaka is just a player, a son, a husband, a father, a Christian, and an increasingly independent and mature man.

From the handsome young man who broke into Milanello in 2003 to Kaka, who is a father today, in six years, he won the love of many people and became the highest paid professional player in the world. Celebrities have also become the sexual fantasy objects of countless women and gay men.

All this stems from Kaka's skills, and not only because of his skills. If he became the focus of the world a year ago because he won the Golden Globe Award and the World Footballer of the Year award, why is it that one of his transfers caused a storm that surpassed the original? The Golden Globe Awards, where is World Footballer c Ronaldo?

Kaka is loved not only because he is an excellent player, just as Obama is loved not only because he is an excellent politician.

The latter is "specially loved" because of his skin color, and Kaka is "specially loved" because the values ​​he carries go beyond football. There is nothing about his beliefs, his "Bible", his love, his family. The lives of famous players off the court have been paid attention to in such detail. Maybe Maradona is one of them, but that is also the story of another idol from the previous generation.

In the world of pro players who are promiscuous, chaotic, sexual, and transfers are like changing clothes, Kaka can be regarded as a clean exception, a surprise that turned out to be a surprise, and a case that people cannot help exploring. In the eyes of the few fans who waited day and night waiting downstairs for Kaka, what they could read was love beyond football itself.

Football is just a carrier of the "symbol" of Kaka. Through football and AC Milan, Kaka realized himself and made his name known to the world. But since then, the name "Kaka" is no longer just Nickname printed on the back of the No. 22 AC Milan jersey.

Yes, Kaka has been symbolized. Loyalty to love, emphasis on chastity, and responsibility to family and work, these are the values ​​that a Christian evangelical should pursue for "the most idealized person", Before Manchester City's offensive of throwing money all over the sky, it was simply equated with "loyalty", "loyalty" or other words.

Kaka chose to be moved by love. He later decided to stay and said bluntly to the official AC Milan channel: "I didn't expect so many people to have such a strong love for me. The handmade cards sent to me by the children let me So touching."

In recent seasons, almost every six months there have been rumors from the outside world that made the red and black fans uneasy. As long as the names of giants such as Real Madrid, Manchester United, and Chelsea are associated with Kaka, they will be frightened, but there is no such thing as Manchester City. There has never been such a strong offensive, and the red and black fans can completely succumb to their love for Kaka like this time.

It is estimated that even Maldini, who has played for the red and black banner all his life, has never personally experienced such deep love and eagerness to retain him. His own eldest son Christian also shed tears for Kaka's possible departure.

Yes, this is the magic of Kaka. Maradona may have made the Neapolitans cry and laugh, but he was willing to do so. However, the city of Milan has seldom seen such battles. Many older Milanese said, I have almost never seen such a massive "retention".

Because Kaka chose to stay, the female fans were crazy, laughing, and crying, and the male fans were even more chaotic. They had been harassing Kaka's residence for several days, and they broke out in the early morning. The joy, "You will be with us forever." This scene made the concierge of Kaka's building sigh, maybe only the Pope or a certain saint can be so loved.

Aren't the disciples of the Vatican just waiting for the opening of the window in St. Peter's Square, waiting for the face of the saint to appear there?

These fans who are waiting for Kaka to show up are actually waiting for a living saint. People like to see a beautiful Kaka who is loyal, has nothing to do with worldly affairs, and only cares about playing football and shooting chocolate commercials. How can Kaka be stained with money?

However, Kaka is not a saint. It can be seen from the face he poked out of the window. Careful Kaka fans will definitely find that Kaka who seems to release all the pressure and struggle is actually very haggard and tired. Days of distraction from fans kept him awake at several o'clock in the morning, although he never blamed them.

Kaka cried, and he also cried in Sao Paulo, because he was replaced in a game, for which he was nicknamed "Bambi". It should be another tear of his growing up, because of various pressures, disagreements with his father, and occasional provocations from the fans downstairs. But it cannot be ruled out that he was moved by the deep love of fans and people for him. The only thing that is certain is that his tears this time are very different from the "Bambi's tears" back then.

It is impossible to have no conflicts with his father Bosque, but the first thing he did after he decided to stay was to clarify to the media: "I have no quarrel with my father."

But Kaka did this not to satisfy people's expectations of "perfect Kaka".**, he was just trying to follow the "Bible" and God's instructions. During this difficult period, he became his deepest spiritual partner.

"I literally prayed countless times, and finally God let me follow my heart."

Kaka stayed, followed his heart, abandoned the money smell, and was praised. Symbolization is nothing more than two possibilities. If he chooses to go to Manchester City, Kaka still cannot get rid of the desire for money, and he is still an ordinary person.

If you choose to stay like today, Kaka will be perfect, perfect, extremely perfect, but neither of these two choices is the real Kaka.

Even if he chooses to go to Manchester City, it is another important choice in Kaka's personal career. His future has to be faced alone.

Even if he doesn't go to Manchester City, Kaka still has to improve himself in AC Milan, just as he is doing now.

It's just that the family education with strong Christian beliefs told Kaka to handle life rationally and reasonably. In fact, his 26-year-old life has always been like this. Rationality and rationality have made Kaka what he is today. Although he worked hard and resisted Femininity and lack of enthusiasm for the samba make him not look like a Brazilian at all. Abandoning Manchester City's purse does not mean completely abandoning reason and choosing the heart. Reason and heart are not just opposites. Manchester City has a lot of money, which still means various uncertainties in the future. It is unknown whether the team's performance can be improved.

Of course, "to stay or to go" is as troublesome as "to live or to die" is a multiple-choice question. Fortunately, Kaka is not alone. He moved away from his parents and chose to live alone in the city center with his wife Caroline and son Gaudi. .

The existence of his wife and children gave Kaka strength. He praised his wife's intelligence and said: "The time with little Gaudi is the wonderful moment when I really relax. At that time, I can forget everything."

As a husband and father, Kaka once again demanded herself with a sense of Christianity and family responsibility. Even if she stays, it does not mean that life is easier.

On the contrary, the life of an idol is often extremely difficult. Kaka said that it was God's arrangement that Fiorentina failed to be Kaka's last game in AC Milan: "I scored a goal in that game, so it is God Guide me, my story here is not over yet."

When the last game will come, no one cares about it for the time being. Even if the Spanish and British giants and the feces-stained giants have to pay attention to it, it will be half a year later.

Kaka knows what he wants. Now that he has asked God for the direction, let's go on seriously. When this young and handsome man wears the red and black jersey again, people will see more firmness in his eyes. Calm and confident.

Kaka has always done a good job in scrambling, dribbling, and organizing the offense in the frontcourt. Every step, every turn, and every shot of him on the field reveals more determination.

A pair of "qingren" who have experienced a breakup crisis will always burn their love more vigorously after they get back together, and they can "rediscover the meaning of love", and sometimes people are even grateful for the crisis.

This may be the best interpretation of the case of Kaka's transfer. Whether there will be a crisis in the future is like "flowers always thank you" and "birds leave their nests". However, whether it is a flower or a bird, one is beautiful and the other is light, but neither is a saint.

Maradona once said: "People have to understand that I am not a machine that makes happiness."

Kaka, who has gone through this crisis, may also want to say: "People have to understand that I am not a saint."

Kaka is not a saint. He actually has his own desires. He is eager to achieve results on the football field and to become a football superstar that will always shine.

So Kaka rejected Manchester City, because Manchester City is not a good stage, he chose to serve Milan, but is Milan really a good destination?

AC Milan is in urgent need of revival, and keeping Kaka is the first step for them to achieve this goal. However, if they really want to get rid of the crisis completely and become a team with international competitiveness again, then AC Milan needs to find a large sum of money as soon as possible. A hot sum of money, so as to meet the requirements of player introduction, and pay the salaries of a large number of key players in the team, including Kaka, Pato, Ronaldinho, etc., and meet the requirements of the club's expenses.

If AC Milan cannot find a new source of income, it is hard to imagine that the Berlusconi family will continue to pour money into AC Milan's economic deficit. Before the end of the season, AC Milan's loss has reached 66.8 million euros .

Therefore, Galliani has been trying to find a new source of income for the club, and the statement that the Arab chaebol will enter the board of AC Milan has also been spread more and more as the sponsorship relationship between Emirates and AC Milan has been reached. Come on.