
Pierced: the dark lord rising

From party life one day to another world the next, Cole find lost under the new moniker "Abaddon". Will he change this world for better or worse? Or had that choice already taken from him along with his fate?

Deusex · Fantasía
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The letter

To my dear sister,

I am writing this to you while I still can. Before anything else, I must say that I am sorry. So very sorry for what I did to you. To everyone. It was inexcusable and you must hate me for what I did. Catherine, I am sure you have heard the things that they are saying about me.

Some have called me: a Hero of justice.

While others say; I'm a monster.

But they're wrong. All that I am. All that I ever was a fool with too much pride. But worse than that I have fallen. And I did not realise how far I had strayed from the man I used to be until it was too late. And all that I ask is for you to hear my blight and to judge me accordingly. But you must understand the things that I have done, had to be done for the greater good. I know that does not make what I did right but you must know it was for the greater good. Make no mistake: I am not here to make excuses for myself, nor to justify myself.

No, I am here to tell my side of the story and all that I ask is that you please listen to what I have to say. And you're still reading this then you want to hear it.
