
Nova's Employer

The latch on the metallic suitcase closed with an audible click; Darsi slid it to one side of the bed with a wave of her hand before turning her attention back toward her companion. "Something on your mind?"

Dex ran a hand through his hair; he hadn't spent much time away from Quicksilver since coming to the hive. "Just worried, I guess..."

Darsi favored him with a smile before walking into her bathroom. "I'm confident you'll be able to watch my back." Her voice echoed in the bathroom, followed by the sound of someone rummaging through drawers.

"We're going to get T-6 up; it works best with six jumpers." His train of thought derailed a moment later when his hud buzzed at him. Since Darsi was busy packing for his trip, he decided to take the call. A moment later, Thumper's dark eyes stared at him from the holo. "Hey, Thumper."