
A quick Note

"Looking for something sir?" An average looking man with curly red hair sat behind the counter. He was dressed immaculately in custom made clothes.

Nix nodded. "Red, Green, and Brown fabric. It doesn't matter how coarse."

The tailor nodded. "How much do you need sir?"

"Not sure. Do you buy pelts also?"

The man nodded. "A thousand credits for Otter pelts, as long as they are in good shape."

"I've got ten. What do you offer for Clandestine Otter pelts?"

The tailor froze for a moment. "You have those too? Five thousand per pelt."

Nix pursed his lips as if considering. He definitely didn't want to target himself by bringing out too much. "I've got five Clandestine pelts."

"That's thirty-five thousand credits, Sir. If you are going to buy some cloth, we can start subtracting from that amount."

"I'll take 5 yards of each fabric I asked for."

"The spools are 7 yards, want that much? We can keep it on the roll then."

"Yep," Nix readily agreed.