
Phoenix's Alpha

It all started with an offer to help. Two girls. One who was destined to stand up against an antiquated and unjust law. The other helping her from the shadows. They changed their very world. For the better. What started as an unlikely friendship, between an Alpha's sister and a Rogue, turned into a family affair when the Alpha finally caught the little Rogue. *** There is a party at at the beginning of Spring each year. Meant to help single wolfs starting at 16 to, maybe, meet their mate. It is a terribly large affair. This is a neutral ground and conflicts are strictly forbidden. The party lasts a week, allowing connections to form. Alliances to start or strengthen. Females are required to go. And most females long to go, dreaming of finding their prince charming and, well, to be fought over. For on the final day males will try to claim their choice. There have been females who have had over 10 males try to claim them. If an Alpha makes a claim though, most others back down. If the female chooses to not to accept a claim, by law a male family member must fight off the male. Though the one that wants her, can keep trying to convince her, and each year at the party retry to claim her. And her family can keep fighting for her right to say no. But if they lose, she must accept his claim and let the male mark her. And the mark will cause a bond that will slowly change her mind about him, even if she hates him. Or so they say. This is a horrific old law set when werewolves were a small endangered breed. But one that holds on to this day. Rouges are the only ones not allowed to join. Banished from their pacts they are looked down on by all werewolves. A female rouge is unheard of. But this time a female not wanting to be claimed meets a female rouge, and finds out that the law hides a truth or two. And together they turn their world upside down. With a tiny bit of help from their males. *** And then years passed since the unjust law that allowed males to claim females who were not their true soulmates was overturned. All unmated wolves now share a common fear; that as the first wave of rebels, many of them would be mateless, because of mistakes their ancestors made. And that their mate have been claimed by someone else. The Belcourt siblings are still waiting for their true mates to show up. André Belcourt is the Alpha of the Bell Moon Pack. As an Alpha, there is an immense pressure to have a Luna and an heir. But he hadn't been willing to give up the chance that she was out there still. With his peoples' very vocal worry for him, he had been constantly reminded that her presence was missing in his life. One night of weakness gave him an heir. Lorenzo. And with his birth the nagging stopped. The pack accepting that he was one of the ill-fated ones not meant to have a mate. With him having an heir and his sister acting as Luna, the pack had finally left the subject alone. Then Lorenzo was taken. And an old friend of his sister is suddenly in front of him. In all her adorable glory.

Sinjin · Fantasía
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49 Chs

The Video

Yvonne entered the small clearing around the large oak and blinked. Walking forward she looked up into the branches. Where was Phoenix? A breeze fluttered something white against the trunk. Yvonne reached out and pulled a small note off a tack.

'Tell your Alpha of a Brother, he is not invited to this party.

I'll return when he goes.


Yvonne narrowed her eyes, slowing surveying the forest around her. "André come out."

There was a long pause before he stepped out into the open. No embarrassment stained his cheeks and his jaw was set.


"Who is it that's helping you? Why can't I meet them?" he growled.

"Because you can't." she said simply. "And you're going to have to be okay with that. I am safer here with my friend, then I am back at that party. I promise."

Taking a deep breath, André rolled his head on his neck. He closed his eyes as she waited. "Fine." He turned and started away.

"André?" He stopped. "I'm sorry, but I need your word of honor that you'll stay away and keep everyone else away, too."

He turned to glare at her. She glared back. "You followed me here. What if my friend hadn't realized that and thought I'd betrayed them? You would have cost me something I value highly. So your word. Please."

His shoulders dropped. "You have me word. And I'm sorry."

"Thank you for that and for being my stupid, over-protective brother. Since, as an Alpha, I've been assured that you are 'the worst of the lot'." She teased him. "I'll see you back there."

He gave her a grudging smile and with a nod, headed away.

"He took that well," Phoenix's laughing voice said softly behind her.

She spun with a gasp. "Phoenix! I didn't know." She felt tears fill her eyes.

Phoenix grinned at her. "Really? Because I thought a big bad Alpha tip-toeing behind his sister was how most siblings walked through the woods together? I really wish I had a video of it. It was hilarious. There was one time he ducked behind a tree so fast, he bumped his head really hard and tried to smother a curse. Wait! Did I say I wished I had a video or that I had a video? Because I totally do." She pulled out a smart phone. "Look at what your brother thinks is sneaky! And you! Completely oblivious. You need to work on you situational awareness, Sweetie."

Yvonne laughed and laughed watching the video. They had to watch it three times before they were able to calm down. Yvonne blushed, watching herself on screen walk, never even noticing. She gasped. "You had to be there!"

Phoenix giggled. "Yeah, he might need to work on his situational awareness, as well. Here give me your number and I'll text you this video and you can show him. I hate to admit it, but Warren was right. I did need a smart phone. My number was in my new letter to you. Which I'm assuming is waiting for you at home. It'll have to be all texts. I can't talk on it and only open it randomly. But still more ways to communicate."

"Maybe one day you'll get email."

Phoenix eyes widened. "Now that's a thought." She was silent a minute. "Maybe I can use the library."

Yvonne shook her head. "You could use your phone. But I have a better idea! I'll give you my laptop. I've been wanting a new one anyway. Oh! And it has my favorite music, movies, books, anime, cartoons, and tv shows on it. Don't worry. I backed everything up before I left so I won't lose anything. And you can email whenever you watch something you like! Or even don't like! And we can discuss it..." She slowed to a stop at Phoenix's narrowed-eyed amusement.

"Giving me a laptop computer is much the same to you as me buying a coffee for a friend, isn't it? So I won't be offended. Hell, I'll even accept it. I mean I let Warren give me a phone. Yours is still the more expensive gift. Hmm. I'll just not take another ring this time."

"Oh, no. If you save me from this cold Alpha you are taking another ring. The rings are a symbol of help and friendship. If you're in trouble you can't flash a laptop and get help. But two platinum signet rings? Our warriors will bend over backwards to help. So you're taking it."

"Yes ma'am."

"Don't make me hurt you."

"Yvonne, I taught you how to beat an Alpha. Not a Phoenix." She grinned with a laughing warning.

"You really think you could take me?"

"Already did. And we could have a rematch. That would go to me... Or! We could watch this video one more time and discuss what's needed to be done. Then I have to go. You know, after you go get me a laptop and a ring."

"So soon?"

"I know."

"What if it doesn't work? What if he still claims me?"

"I'll be back the day before this party ends. We just won't get to see each other, you'll be two busy. And the final day won't happen. So." She shrugged.

"Tell me what I need to do."

"Here's the plan."


Yvonne grinned at Luc as he fell to the floor laughing, pushing pause on the video since he was going to miss the best part. André pushed through their tent flap and looked at his laughing brother quizzically. Luc, seeing him, went into harder whoops.

"What's so funny?" he asked with a smile. Yvonne felt a tiny bit bad, but still being more than a little mad at him for that stunt he pulled two days ago, started the video over and handed him her phone. He watched it in wide-eyed silence.

"My friend said you might need to work on your situational awareness," she said with a grin that caused Luc to start laughing all over again.

He closed his eyes in extreme pain, but when he reopened them he was grinning. "I think I'll like this friend if you ever let us meet. Beside the natural feeling of gratitude I already have. And if they were able to take that video, then I'm afraid you, Luc, I, and our whole pack are going to be working on our situational awareness."

Luc stopped laughing. "Why do I get punished?"

André just grinned. "Delete it."

"Hey! I haven't seen it all yet."

"Now, Yvonne."

"Sorry, Luc." She pushed the delete button.

"Hey! Noooo!" He tried to leap for her phone. Then fell back with a groan and whispered, "my happiness."

"Pitiful." André grinned down at him. His face turned serious as he shot her a look. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be. What about you?"

He grinned and straightened his tie. "You mean since I'm doing most of the speaking?"

Yvonne narrowed her eyes at him. She had argued with Phoenix about that decision.

Phoenix had laughed and said, "You use every weapon you have in a battle. And in this one you need a powerful male they have to listen to. They'd dismiss the same words coming out of your mouth. While they'll hear and agree with his. It shouldn't be how it is. But one step at a time. This law first."

Yvonne nodded. "Yes, you pest. Luc? You have the money?"

Luc put a hand inside his jacket and pulled a flat bundle of cash out for her to see before tucking it back in. He then patted his hand against the other side of his chest. "Locked and loaded." He said with a wink.

"Tally-ho, then."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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