

(AN AU STORY) Reincarnated into the body of a pubescent earth-bending genius and armed with a system that gifted odd but useful rewards, Mark has everything he needs to dominate the Four Nations and, then, the multiverse... The only problem is, this is not his story. It's the story of a Phantom (Assassin) of the Air Nation, who had the unfortunate pleasure of running into a precocious little shit on his way to 'help' the Avatar. The boy speaks of a 'multiversal tournament,' 'cheats', and other cryptic nonsense Aaron does not understand. And what the hell is a Truck-Kun? Through very deplorable means, the boy managed to attach himself to Aaron, and he can only grit his teeth and bear as the higher-ups decide what to do with him. Chapter updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays (or more if I feel like it) World planned: Avatar the last Airbender X-men Marvel Game of Thrones (Other verses and ideas are welcomed) Link to dis.cord server https://discord.gg/jVMyMQSW

RaedaX_1 · Cómic
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86 Chs


Aaron started speaking before he could get a word out.

"I know I messed up with Mark. He was better than I thought and because of me the world is in trouble…"

Ren grabbed his son with a shaky arm and a rare smile, cutting Aaron off. "Enough of that, Son. All that matters is that you're awake."

Aaron felt a fluttering of warmth in his heart. It was more emotion than he expected from his Father, yet the fight still weighed on him. "Still, I should've..."

"Your Grandfather should've never sent you to face him. It should've been me or your Uncle Ren," Ren shook his head. "We were so wrapped up in our own drama, we didn't put together what should've been fairly obvious. The boy wouldn't have run if he didn't think he could beat you..."

"You think I am weak..." Aaron mumbled as several things fell into place. Mark must've anticipated that they would respond with appropriate force. With the situation at the north pole, sending him made the most sense.

"And you have nothing to be ashamed of," Ren assured.

"We always knew the boy would outgrow you. It merely happened a lot sooner than we anticipated."

Aaron looked away. His father's words hurt more than the metal sword to the gut had. Sitting there, he was flush with an undescribable shame at his failure. Despite all the anger that churned in him that night, he never lost control, not entirely. Perhaps if he'd gone all out since the beginning...


Aaron let out a long breath. He couldn't change the past, only look to the future.

"How's the war going?"

Dopi had fed him bits and pieces from what she'd heard when she extended her senses beyond his body, but he'd been going crazy not knowing.

As agreed, she'd woken him up the very second he'd finished healing her.

Ren's face went sour.

"That great huh?"

Ren wrinkled his nose. "Samir gave the Fire Nation the biggest advantage they've ever had in this war. We've rallied support from the earth king and what's left of the water tribe, but we're losing even though we've come out on top of every major skirmish. The lack of fresh water is slowly killing the world. The disease is fast-spreading. Animals are dropping dead, and food is scarce. Our wells and reservoirs are on their last legs. We're weeks away from storming the capital out of desperation at this point."

Aaron's throat went dry. All this was happening because he couldn't put Mark down when he had the chance. "I take it Samir must've submitted his demands?"

Ren nodded. "You're not going to like them either. He asked for Mark hours after we found you. When we couldn't produce him, he asked for Phantoms instead. He's agreed to return the spirit if we hand over your uncle Wang and Aunty Yara."

"That bastard!" The sniveling bastard wanted revenge for losing his arm.

"Our thoughts exactly," Ren said. "It didn't help that he has spread the word that he will return the moon spirit as soon as we turn ourselves in."

"He's trying to split our forces."

Ren sighed. "And it's working. The other leaders are pressuring us to fold. They don't realize that we might be dooming the world for all time if we bend the knee. Besides, there are no guarantees he'll keep his word."

"It all circles back to Mark, doesn't it?" Aaron mumbled, before considering something. "Couldn't we just kill Samir and be done with it?"

"We have somebody on the inside, but I wouldn't count on him to reach the Koi fish or Samir with the security the traveler has. After losing an arm and his voice to Yara, it seems, he's finally taking us seriously."

"Can't we just rescue the spirit ourselves?"

"He's in the Fire Nation Palace. The capital is difficult enough to sneak into as is, even with our wingsuits. They patrol the capital with war balloons now."

Aaron rubbed his forehead in frustration. "Do we have a possible location on Mark?"

Ren looked at Aaron with concern. "You're not thinking about going after him, are you?"

"I know the last fight ended horribly, but…"

"You're in no condition to take him on," Ren said. "I know you think he's your responsibility and you must set things right...but you stand no chance as you are. You can't begin to comprehend how much of an advantage metal bending is."

"I'm not the same person as I was a month ago!" Aaron said. He knew how to use Chi to heal, had a third mind thinking for him, and with White Flash he could...

"No!" Ren raised his voice for the first time in years. "You're weaker. Your muscles are atrophied, and your techniques have dulled."

"I have nearly twice as much Chi as I did before," Aaron countered. "I will be back to fighting form in weeks. My spirit has also matured. I know you can see it."

Ren sighed and gave his son a peculiar look. "I can, but you need rest. Let us worry about your wayward student. When you recover you can join the front lines. Spirits know your Uncle Wang or Harlan would gladly have you."

Aaron wanted to argue, but he knew his father well enough to know there was no changing his mind on this, at least not right now. They could have his conversation again when he was back on his feet, stronger than ever, and armed with the spiritual techniques Dopi had given him. He expected Mark to have improved his metal bending. And there was no real way to anticipate what he could do with it, but Aaron was sure he'd manage somehow with White Flash, a new sub-mind, and more Chi.

"How are Misha and Peta doing?" Aaron asked after a brief silence.

"Better than they were before. Misha has physically recovered, but she's not in the headspace to fight…or do much else. Whatever Samir did to her, it left a…mark."

'Fucking Samir.' Aaron set his jaw. When Aaron was done with Mark, the one-armed bastard was next.

"Can I see her?"

Ren nodded. "You can. She's been eager to see you but refuses to leave her room. She hoped you'd come to her when you woke up."

Aaron smiled "Tell her I will be right over when I am strong enough to stand."

Ren nodded and got up to his feet.

"Don't be in too much of a hurry to leave your room. You need rest. I'm sure she won't be too upset if you took your time."

As Ren opened the door, Aaron called out. "You never said when the attack on the capital was happening."

"Soon," Ren muttered. "There's a lot to figure out. We need to rescue the Koifish and neutralize Samir before we can even dream of advancing on the capital. There's also the small matter of moving thousands of thirsty starving men allt eh way to the Water Nation without tipping off the enemy."

Aaron nodded his head, then twisted his lips. "Anything I can do to help?

"Be ready when we call on you," Ren simply said as he shut the door behind him.

Aaron let out a sigh as he flopped onto the bed. Things were as he feared and might get worse when they launched their attack on the capital.

As much as he wanted to go after Mark, his family needed him more. If he was being honest with himself, working with the rest of the phantoms was probably the best use of his talents.

Aaron huffed. He still couldn't get the little gutter snake out of his mind though. After everything he's done, Aaron itched to give Mark a piece of his mind.

"He'll come to us by himself soon enough," Aaron muttered. Once they got back the spirit and captured Samir, he would be sure to follow. His determination fueled his concentration, and before long, calling up a technique that felt nearly second nature at this point--Chi healing.