
Phantom King [PT.1]

DoofusWhite · Ciencia y ficción
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

As Alice and West go to sleep, Alice can still hear another faint knock at the wall. She opens her eyes but doesn't say anything.

Alice thinks to herself,

"Why am I hearing knocking at the door? I don't want to talk since West is trying to sleep. Plus, I think he probably has had enough from today."

Approximately 20 minutes have passed, and West is already asleep. Unfortunately, Alice is still awake and cannot sleep due to the knocking, apparently, she can only hear. She then starts to hear loud knocks from the door this time. This gets her curious and makes her get up to open the door. She gets up from her bed to open the door, but no one is there.

"That's strange. I swore I heard knocks from the door." Alice says to herself

She then hears the walls sort of cracking from the inside of her dorm. She can't see where it's coming from since it's pitch black. Alice starts to panic a little, wondering what's going on. As Alice is standing in the middle of the dorm, she can hear whispers behind her. This makes Alice jump and almost scream.

Alice thinks to herself,

"What is going on? I don't know what to do, I may just have to wake up West."

She tries to see around her, but it is still too dark for her to see. As she tries to walk around, she accidentally walks into a wall near her bed.

"Ow… that really hurt…"

As she falls to the floor, she starts to tear up a little, not knowing what's going on. When she looks around, she can find her flashlight that she packed with her on the ground. She is grateful and turns on the flashlight. But when she turns on the flashlight, she sees a demon-like creature sitting on top of her bed! With her mouth wide open she tries to yell for West's attention but is unable to scream or even talk for some reason. As fast as she can she tries to run towards West to wake him up. However, sadly, the creature got to her first. The creature looks at her menacingly, but he doesn't seem to hurt her. In a way, she thinks that this could be a human. Without really any time to look at the creature, the creature brings her outside by breaking out the window. The monster puts her down near a hidden building so the light towers can't find them. At this point, Alice is freaked out. She first can't sleep due to a knocking noise and now she just got kidnapped by a monster. The monster puts her down near a bush and then unexpectedly, transforms into a human. Alice is shocked to know who it is. She really didn't know him, but she could recognize him from the bus. It was the guy reading a book in the corner of the bus.

This made her ask him,

"A-Aren't y-you t-the guy from t-the b-bus"

The guy looks at Alice, eyes filled with darkness and with a serious face.

He tells her,

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is George David. I am not from this so called reality; I was called here to eliminate someone by the name of West Smith. I have been spying on him ever since that bus ride."