
Phantasm of Akasha

In the beginning, there was an end of the world, caused by a woman with a golden crimson hair by her dreadful powers. She was heralded as an Adversary of All Things by some, and as a True Goddess by others. At present, a foul-mouthed, prideful, boastful, and arrogant woman with a golden crimson hair came to a world unknown to her. But she's amnesiac, therefore she forces herself to travel with the Prince and the Dwarf who found her appeared out of nowhere to these lands unknown. To what end will her journey finds?

Antipyrexia · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Animal Problem


With the sudden onslaught of the beastkins overflowing from the cells, Pinta didn't have any choice or entertain hesitation as she finally pursue the plan Hardy suggested earlier. It was a gamble, but there's no use thinking of 'ifs'. The fire spreads out from beastkins to beastkins, brimming the narrow place quickly with flames akin to wildfire. Their burning flesh stings Hardy's nose like a meat being cook as they insanely howl and bark profusely until they were unable to do so as their vocal cords burns to cinders. Even then, it won't stop their onslaught, the way's been blocked by the unpassable flames, and the Hardy notices that the air gets thinner, and breathing gets harder by every second. Pinta never did waste any second as she casts another spell as Hardy chops their attackers one by one,


Water emerges from their feet, then from bottom to top, both Pinta and Hardy becomes enveloped with it as it forms as a single orb cradling them inside. Hardy was astonished and says,

"Not bad!" then as he turns his sight towards Pinta, he notices that she is no better than worse to wear. Her eyes droops as well as her upper body, her hands on her knees. Clearly, she was in no shape to continue. Hardy expresses his worry to her once yet again, but knowing it will be futile, he asks her differently,

"How long this will last?" he said to her.

"A… few minutes…about five I think…" Pinta replied, then looks at him at his eyes with her droopy gaze, "Don't worry, I can… still manage…"

"You don't say…" Hardy then brought her arm to his shoulder, "Come now, we had a few minutes, right?"


"Why you're apologizing? I'm just your underling."

Pinta smiles wryly as she and Hardy moves forward the burning path, protected by the orb of water, as Hardy decimates those who attempts to come inside of it.


Suddenly, Ishnaia woke up in an unfamiliar ceiling, found herself in an unfamiliar bed, and darts her eyes around in an unfamiliar room as she rose up halfway. It was in the middle of the night, and the room dimly lit by the lantern beside a desk from her bed. Even so, room itself was not in poor taste by itself. It was all made with intricate bricks and cements, with sash windows made of wood and glass. There's a single dressing window with a neatly tucked wooden chair below. Both are well maintained as the rest of the room. It is as if it was used recently, but was it really? The room was clean and all, but it was empty. Even the said desk. Then she peers on her body and found herself in a different attire. A plain brown oversized sleepwear. But a better question arose at her mind, what was she doing here? And by how did she end up in this room?


The she remembered what had happened earlier before coming in here. She had a battle with some sassy bitch who killed an old man because of some kind of oath. Alister was there. Reo also. Then, the bitch's underlings attack them, and she killed lots of her underlings by…

…wait, what did she do again?

Feeling it useless to remember, she wiped her face with her hand and got off the bed. It was then she heard some commotion going on outside. What was going on outside? She then decided to step outside to know what was happening. Then as she opens the single doorway which was made out of wood, she was greeted by a wrinkled man with a reclining hair and a white goatee and of a slim build at the doorstep.

"So, you're awake."

"And you are?"

"Oh, where are my manners, The name's Eustadd," he presses his hand on his chest and bowed, "I'm just an old man of this home."

"An old man?" Ishnaia raises her eyebrow and searchingly cast her eyes on him. He is wearing quite a regal outfit for some old man. "What, are you some kind of my savior?"

"Oh no, the knights did. I am just who gives orders."

 "You surely

He chuckled, "You got me. Perhaps may I come in?"

"May?" Ishnaia sneered, "Hah! I can't refuse if I want to!"

"Yes. I'm glad you understand."

Ishnaia sarcastically smiled and went in, sitting again from whence she woked up. Eustadd brought the chair from the dressing window and sat from there. Then without further ado,

"Let us get straight to the point, what are you?" he said abruptly in a manner of a stern inquisitor.

"Straight to the point huh, I like that. But that's what I felt a while ago when you welcome me."

"A test. Your first speech pattern tells me you are not like those gullible nobles who talks sweet for their ulterior motives."

Ishnaia had her eyebrow twitched. Fuck this old man, why do I feel nervous about him? She wondered. But then, Eustadd continues with quick words,

"So then, let's go back to my question, what are you?"

"What am I? I wish I knew."

"You don't know who you are?"

"Well, I don't know who you are too."

"Then, why are you unscathed?"


"You killed those good men."


"So, you concur."

Ishnaia had her mouth agape. This aggressive incessant interview is troubling her more than she imagined.

"Very well then-"

"Hey! I didn't fuckin' agree on anything!"

"So you swear."

"Yes I swear!... wha!?"

"Alright. What happened to Hrefna?" Eustadd cuts Ishnaia's realization on what she had just said.


"The horned girl. Did you wound her?"

"I…I guess I did."

Eustadd slightly nodded, "Then I had a proposal, in exchange for the prince and the another one, will you quell this animal problem we had for me."

"If I refuse?"

"Then go by your lonesome and leave the little boys. Only I know where they are. Still, you will inevitably help me in any case."

"How about I kill you right here, right now?"

"Aggressive, aren't you? Don't be, you'll just waste your energy in pool ol'me. It won't change that you'll eventually help me with my Animal Problem.

Then finally he shut his mouth. Animal Problem?

"Wait, what the fuck is your Animal Problem?"

"I thought you may never ask." Then as if in que, a knight of Erons knocked.

"Come in." Eustadd answered and the knight entered the room, bowed to him and said,

"Milord, The Beastkins are killing people left and right, even their own kind! We are trying to stop them as I speak, however, they are too fast for us to come

"How about Hrefna's underlings?" Eustadd inquires, "How do they fare?"

"Sir…" The knight moves his head towards Ishnaia.

Seeing this, Eustadd gave a slight nod, "Go on, it's alright."

The knight, again, faces Eustadd, "They've bolstered our forces much more than we had expected. However, they came a little too late."

"That's to be expected, this little girl here had just sent them away packing. I doubt that they'll return, but Hrefna's surprisingly considerate for us! Let animals fight animals!" Eustadd chuckles by himself, whereas Ishnaia cringes with what she's seeing and hearing. What is this creepy old man?

"…you seem to be super calm about this." She said.

"Why not? panic will only cloud judgment! Isn't that right sir knight?"

"Ye-yes milord."

"That is a lesson for you, that's why you need to stay calm right now and take a deep breath. you need it."

"Will do milord."

"Good. Run along with the army leaders that help is on its way. Do not say what or who. Say that I've already called the cavalry. If they're doubtful, and only if they're doubtful, say that I've contacted the King of Gesneria. Is that clear?"

"Yes milord." The knight bowed and left the room. After the knight closed the door, Ishnaia tilts her head and speaks,

"…I guess that's your Animal Problem?"


"So, what would you expect me to do? Make this little girl go fuck herself over the furries?"

"They're not just your average furries. They're rejects of our experimentations."

"What? Experiments?"

"Indeed. Not that I was directly involved in actual experimentations. Of course, I only approved of it and left it with the experts. Ï call it, returning them to their primal animalistic tendencies, of what they should have been."

"The fuck!?" Ishnaia squinted her eyes vexingly over Eustadd, the seemingly incomprehensible old man, "Why would you do that?"

"A long story, I doubt you'll understand it. Let's just say that those attacking us, they're supposed to be my deterrence to those who wish harm to the House. Funny thing is, Hrefna believed I'm going to stage a coup in the kingdom using them, but no. I'm too old to be a power maniac fool."

"Then why the fuck those things fucking the place right now!? Did you fuck yourself up without your knowledge?" 

"That's Hrefna's doing. She must have used those rebel scums to attack me. Maybe she realizes I won't do what she imagined I will do and thought I outlived my usefulness. This might be a way of getting her back at me. And why she'd let her army fight anyway? It might be so that I won't suspect a thing. Tough luck that I am not as stupid as she thinks. Right now, she must be flying back wounded to her true master. But I don't mind. She'll about to learn something soon."

"Then… why didn't she just kill you on your bed? Because I'll do it if I was her."

"Hah!" He grinned, amused with what Ishnaia said, "I guess she wanted me to see how my house falls. It doesn't really matter. I'd rather see my house fall than letting my stupid son handle onwards. If only Somiya was here…"


"None of your business. I've talk too much, guess that happens when someone becomes old. Get going now girl. Kill those monsters, be a hero and save the town. That's it. Time does not wait for anyone." Then he stood up as he was speaking and left the room. Ishnaia just sat on the spot, thinking what just had happened. Apparently, from what she had surmised, no matter what she decides to do, she had to kill more if she wants to know the location of those two boys. She was getting used to it in just a short span of time. Is this what she lived for?

"Like hell it is!" She shouted by herself.