
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

With a smile on his face

Although Ethan now has confidence, but he is not carried away, Ethan knows, want to escape here, not alone can do it, and the ability to promise is too useful, Ethan must win her.

And by this time Ethan had another plan in mind...

A game of death for dozens of powers represents dozens of powers!

Ethan only needs to investigate carefully to find out those powers that have formed crystal nuclei in their heads, and then find out the powers that are useful to them and can help them escape from the Bay City, and absorb their powers into their own body.

Wait, Ethan just thought of another possibility. Who says you have to eat a power nucleus to get your powers? Can Ethan just eat the body of a power and get his powers?

Eat human flesh? Ethan was suddenly perplexed. The end times can drive a man crazy, but they haven't driven Ethan that far, at least in the last two years or so, no matter how difficult the circumstances, Ethan has not eaten human flesh.

It's an interesting thought, given that Ethan is perfectly fine with killing his own kind, but he's not fine with using his own kind as food. Maybe he wasn't pushed, or maybe Ethan had some boundaries in his heart.

What the hell are you thinking about? Ethan scrambled to recover.

Staring at the promise in front of him, Ethan had to say, "Tell me, why did you trust me? Because I'm your countryman? Or because I'm a soldier?"

"I..." Promise opened his mouth, want to speak, thin long fingers nervously mixed together, so that the white palm is more bloodless.

"So you want to break our agreement now? Even want to get out of this cell as far away from me as possible?" Ethan body receded, sat firmly on his iron bed, no longer condescending inquiry, from all aspects as much as possible to take care of the promised state of mind, as far as possible not to give her a sense of pressure, showing a harmless appearance.

"Promise, you may not have thought, you don't have much time, you don't have much opportunity." Ethan smiled and shook his head, "More and more powers are paying attention to you, and the master of the death race is targeting you." I am your lifeline. Please open your eyes and look around, picture every single power you can in your head, and tell me, do you have anyone you can rely on?"

Promise: "I..."

Ethan: "Can you get lucky again and get a crystal nucleus and then attach yourself to another person?" Can you believe those vicious dogs?"

"How am I supposed to trust you?" Promise muttered, through constant psychological hints, self-deception, promise naively and blindly to please this compatriot, to please this soldier, expecting him to give her the life she wanted.

When the question returned to the essence, a bitter expression came over the promise's face. Yes, how could she trust Ethan? Isn't everything you do a lie to yourself?

"It depends on whether I am well trained and whether I am a soldier with honor and dignity in my heart." Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "Or else, it depends on whether I'm a man of my word. I think I have that quality. It's my foundation. It's what keeps me going in these troubled times."

"In fact, promise." Ethan continued to speak, but the meaning of the words was finalized, "Even if I don't have the ability to do so, you are facing the same situation, to give your fate to a person you think is reliable, and then leave it to chance."

"That's how it is. It has nothing to do with my ability to wake up." Ethan's tone was tinged with disdain.

Well, from Ethan's point of view, that's true.

But from the perspective of others, it is not so.

Powers, but also devouring powers, can change a person's battle plan, change a person's behavior, and even change a person's heart!

"At the very least, you have to choose to trust me, you have to be on board with me, you know, I don't want to be a target, my powers can't get out, I can't allow you to leave, we have to be a community of interest." Ethan said faintly, a glimmer of light flashing in his dark eyes, but the promise completely understood the threatening words.

"Well... Ok." Promise was a little panicked.

At the promise of agreement, Ethan was relieved to find that the woman was still clinging to the corner like a frightened little rabbit, which looked pitiful.

"We finally reached an agreement, promising that, you know, if I hadn't been targeted by the red-banded man in prison, I would have taken your hand and kissed the back of your hand by now, and thanked you for your trust in me with practical actions." "Ethan said, and actually moved forward, leaning forward, holding out his hands, as if waiting for the promised palm to be placed in his palm.

"Don't you... That's it." Promise stunned for a moment, then, saw Ethan dark deep eyes, the next moment, promise panicky lowered his head, beautiful face like a tempting peach, let people want to bite on.

"Isn't that what is called a gentleman's courtesy?" Ethan smiled warmly and spoke softly. "Do you want a warm hug? Or was it a sweet kiss like last night? You like the taste, don't you?"

"What are you talking about, you, you man, you don't... No more flirting, you..." The voice of promise is getting smaller and smaller, his face blushes, and he bows his head as an ostrich.

Women, indeed, are still emotional animals, one second is still panicking, shivering, the next second is forcibly diverted attention.

"Okay, no more flirting." Ethan voice change, see the promise was forced to change their state of mind, no longer scared, Ethan got the desired effect.

Ethan's voice was no longer soft, his face was deadpan again, and he asked, "You've been in three mortal battles, and of our thirty remaining Powers, who do you think is most likely to have a crystal nucleus in your head?" Also, tell me about all the contestants' powers that you know about."

"Eh?" Promise said he was dumbstruck, lifted his head from his arms, and saw Ethan back into his serious soldier look.

Looking at Ethan's searching eyes, Promise stunned for a long time, and finally very reluctantly smiled at Ethan.

Looking at the woman so skin smile flesh does not smile appearance, Ethan seems to have heard the sentence in her heart...