
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

The Chosen One

It's a wonderful world out there.

That it is.

This one twists and turns journey, let Ethan this frog in the bottom of the well to see the vastness of the world.

In that little base in Luling, every power was fed like a man, even a piece of shit like John, who could bully him like he was the biggest in the world.

But here, every cell holds the Powers, the "chosen ones" in Ethan's mind. All of this has hit Ethan a little too hard.

What's a little harder for Ethan to accept is that the ultimate goal of this game is to sell Powers like slaves.

All over the world, as people at the bottom struggle to survive, worry about the food of the day, and run for their lives because of the inhuman dogs before them.

The really big powers, the big families, the big organizations are already trading supplies for powers.

If some base is buying powers to serve as soldiers, at least Ethan has some dignity in his heart. But according to Grimm, most of the Powers sold were purchased by those families.

Those powers might be home guards, they might be business enforcers, they might even be bodyguards for some dying old man. What would that do? Serving tea every day? Make the bed?

Such news is simply intolerable. Perhaps it would be a good home for such a weak woman as Promise, but for Ethan, who has climbed out of a mountain of blood and corpses, the faith boiling in his blood would not allow him to become such a person.

Of course, if it's bought, it seems like there's a better chance of escape, right? From this point of view, the choice is not bad.

All in all, it is acceptable to flee after being bought or in the bay City. After all, Ethan's family is still at Luling Base, and before the operation, Ethan had promised Carrie that he would make it home safe and sound, and now, father and mother would be very sad.

On the bright side, if the members of Team 7 make it back to base safely, then the news that Ethan is alive will be brought back, which will at least give his parents some comfort.

Ethan certainly hoped that was the case, given that he had broken away from the army and dashed off the road with a few silver predators.

"Please, Ethan." Soft voice with a thread of pleading, promise to kneel in front of the prison fence, looking at the opposite prison, she is still doing the last effort.

Ethan was lying in a cold bed, unresponsive. He heard the woman's voice, which was really painful.

After the manager Doug said that the promise was worth 2 people's heads today, the promise has completely become the fat meat in the eyes of all the contestants, and anyone who wants to live and is ruthless will not be stingy with this food.

But what can Ethan do? It's good enough not to think of promise as a 2/5 of himself, but does Ethan have to help Promise escape the Powers?

You know, Ethan's in a state of his own, he's been thrown into this prison against his will, wearing flashing blue cuffs, but Ethan is not a power at all!

Tomorrow, Ethan will face off against dozens of Powers, but Ethan is just an ordinary man. It might have been a good idea for Ethan, as an ordinary person, to team up with Promise if it wasn't for everyone, but now... Once Ethan says yes, it's like a target, and the Powers will kill Ethan after they hunt down the promise.

Promise obviously does not know these, she has Ethan as the last straw, still begging.

"What are your abilities?" Ethan walked slowly out of bed to the cell door and asked softly.

When Ethan finally answered, Promise came alive, wiping tears from her cheeks with her dirty palms,

"Some days I am heavy, and some days I am light, I mean... I can go through everything, I can go through obstacles, I can even carry you through walls, I can smash a wall, I can do a lot of things."

Is that how you got away with two life-and-death battles?

Hearing this, Ethan sighed deeply, if such ability to give themselves, it is equivalent to invincibility.

But such ability was put on this weak girl, she even did not have the courage to kill a zombie, her heart only escape, escape.

What really determines a person's strength is always the strong heart.

No matter how powerful a weapon is given to a weak person, he does not even have the courage to face the enemy, how can he talk about combat effectiveness?

"Can you change the molecular density of your body?" Ethan said quietly.

'What? Promise is a little confused, she only knows that her body can be very light, light enough to pass through all the material, it can also be very heavy, heavy enough to smash the cement floor under her feet with a punch.

"You need to change."

"Well, you say it, and I'll listen to you, I'll listen to you." The promised fingers grasped the edge of the iron fence, and in the cause of excessive excitement the handcuffs on his wrists collided with the iron fence, making a moderate sound.

Such a sound frightened promise a shiver, quickly unclenched his hands, body curled up together, closed his eyes and prayed that the guard would not come.

"You can't just run." Ethan said slowly, and the steady voice seemed to have a touch of magic, and slowly calmed the panicked heart of the promise.

"You can be light, you can be heavy, you can go through obstacles, you can smash obstacles." Ethan watched the promise settle and continued to speak.

"Yes, yes." Promise, with a trembling voice, said obediently.

"So you're invincible." Ethan stated the obvious, "You can solve the crisis in two ways, you can be light, no gun, no gun, no sword can hurt you, they will only cut through your body; At the same time, you can become so heavy and indestructible that no injury can leave a mark on you."

"Yes, that's true, but my powers don't last very long. If I use them too much, I get tired. When I get tired, my powers fail." Promise afraid said, if no one targeted, promise may still survive 24 hours, but now the situation is different, everyone is trying to kill her so as to get the number of two people, promise knows that he is afraid to survive a few encircling suppression, the ability will fail.

Ethan thought it over, his mind calculated a possibility, and continued to ask, "What would happen if your body passed through an obstacle, but immediately gave up the use of your powers, or even changed the way you used them, so that you became very heavy?"

"Will... Will..." Promise seemed to be puzzled by this question. UU read www.uukanshu.com for a long time and then said, "I once put my hand through a goblet. At that time, I was not proficient in using my ability.

Confirming his suspicions, Ethan continued, "What if you put your hand into someone's chest, palm through their heart, and then give up the power? Or do you just make yourself suddenly heavier? Become indestructible?"

"That..." Promise shuddered and said quickly, "It's too dangerous. People will die!"

"Yes, it's dangerous, but it's your protection." Ethan stood up slowly and whispered, "I hope to see you again."

"Ethan, don't go, Ethan..." Promise clutched the bars with both hands and watched Ethan slowly retreat, a glimmer of despair in her bright, beautiful eyes.

Ethan took one last look at Promise and let out a deep sigh.

Desperate? Why are you desperate? Do you realize that with this ability, you already have the potential to become a god?

Even though there are many kinds of powers, but, among the many kinds of powers, you are still the true chosen one, as long as you break a window, as long as you are determined to resist, even once, you will find that those who once made you fear, bring you threats, they are just bones at your feet.

So why are you desperate?

It's people like me who should be struggling to survive. Ethan smiled at himself and closed his eyes in silence.

After all, Ethan only took half a bite of bread.

That's all I can say.