
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

The champion has been ordained by you

Ethan expressionless, silently looking at the woman looking down on the front, the heart has already set off a storm, it is Green's girlfriend Caitlin! ?

Now that Grimm's a prisoner, why is Caitlin standing there? She seems to be the woman who runs Doggs?

In contrast to the expression on Green's face when she met Ethan, Caitlin's face was not happy with the reunion, but rather rattled, and she turned her head slightly away from it, as if she didn't want to make it clear that she had anything to do with Ethan.

What Catelyn did not expect, however, was that she turned her head casually, and the place where her eyes fell was another very familiar face, although the figure was much thinner and dirty, but Catelyn recognized at a glance, it was the bookworm who had been with her!

Green's face was stunned, and a hint of surprise slowly appeared in his eyes.

But the next moment, the Grimm's heart cooled, for Catelyn was not at all happy to see each other again. She looked very dark, looking from Grimm to Ethan, as if she were thinking about...

"For those new to the game, I would like to remind you of the rules regarding Storybrooke." The supervisor, Doug, straightened up his suit and continued to say, "You all know that you have been injected with miniature bombs in your brains before you are thrown into prison?"

For a moment, the new Powers are agitated, and the old players, they are indifferent, because they all know what this means.

"You powers are a pain in the ass." Dawgs patted himself on the back of the head and continued, "When I take your handcuffs off, I know what that means, and if -- and I mean if you do anything out of line, I will not hesitate to press the button and... And guess what?"

'Bang! Dawgs clenched his hands, then flung them open, looked at the startled crowd and laughed, "Your brains will explode! Do you know the consequences? So, I advise you not to have any small thoughts, small thoughts."

"Except to leave Storybrooke as required, according to my rules, any other means and means will cause you to die!" This is my promise to you!" Doggs sneered, turned the topic, continued, "Of course, I know that your powers are strange, it is inevitable that some guys think that they can get miniature bombs out of their heads, or use special powers to save themselves from being blown up, so I carefully selected dozens of powers for you to guard, want to escape?" Trying to break the rules? It must all go through them, and I think it is more terrible to break through the circle I have laid for you than to kill five novices."

"Just so you know, someone tried to escape, more than one person, and they have a 100 percent mortality rate." Looking at the prisoners who were afraid to come out of the atmosphere under their own verbal offensive, Dawgs nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh, by the way, if you do kill another contestant, I should be clear in advance that the nucleus in his head belongs to me, and you do not want to take the opportunity to take the nucleus from the corpse, if someone tries to take the nucleus, waiting for you only death!"

Dawgs looked at the slightly angry crowd, couldn't help but shrug his shoulders, and of course said: "What's wrong? I feed you, I house you, you are my property! Until there is no buyer to buy you, you are mine, and so are the bodies!"

"You don't want to upset the soldiers who are going to pick up the dead contestants. Think of the bombs in your heads, think of the dozens of powerful Baytown Powers, and I think you will make a clear decision." Dawgs nodded, convinced himself, "Well, let's go and enjoy your last peaceful evening."

Dawgs said,

She turned and walked toward the elegant Catelyn, holding out her arms slightly.

Catelyn's beautiful face burst into an appreciation of the smile, reached out to take Doug's arms, the woman so adoring expression and clever behavior, so that Dougs feel very comfortable, has begun to dream of sweet night.

'Oh, yes! Just before the two were about to go out, Dougs suddenly stopped, turned his head slightly, and said to the inmates, "I hope you give me a good game, outstanding performance, I will be rewarded privately, um.... A crystal nucleus, how's that for a reward?"

For a moment, the whole room was in uproar.

It seems that when it comes to the treatment of crystal nuclei, the values here and the concept of Luling base are still the same, and crystal nuclei are rare and priceless.

"You saw her, didn't you? Ethan, that's Caitlin, my girlfriend." As the prisoners were being held back, Green came up to Ethan and whispered.

"Yes." Ethan spoke softly.

"We should contact her. She seems to be doing well and powerful. Maybe we can get out of this death match. Maybe we can even change our faces." Green was immersed in his fantasies and couldn't get out of them.

Ethan sighed deeply. "You saw her eyes, too, didn't you?"

"Huh?" Ethan's words pulled Green out of his reverie.

"She pretended not to know us? This is normal, maybe she has her own concerns, after all, after all she... There's another man." There was a tinge of bitterness in Green's words, but they were soon replaced by expectation.

Last name Green, called Green. Do you know what your name means in Chinese? It turns out... The champion is destined by you...

Ethan didn't want to break Green's fantasy, but Ethan also didn't want Green to die because of it. He organized his words and said: "It wasn't a look of unrecognition. First it was surprise, then fear, and finally, there was a threat in her eyes, and I could see that she wished we were dead right now."

'Why? Green seemed to have a hard time accepting Ethan's explanation, repeating, "Why? Why is that? She and I had a very sweet, very beautiful time, I promise that I am the most intimate and warm boyfriend she has ever met, I do what she asks me to do, she wants anything I try to give her, she..."

"Maybe it is because of this sweet once, let you become her heart trouble, she may not want this stain, obviously, she climbed the tree, if such news is exploded, do you think her life will be easy?" Ethan smiled and shook his head.

Of course, people are different, and everyone will have a different reaction, and who knows what kind of reaction the boss, Doug, will have?

Not knowing how Doggs would react made Caitlin reluctant to take the risk.

Ethan was absolutely right about that, and Caitlin wished both Ethan and the Grimm were dead right now! She had worked her way up to a position of fear and admiration through beauty, emotional intelligence and strategy, and she was not willing to abandon it.

What's more, the Grimm really loves her, but how much does she love the Grimm? You can tell from their past relationships.

"No, that won't happen. That won't happen." Green does not want to trust Ethan's judgment, and he firmly believes that the two people's feelings are still there.

Is despair the cruelest of all?

No, it's not.

The real cruelty is to give you enough hope, and then to crumple this hope.