
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs



With a whimper, a blood hole was cut out of the dog's abdomen.

Ethan's eyes locked with the evolving zombie on the other side. At the same time, the evolution zombie's sharpy-clawed palm moved down slightly, carrying the struggling, mutilated body of the inhuman dog.

The Evolved Zombie uses the Inhuman dog to stop the bullet, and Ethan aims his gun again, and the Evolved Zombie's hand moves at the same time, putting the Inhuman dog between him and Ethan.

Ethan frowns, 24 inhuman dogs, five evolutionary zombies, and only 18 bullets himself, which...

Just then, the ground beneath Ethan's feet suddenly began to shake, as if it were a small earthquake, and the magnitude of the shaking was getting larger and larger, and the land actually sank at the center of the point.

Even if Ethan no matter how calm, in the face of one sudden situation after another, his heart is a little cold, all the time is dead, this is not a test of Ethan's psychological quality, this is to drive Ethan crazy rhythm!



A big silver hand broke out of the ground, firmly holding the ground, one after another, the surrounding depression in the land, have sprung out of several big silver hands, that dark long nails make people creepy.

"I 'm-ma know why you're afraid to come in!" Ethan made a very rare outburst, as if every change in the world was hastening his death and driving him to a dead end!

"Woo woo..."

"Jie Jie! Within a radius of 15 meters, evolved zombies and xenogenic dogs paced back and forth anxiously, whimpering and then quickly turned and ran away.

Ethan leng God, immediately reacted, quickly ran out, no matter what kind of creatures to climb out of the ground, Ethan are unwilling to face, even those evil dogs with low IQ have run away, what do you still hesitate?

Low IQ, only the animal instinct of the dog even in the face of bullets dare to risk death, in what circumstances they will run? Do you have to think about it? The run is over!

Ethan goes straight ahead!

I heard that... The cool autumn afternoon, and escape more suitable oh!

"Ahhh! Ahhh! The shrill cry rang through the sky, and the creatures from the earth finally crawled out.

Ethan turned his head slightly and looked back, but saw several giant silver creatures about 2 meters tall. They were very similar in size to humans. They had limbs and heads, but they seemed to have no faces.

"Ee-pee!" As if to hear Ethan's heart of the question, one of the huge silver humanoid monster's head suddenly split, head like a flower petal opened four petals, at Ethan's figure a roar.

"Dogs! Shit!" Today, Ethan broke his own record for swearing. He kept sprinting forward at his feet, trying to aim at the evolutionary zombies who were also fleeing in front of him while running. Even at this moment, Ethan was trying to turn his brain to seek another way of life for himself. Give yourself a little more time on the run?

Hell, where are all the dogs that were around me?

Where did it all go? The dogs all over the mountains gave Ethan the perfect answer, if they have the concept of "parents" in their heads, I'm afraid they are scolding why they don't give them two legs.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The frequency of heavy footsteps is extremely fast, Ethan's heart is suddenly accelerated, because the sound is getting closer and closer to him, as an ordinary person, how does Ethan's speed compare with those powerful monsters of different dimensions?

In just a few seconds, Ethan really smelled the breath of death, and countless pictures of life flashed through his mind.

There's no escape!

Ethan tumbled over, gun in hand tilted backward, sliding backward, his back rubbing against the ground, feeling a burning pain in his spine.

The bullet -- it's no use keeping it, is it? What if -- what if there's a miracle?

And Ethan's eyes slowly emerged a look of despair, this time I'm afraid it's really going to be cold.

In the line of sight, the figure of the giant silver humanoid creature kept enlarging, the strong and slender legs galloped, the huge head opened like a flower, revealing a bloody mouth, and countless fine fangs coiled around it.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ethan slid backwards and pulled the trigger, but the other guy was moving faster than Ethan could react.


The huge silver figure quickly passed from Ethan, like an overwhelming cloud, blocking Ethan's entire field of vision, but disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At that moment, Ethan's world seemed to slow to a halt. He saw the bloody mouth drop in midair. He saw the strange thin lines on its long limbs. He saw...


The humanoid hit the ground with a bang, and Ethan's eyes glazed over as the footsteps in his ears grew farther and farther away.

Ethan's sliding body suddenly stopped, into the blue sky, the white clouds, the breeze, as if this world is so unreal.

"Chug." Ethan seemed to be infected by Lippi, he swallowed, turned over, and lay on the ground, but saw that the 2-meter-high humanoid creature in front of him had seized an evolutionary zombie, the sharp claw section directly penetrated the evolutionary zombie's chest, and under the evolutionary zombie's wailing, the humanoid creature's head was open, and the bloody mouth was violently wrapped around the zombie's head.

{* Snort *}

The bloody mouth is like eating tofu, and when the humanoid creature looks up, the evolutionary zombie's head has disappeared.


The humanoid shrieked in the air, took the evolved zombie's arm in one hand, turned around, dragged its headless corpse, and slowly walked back.

Ethan carefully lay on the ground, not daring to make a single move.

For now, Ethan just wants to be a quiet Voldemort.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The 2-meter-tall humanoid creature walked step by step, the heavy footsteps on the ground, stirring up clouds of dust, each step, as if it had stepped into Ethan's heart.

Ethan held his breath, trying not to make a sound.


A giant foot stomped on Ethan's ear, tingling Ethan's ear, more of a psychological effect, I'm afraid.

Boss! Is there a way out of this? There is no crystal nucleus in my head, I am too weak for you to plug the teeth, you see I lie on the ground, not dare to move, how clever.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the humanoid's footsteps grew farther and farther away, Ethan opened his mouth slightly. Did God hear his prayers?

Ethan was almost moved to tears, but his body did not move...