
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Strange woman

The next morning, accompanied by a loud bell, the thin black man on the bed beside him sprang up like a rabbit, and hurried to the door of the cell, with the door opened, the thin black man went out according to the rules, and stood on the left side of the door, looking like a slave.

Ethan frowned, unwilling to act out of his, also went out, subtle movements around the observation, only to find that the prisoners in the surrounding cells have come out, like their fellow inmates, they are a pair of low-brow appearance, standing on both sides of the cell, speechless.

"Everybody, go feed me your useless bellies, but I took a lot out of your rations today, and a lot of people will continue to be hungry, haha." A male voice came and, surrounded by several soldiers, Ethan saw the lead speaker.

To one's surprise, the leader was the same soldier who had warned Ethan the night before. He had pale skin, as if he had not seen the sun for years, a big round head clean with a razor, about thirty years old, and a red band on his right arm.

Ethan do not know what the other side is thinking, anyway, Ethan is completely without such aesthetic concepts, after all, in Ethan's hometown, wearing red hoops are the aunt of the neighborhood committee.

Thinking, the red hoop man looked at Ethan and said, "On the first day in prison, of course I will give you special care. Now, Mr. Mysterious soldier, go back to your cell and you will not eat this meal."

There was silence in the cell, no one dared to speak, no one was anyone's family, no one was willing to risk their lives to stand up for Ethan. What's more, although it is called a prison, there are no too strict rules to restrain the enforcers, after all, the background of the world is the end of the inhuman, not the orderly civilized society.

"I hear you have a very tight mouth, we only know that you are a soldier?" And you don't even know your name? Aren't you funny?" The red hoop man smiled, and several soldiers behind him saw that Ethan was unmoved, and the soldiers rushed forward directly and pushed Ethan into the cell, which was closed after a few seconds.

As the prisoners filed out and the underground cell became empty, the man with the red band slowly approached Ethan's cell and said, "Morse Code, right? What kind of message are you sending?"

Ethan sat on the iron bed and said nothing.

"Listen, yellow bastard, if it wasn't for the leadership, I would have knocked all the information out of your mouth, you think you're really good?" Let me tell you..." The man with the red band banged his finger gently on the cell door, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "The scars you have on your body are just fooling children. You have nothing to resist me here."

"Finally, you are going to die in two days, but during these two days, I advise you not to make any rash moves, or I will make you feel the taste of death, do you understand?" You stay right here! This is my place!" Red hoop man said word by word.

Ethan nodded, looking harmless.

"Very well, no matter how big your background is, you must bow down to me here!" The red hoop man nodded with satisfaction and left with a humming tune.

The red hoop man seems to have some psychological problems, repeatedly emphasizing that he is the boss here, is the master here, so say... He desperately wants and cares about it, you know? All the toughness you show is because of fear? He was afraid Ethan would do something out of line, what would it do to him?

What Ethan does not know is that the red hoop man hates this group of self-righteous powers, so he will pack up all the powers in the cell, find pleasure in reprimands and beatings, and find the value of his own existence.

Everyone has their own story, and in this sick world, no one can be too crazy.

Just like Ethan and the red band man now.

Red hoop man does not understand Ethan's true strength geometry, and Ethan does not understand red hoop man once.

Unlike the several soldiers who rinsed Ethan's body but did not want to provoke him, the red hoop man apparently had no such concerns.

He seems to have the same iron head as Ethan.

Breakfast was soon over, and some of the prisoners were sent to work as labourers, which was a bonus. After all, it was better to be outside in the sun and exercise than in the dark and damp cells.

The other prisoners, who failed to secure labor, returned to their cells under the watch of soldiers.

"Ahem." There was a slight coughing sound, and then a bit of bread flew in among the prisoners, and Ethan turned to look at a distant face that he had seen before.

It's really a Grimm!

How the Grimm has changed!

His height made him stand out among a group of prisoners, and his original fat appearance was gone, his thin face appeared somewhat handsome, because he was surrounded by prisoners in the middle, so Ethan could not see Green's body lines, and the blond long hair disappeared, becoming the standard of prisoners - a round head.

Green could not restrain his joy. His pale blue eyes looked at Ethan, and for a few seconds, a mist even rose from his eyes.

What a luxury it was to see the face of an old friend, and to think of that good memory, in this grim doom, in this gloomy cell.

Green's inner workings are obviously unimaginable to ordinary people.

Ethan's reaction can not be said to be unhappy, he has just been jailed for a short time to experience the rules here, he quickly picked up half a small bread, one hand hidden behind him, in terms of the current situation, Ethan does not want to complicate the branch, also do not want to hurt Green.

Green turned his head as he was pushed along in the crowd, his lips trembling slightly, and it was clear from his mouth that he was calling Ethan's name, but no sound came out.

"Long time no see." Ethan also made a mouth, that always strong and calm heart, seems to be softened down at this moment.

This was the only conversation between the two men, and in an instant, Green had been pushed far and wide by the large army and completely disappeared from Ethan's field of vision.

"Now, keep quiet." As Ethan leaned over the iron fence, a cold little hand shoved something into Ethan's lower abdomen.

Ethan subconsciously covered the stranger's stuff, carefully looked at the person in front of him, but found that the other side is an Asian woman, more specifically, should be Chinese.

Because she was speaking Chinese.

The woman was of medium height, about 165cm, and quite charming in appearance.

"Thank you." Ethan didn't know why this strange woman suddenly showed kindness to him, because Ethan had already figured out what it was, and it was also a hard little bread, but it was at least food, wasn't it?

Ethan knew that this woman must have a small calculation in her heart, and there should be no Madonna here.

Should... There can't be?

When the slender, dusty woman heard the familiar Chinese, the eyes also brightened, it was hard to imagine that under the rags and dirty appearance, there would be a woman with such a sweet smile.

The meaning of that smile is complicated, there is surprise, there is anticipation.

The woman took back her hands, quickly turned around, and walked to the opposite cell, where she stood with a low brow, and you no longer dared to make any movement.

Thirty seconds later, the cell doors all opened and the woman stepped in.

As she entered the cell, the woman turned and her bright eyes turned to Ethan.


As the cell doors closed and the soldiers patrolled away, the woman spoke for the first time: "Promise. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com"

Ethan raised his eyebrows. Was she saying her name, or starting a conversation?

"Are you Chinese?" The woman leaned forward slightly, her fingers grasped the cold iron bars, and her bright eyes were so beautiful on her dirty face, and her words were full of hope.

Ethan nodded silently.

"I was born in Beijing and spent my whole childhood there. I... I kind of miss my hometown snacks." The woman clutched the iron bars with her palms, her knuckles white and bloodless, showing that she was straining.

Ethan sighed in his heart, this is a kind of flattery, but okay, at least Ethan needs to get enough information.

"Your Mandarin is very standard. You can't hear Beijing." Ethan began to say that since someone could bring him information, he had no reason to refuse, and the woman had already made a polite opening with half a loaf of bread.

"You too." The woman's face lit up and once again heard the pure Mandarin, making the woman delighted, "I can't tell where you are from."

"Thank you for the food." Ethan obviously didn't want to dwell on the issue, he wanted to change the subject and then lead to the "fight to the death" two days later.

"You need this. It's hard and it tastes bad, but you need it." The woman began, then looked expectantly at Ethan and her voice trembled. "I heard that... You're a soldier, aren't you?"

Ethan looked at the food in his hands, and also understood the general idea in each other's hearts.

This cruel end ah, but still can not wipe out a small number of people with hope.

As naive as they are, as ridiculous as they are, but... More dignified than those who give up in despair.