
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Seventy-six soldiers

The woman who kept flying outside the building seemed impatient, she knew her advantages, but also knew her disadvantages, she dared not fly in the air for a long time, on the one hand, the ability to consume too much, on the other hand, she did not want to become a target.

She's already on higher ground, so a stunt like this would make her a target for some power.

Just as the woman hesitated to go in and kill the yellow-skinned bastard, a shrill scream made the woman almost fall from the air.

"Noe-noe!!" A visible wave of sonic energy rushes toward the flying woman, and the next moment, the man lying on the ground quickly gets up and runs toward her, apparently having calculated where she will land.

But what the man did not expect was that the woman's eyes and ears were bleeding, but she staunched the downward trend, and the figure staggered into the building.

And Ethan in the building is also a burst of tinnitus, although the sound wave is not roaring at him, but still caused a small impact on him.

Slightly tinnitus in his ears, he heard a plop upstairs that sounded like a man rampaging through the room.

Ethan, while searching for possible tools, clenched the glass in his hand and slowly touched it upstairs.

"Fuck, don't you dare sneak up on me!" The woman upstairs was so angry that she finally revealed her true nature, and when she had stimulated Ethan just now, she still looked like a cloud and a light wind, and now she shouted abuse and even smashed her fist against the wall, making a dull noise.

This was clearly not the quality a warrior should have, and being so irritable, and acting so impulsively, would get her into great trouble.

Maybe Ethan does have an advantage in a battle like this, since not all of these proud Powers are trained.

The woman wiped her face, looking at the blood on the white palm, suddenly more angry, and behind her, a person's footsteps are light, quietly came behind her.

"Huh?" At a critical moment, the woman suddenly turned back, she did not need to force, omitted the action of bouncing, retreating, and so on, and directly swung forward a step, turned around in an instant, and saw the person clearly, but did not see the offensive action that had already been completed.

The cold sweat on the woman's forehead came down, she only saw the newcomer, but did not see the other side's offensive action, when she floated away and turned the moment, the glass has passed, it passed the air, if the woman did not react at that time, then...

'You bastard! The white woman has just passed the sonic attack, and now almost died, the heart is frightened and angry, she can not ignore the building that sonic attack powers, the body instantly flew to a broken chair, picked up the seat to Ethan over.

Ethan ducked, and the chair hit the wall, splat, and fell apart.

It seems that the woman's strength is also good, but it is a little tricky.

Ethan was thinking when he heard the creaking of the wooden stairs. Ethan turned and ran.

"Where are you going, you bastard? Your life is mine!" The white woman drank angrily and flew quickly to Ethan, and behind her, there was a shrill cry.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! The white woman covered her ears with her hands, screaming violently, and her body could not stop rushing toward Ethan.

The direction of Ethan escape is the second floor window, saw Ethan one hand to pull the shabby curtain, did not hesitate to jump out, the curtain hook slightly to Ethan slow down the rush, when Ethan's body slightly frozen in the air, Ethan immediately let go, steady landing, did not hesitate to turn again jumped into the building of the floor.

Behind him, the white woman falls to the ground in a parabolic pattern.

"Ee-pee, ee-pee!" There was another sonic attack from the second-story window,

Aimed at the woman lying on the ground in the open space in front of the building, crazy attack.

"Aaaah! The woman howled in pain, which could well be called bleeding from the seven limbs, but showed amazing endurance, stubbornly climbing forward, trying to roll over into the front window like Ethan.

Upstairs, the man's face is full of the desire to conquer, add a force, add a force! Looking at the struggling white women below, the man's heart is very comfortable, and what he does not know is that Ethan, who just fled in panic, was shaped like a cat, very fast, three steps two steps ran up the stairs, again back to the second floor!

Ethan held the shard of glass in his hand and looked at the man in the distance who was in the thrill of killing. Ethan raised his right hand behind his back.

Baaaaah! Wrapped in cloth on the right hand, holding bright glass shards, stable, accurate and mercilessly stabbed into the back of the man's head.

Even under that huge inertia, Ethan took the man standing at the window and went out with him.

Before the man died, he did not think that the man who fled in panic had made such an amazing decision in such a short time, and he dared to come up. After seeing their own ability, the other side unexpectedly rushed up without hesitation, without the slightest retreat?

The release of sonic powers, he was already in a huge noise environment, coupled with his just immersed in the pleasure of killing, a head want to work hard, the white woman to yell to death, but do not want to, behind the butcher's knife has been in place!

Plops! Plops!

Two heavy bangs, the man landed on his face, hard hit the ground, the back of his head is still deeply inserted a piece of glass.

And Ethan stepped on the man's body, landed after a roll, hard to remove the rush, and dangerous fell down.

"Number 76, one point."

"Number 76, one point." At the same time, the invisible earphones in the ears of all the powers in the arena made a big noise, and the clear sound came in, so that people were shocked. People are already dying?

You know, there was no death announcement in the middle of town with all that bombing and fire!

Number 76? New guy? Of the 80 Powers, the later they are captured to Baytown, the lower the number, and those who survived the last round, the number will naturally move forward to fill the vacancy.

"Who is it! ? Let me see who took the first drop of blood." In the control room of the Bay City base, the master of the death game, Dougs, with a face of excitement, seems not to care about the loss of his goods, but also does not care about the loss of life, he knows that there is news of death in such a short time, proving that the contestants have joined some very competitive guys!

Such news is the most beautiful! Whether it's keeping it for Baytown to use, or selling it to other organizations, it's a big deal!

"Sir, it's the soldier with the mysterious identity. Number 76 is him." "Said a soldier in front of a wall of surveillance screens, pointing to several of them.

"The mysterious soldier? Number 76? Not bad." Dawgs looked away to a few screens, but suddenly heard the electronic sound in the room again.

"Number 76, two points."

"Number 76, two points." Dawgs, slightly stunned, looked intently at the big screen, seeing everything through Ethan's first view and the monitors that had been placed around the building.

I saw No. 76 kneeling on a white woman in a lying state, knee against her waist, one hand holding her long hair, lifting her head high, the other hand harshly across the glass, still stained with blood directly cut the woman's throat. UU read www.uukanshu.com

"Sir, California Base 3 is asking you for specific information on Soldier 76."

"The same question is being asked in Mexico City, Sir."


Douges was overjoyed and waved his right hand excitedly: "It's done! Mr. Dale is going to give me a big bonus this time, haha, soldier, I'm going to sell you for a good price!"

Next to Doggs, there was a flash of panic in the eyes of the elegant Catelyn, then replaced by a sinister light. She seemed to anticipate what was coming, and time was running out for her to take action.

At the same time, in the town of Death, in the space of a few seconds, two death messages exploded in the hearts of people.

Most of the Powers are trying to remember who 76 really is, what he looks like, and, if possible, walk around him as much as possible.

There are also some powerful powers, also in memory of 76, they are ready to leave this death town, 76 is a good pedal, kill 76, they will be sold more likely.

And hiding in a car repair factory warehouse Green, eyes wide, mouth slowly spit out a word: "shit! Ethan, you... You..."

"Ethan, sure enough... Ethan, you can help me." The same quietly hiding the promise of self-regard mumbling, but suddenly do not know whether to go to find Ethan, because, in Ethan's eyes, maybe she is worth 2 points.

Although Promise is confident that she won't be killed by Ethan anytime soon,... The timid promise hesitated, clasped her hands to her knees, buried her face deep in her arms, and shivered.