
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs


Just in Ethan carefully listen to the promise to give the power intelligence information, far away Luling base, an interesting scene is also being staged.

Luling base, somewhere in a bunker.

Fierce fighting can be heard, but the picture is not moving, one of the parties has an overwhelming advantage, is unilaterally ravaging their opponents.

Miranda's hands wrapped bandages, eyes sharp, offensive fast, in the face of their own blocked into the corner of the female soldiers, Miranda left and right bow, fists raining down, under such a fierce attack, female soldiers stretched thin, and finally only arms tightly protect the face, trying to reduce the damage as much as possible, at least do not be killed by the other side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Miranda blushing, the forehead is full of sweat, breathing rhythmically, obviously adjusting his body state, although, her hand movements did not drop a bit, looking at the female soldiers who were beaten without fighting back, Miranda angrily drank: "Think about what to do!" Instead of blindly defending and being beaten, you will lose sooner or later!"

The female soldier was sore all over, and her face was full of bitterness behind her arms. What should she do? What can I do? If I had a chance to fight back, you think I wouldn't want to blow your head off? You evil woman!


Finally, the female soldier still made a mistake, under such an offensive, her response is getting slower and slower, the speed is getting slower and slower, Miranda punched on the left rib, an instant, the female soldier's body bent a little.

The next moment, Miranda blows a fist in the female soldier's lower abdomen, directly beating the female soldier into a "shrimp" shape.

Just as the female soldier bends over in response, Miranda throws up her knee and it hits her in the face hard. Bang!

The woman's body was leaning against the corner of the wall, and after Miranda's attack, she threw herself back and struck the back of her head against the wall with a thud.

The female soldier in front of her head was dizzy, her eyes were confused, and she slipped to the ground like mud.

"Ah... Oh... Miranda efforts to adjust their breathing rhythm, looking down at the foot of the opponent, Miranda hate to shake hands, a hate iron is not steel appearance.

It was obvious that this was her new recruit, and Miranda did not seem very pleased with this recruit.

Miranda turned to the sink, as she seemed to be accustomed to doing, and holding her hands to the edge of the sink, stuck her head in it. The cold water seemed to sober her up a bit.


Miranda suddenly raised her head from the water, her bodybuilding body was no doubt exposed, her hot and attractive body lines were pleasing to the eye, she wiped her mid-length hair, turned her head, looked at the student who had completely fainted, Miranda finally sighed: since he left, there are few rivals who can match their own.

Who says Miranda was coaching Ethan? Every time she fights, isn't she improving herself?

Looking at the apprentice lying dead on the cold ground, Miranda's heart did not come out of a fire, she did not say hurtful words under anger, but a word emerged in her heart: waste.

If it is Ethan, he will not give up resistance like this, he will not even blindly defend against the attack, Miranda every attack is terrified, afraid of Ethan in a small detail, so as to kill her.

That kind of fighting has long been out of the scope of interaction, and it is that kind of fighting that is the most obsessed and yearning for Miranda.

There seems to be an unwritten rule between the two that it is better to be killed by the other than to have their heads crushed by the beasts.

Now, no one at Luling would dare to mess with this outrageously skilled female devil, and Miranda had to retrain her own students,

But talent is a hurdle, and heart is a hurdle.

Miranda can find talented soldiers in the special forces, such as the female cadet who is now dead, and this little guy's fighting intelligence and fighting skills are far beyond the ordinary people.

However, Miranda can no longer find students with a big heart, many times, Miranda can clearly feel that the newly recruited female students, the so-called persistence, but is struggling to support, waiting for a doomed result, she knows that she is going to lose, the idea is how to let her lose some decent, more insist on a few seconds.

This is fundamentally different from Ethan, Ethan may also be stretched under Miranda's attack, but his heart is in survival, no matter how miserable the situation, no matter how strong the opponent, Ethan's every minute and every second has never given up, he is no longer looking for an opportunity.

That is a firm heart, a determined heart!

It is a heart full of hope, full of desire!

With such a big heart, Ethan is completely different from other elite soldiers.

"Ethan, I heard you were alive. Team 7 brought back the news that you were alive." Miranda looked in the dirty mirror in front of her and saw her own blue eyes.

"Last time you went to the flowers alone for the team. I heard that... You did the same this time, turning off the road alone and leaving with the other-dimensional hunters." Miranda sighed deeply, every time she heard what Ethan did, Miranda wanted more for Ethan, in her mind, this is the quality that a perfect team member should show.

But the reality was cruel, she had heard a lot, but had never seen Ethan again, and the feeling of not being able to ask made her very angry.

"I don't know if you'll be alive this time." Miranda's heart is still full of hope, she firmly believes that Ethan will not give up easily, maybe he is somewhere struggling, but he must be alive.

'Sir! A sound made Miranda come back to her senses.

A male soldier came in and saw the female student lying on the ground who was not clear about life and death, and also saw Miranda standing in front of the sink. The male soldier was terrified in his heart and looked at the female student with infinite pity and said, "Daisy Jackson is looking for you."

"Daisy? The Intelligence Department?" Miranda took a moment to ask, "On your own behalf or on behalf of the intelligence community?"

The male soldier knew why Daisy Jackson was so insistent and telling him so, and he said quickly, "Chief Jackson says she personally invites you to come to her office."

"Well, go on, then." Miranda nodded quickly and walked straight to the door. "Take her to the infirmary," she said casually.

"Oh, okay." Male soldiers nodded and should go along, came to the front of the female students, saw the black and bruised, covered in blood female students, soldiers murmured, "really a group of crazy people."

Miranda knew the road well and knew the Luling base very well. After making three turns in the underground base, she passed through layers of guards and came to an iron gate.

The soldiers on the way seemed to have been greeted, and no one stopped Miranda.

"Knock, knock, knock."

"Come in." From behind the door came a beautiful female voice, which was pleasing to the ear.

"You wanted to see me? Miranda opened the door, closed it behind her, and watched the distant figure hiding its head behind a computer.

"Coming?" A head appeared next to the computer, which is an Asian woman with black hair, with black-framed glasses, the age looks about 26, 7 years old, and the face is beautiful, when seeing Miranda with a little blood on her body, the Asian woman threw her mouth out of disgust, "Can't you take a shower, change your clothes and come see me again?"

"Tell me quickly. I don't have time for small talk." 'said Miranda impatiently.

Opposite this Asian woman is the deputy leader of a group in the intelligence Department, a little power, once saved a life by Miranda, the relationship between the two people is very simple, the story between the two people is also very simple: colleague relationship, lifesaver.

"Cold face all day, I owe you three hundred and fifty million oh?" That's...." "Muttered Daisy Jackson, pointing her finger at Miranda." Come here, I'll show you something I think you'll be interested in."

"Discovered a new alien dimension?" Miranda raised her eyebrows, UU reading www.uukanshu.com in the heart is also curious, and walked past with long legs, her heart is indeed curious, this always thinking about how to repay the deputy leader of the second group of the Intelligence Department, what kind of news will be brought to her.

"It's your life, isn't it? The Asian woman, who appears to have two little devil horns growing out of her head, smiles at Miranda and then turns her computer screen away.

"Huh?" Miranda was initially dismissive, but when she saw the freeze-frame video on the computer screen, she leaned forward and held the screen in one hand.

That's... Ethan?


The thin end of the computer screen was crushed by Miranda, and when that corner of the screen broke, the whole screen went black.

"Ygghh! You son of a bitch, do you have any idea how valuable this equipment is, that I can talk to my superiors about your crime? This is a great sin!" Daisy Jackson had a distressed look on her face and pulled Miranda's fingers open, but how did her strength compete with Miranda?

"You let go!" With a look of anger on her face, Daisy Jackson looked up at Miranda, but saw Miranda's extremely hot eyes. For a moment, Daisy Jackson panicked.

'Where is he? 'Miranda asked at last, letting go of her grip.

"What is not where, do you know you have made a big mistake, you can't pay for it!" Daisy murmured slowly.

Miranda put her hand on Daisy's head and gently rubbed it. 'I'm sorry. Tell me, where is he?'

It was clear that Daisy had not expected the head-scratching, and she was in a state of complete confusion.

Daisy pushed the black-rimmed glasses and blinked her eyes: Miranda's action is so gentle, I'm afraid I didn't call a fake Miranda?