
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs


Being locked up in a cell like this, as a contestant preparing for a game of death, is a sign that Cynthia is a power.

And in this prison, all the powers are wearing blue handcuffs, so they can not play their powers, so Cynthia at this time for the promise, is an unchallenged, unshaken existence.

Promise originally thought this was the beginning of her miserable life, but to her surprise, Cynthia is not a bully, and even at one time when receiving breakfast, Cynthia protects the promised food, which makes Promise's impression of Cynthia greatly changed.

Promise did not know what Cynthia originally did, but seeing her expressionless silence, feeling her own temperament and aura, Promise speculated that this new cellmate should be a general, maybe even a leader.

In this way, there was no communication between the two sides, but it seemed that some kind of agreement had been reached, and the desperate white rabbit curled up safely beside the lion every day and night, seeking refuge.

In fact, the moment Ethan was taken away, the promise was already desperate, and she gathered the courage to make the most important decision of her life in that second death battle, thinking that it would exchange for a better future, but don't want to, it is all a dream.

The emergence of new cellmates, so that the promise of the heart of the fire of hope again, after 27 days of stability, Promise finally took the initiative to speak, softly test Cynthia's identity and ability.

Because, the promise can not wait, the next life and death battle is in front of us!

If possible, Promise would certainly like never to deal with this imposing woman.

"You're a soldier?" Promise quietly asked, Cynthia's healthy body let her think a lot, with such a strong body, definitely not eat the nucleus can eat out. Unless... Unless she's a freak like Ethan, devouring power? The promise of the heart naturally denied, how can it be devouring ability?

Are you kidding me? Promise is well known, and in this prison, she has seen too many powers, and before Ethan, she had never seen such a domineering ability.

Therefore, Cynthia must have had good physical conditions before evolution and the formation of crystal nuclei in her brain.

After all, the first time to eat the nucleus to a small extent to improve the quality of the human body, and then eat, the body attributes will be more and more powerful, but the shape of the condition will not have that kind of "reborn" effect.

Perhaps the promise is naive, she always hopes to find a soldier to do backer. She has survived in this country for a long time, and the image of a soldier has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This occupation is uncrowned king in this country, which is beyond doubt.

They are strong, loyal and responsible. At least that's what this country instills in its people.

"No." Cynthia sat silently on the iron bed, her black braid draped around her neck, her elbows on her knees, looking down at the blue light of the handcuffs.

Promise thought in his heart: No, it is not, at least you are very strong, and for such a long time, you did not hurt me, although the momentum is intimidating, but you at least helped me get back the food.

"I think it's useful for us to be able to keep our relationship going." Promise said cautiously.

Cynthia gave a slight pause and, without looking up, continued to study the handcuffs on her wrists.

"Really, I mean it, I can..." Before the words of promise were finished, the body suddenly retreated and could not help but curl up.

Because Cynthia suddenly raised her head, her gray eyes shining in the dim yellow night light, like a fierce beast in the night, which made people shudder.

Promise even the atmosphere did not dare to come out, the body could not control the shivering.

"Uh." Cynthia opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She bowed her head in silence,

Avoid a promise that gets hurt twice.

Cynthia does have a kind heart, even a gentle person, but the temperament and momentum cultivated in a special environment for a long time, coupled with that is too special powers, let her change too much.

The world has changed so many people, and if the end hadn't come, Cynthia might still be the carefree innocent girl.

She also likes to wear a floral dress, singing softly in a golden field, she likes that quiet life, but also like this comfortable time. Also, she has her own dreams.

Given the choice between an easy life and a beautiful dream, she chose the latter, and understandably so.

After graduating from high school, she is going to walk around this beautiful world with the guitar given to her by her father, leaving her footprints and songs in various picturesque places.

But such a dream can only start and end, high school has not yet graduated, the dream has not yet started, the end will come.

She became a powerful power, and from that moment on, she became a caged bird.

The dream of traveling around the world, beautiful and beautiful drunken folk songs are completely sealed in the memory. She took off her long dress, picked up her gun and bow, and stood in front of the danger, becoming the only support in the village.

The sound of gunfire and wailing could not weave the beautiful melody in her heart, but it became the main melody of her life.

It was a sad story that Cynthia could only tell herself late at night.

The fierce eyes no longer enveloped promise, Promise finally relieved, she reached out to touch the sweat on the forehead, do not know what to say.

"You should try to be strong." Cynthia murmured softly, as if she didn't want to scare Promise again.

"When these handcuffs come off, I'm gonna be so good, I'm really... It's really useful." Promise bowed her head, her voice trembled, her heart was full of despair, her fragile heart made her show a very fragile side, and her voice was choked up.

Yes, such a woman, in such a dark prison, in a pack of vicious dogs, in the end what bitter taste?

People are different, personality is different, fate is not the same.

Cynthia looked at Promise sobbing, but her heart softened and she asked softly, "What are you capable of?"

"I... Oh... Ahem....." Promise coughs and breathes, and it takes a long time to adjust to his condition and tell Cynthia all of his abilities.

But Promise did not see the slightest surprise on Cynthia's face.

"I have lived here for nearly thirty days, and I know all I need to know." Cynthia saw the doubt in the promise, and she spoke casually.

Cynthia's got amazing abilities, and after two years of living in the apocalypse, where she's been, she's had to grow into this.

"Then you..." 'asked the promise temptation.


The prison door opened, two people are a leng, the prison door opened after a few soldiers dragged several "dead bodies" walked in.

"Huh?" Cynthia walks to the prison door, and there's a new player? It's not a power from your own village, is it?

Since the virus dares to start on itself, it is entirely possible to go back to its partners! At this thought, Cynthia felt a mixture of tension and anger.

The sound of heavy military boots from far to near, a heavy step into Cynthia's heart, Cynthia rare nervous up, hands slowly grasped the iron fence, and finally saw two soldiers from far to near.

At the same time, she also saw two soldiers dragging the "bodies", the bodies were supported by the shoulders, feet on the ground, all the way across, making a sound of friction.

"I... Ethan! ?" A sudden exclamation came from behind Cynthia.

In Cynthia's stunned look back, promise, regardless, quickly climbed out of bed, and even broke Cynthia's body, both hands desperately grasping the iron bars, to the "body" constantly Shouting.

"Shut up, you bitch!" One of the soldiers shouted ferociously, and the cry of promise stopped abruptly.

The "corpse" seemed to react. He turned his head slowly, his eyes narrowed with a faint sense of confusion.

Promise helplessly saw Ethan's face, at that moment, promise excited even the heart quickly jumped out.

Cynthia raised her eyebrows with interest. What was going on? This little rabbit usually tiptoes, even dare not come out of the atmosphere, even dare not get close to his side, and now it has come out? How dare you push your own leg?

"Your lover?" Cynthia asked softly.

"My lover? No... That's my..." Promise seemed to fall into a state of foolishness, eyes glazed as Ethan was dragged away, his mouth unconsciously muttering, "That is my hope, my freedom, my life..."

Cynthia wondered at the promise whispered to herself. Had this weak little white rabbit been crushed by reality? Crazy?