
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

I ate a flower


"Whoo-whoo! Within a 15-meter radius of the flower, there's nothing alive but Ethan.

At the edge of the 15-meter limit, a ring of mutated dogs and several evolved zombies pace back and forth, constantly roaring and anxiously surrounding the flowers, but they do not dare to cross the line.

And Ethan's rattan wound more tightly, not only that, the land emerged countless rattan, as if because of pain, in the crazy random beat.

Ethan's rattan tore him apart and slapped him to the ground, but in the next moment, all the rattan flapping was silenced and scattered feebly.

Ethan, who was hit hard on the ground by the vine, seemed dizzy. He slowly turned around and looked up at the blue sky. In addition to the stamens, petals, and the inky roots of the plant were in his mouth.

With incredible effort, the vine pulls Ethan away from the flower, and with such force, Ethan bites the flower so tightly that he pulls out its roots as well.

Their abilities are weird and powerful, but they're also inherently fragile.

The expected death did not appear, the surrounding dogs and zombies are still pacing back and forth within 15 meters, and countless rattans have died down, soft collapse on the ground, only Ethan chewing the sound of flowers.

Such a posture is completely willing to crush the enemy's bones.

Ethan, who had made all the preparations, did not wait for death, but for... The strange energy billowing through his body, just ten seconds later, Ethan's eyes turned black and he lost consciousness.

Two flowers, one on each side.

Eyes dull Lippi sitting on the military vehicle, silent, figure incomparable lonely. I do not know how long it took for the military vehicles to finally return to the Luling base.

Faced with heavy casualties, ragged and disheveled soldiers, everyone at the base knew the results of the trip.

Unexamined Lippi is taken off the military vehicle, the mind is full of Ethan before the death of his rescue picture, and the words in the ear: "I hope you can live."

Suddenly, Lippi's whole body shuddered, as if he heard the alarm clock of the morning, because he heard a male voice that he hated to the core.

"What the fuck is this mission?...." John complained loudly to the soldiers receiving him at the base.

Lippi pushed the soldier who was standing beside him with one hand, his right hand concealed behind his waist.

"Huh?" On the side, there are some shocked Kate is looking at his special war reserves, eyes reach, but suddenly saw Lippi, that kind of eyes, that posture...

"What are you doing?" Kate's speed is very fast, in Lippi raised his hand to hold the gun in the moment, Kate did not hesitate to shoot, a bullet hit Lippi's arm.

Kate doesn't even know who Lippi's target is, but instinctively, Kate doesn't want the base to go up in flames.

Duh! Blood spatter!

A bullet hit Lippi's arm, Lippi's body was hit a crooked, the next moment, the base guard soldiers piled up, Lippi hard pressed on the ground.

"Are you fucking crazy?" John also came back to God at this time, looking at Lippi who was pressed to the ground and constantly resisting, John screamed angrily.

'You killed my brother! You killed my brother!" Lippi's angry roar, that hysterical appearance, so that the task of the special war reserve members are silent.

"You could have pulled him back at the end, you could have! You threw him right in the middle of a dangerous circle! You bitch! Son! Fuck! Yes!" Lippi was pressed to the ground, the soft natural roll was filled with dirt, the dark brown face was deformed, but could not stop his angry howl, "You little man, greedy traitor! You traitor!"

"You traitor! Just because Ethan beat you at the appraisal, just because a regular soldier could beat you a power, and you still hold a grudge, even to the point of killing him! You rubbish, you bastard!" Lippi's roar continued to fill the room.

John looked livid and angrily said, "Shit, I have nothing personal with him!" I save him. How do I save him? If he leaves that damn flower, all the dogs and zombies will come for us!"

John looked at the bad-looking soldiers around him and shouted, "I fucking saved you! Don't look at me like that. You shouldn't feel anything but gratitude! Sacrificing one man to keep an entire team alive, that's all I do!"

John looked at Lippi, who was pressed to the ground, and said in a cold voice: "Your brother is a hero, don't let him be reviled because of your actions."

"Rubbish like you have the nerve to say such things, you little man, you..."

Lippi is soon led down by the soldiers and, if nothing else, will face trial at the base for attempting to shoot a Power member.

After all, John was a power.

"Let me go, let me go, I want to see the chief, I want to see my chief! I want..." Lippi continued to struggle, but at the corner of the corridor, a slender, tall figure was leaning against the wall, hands round the chest, eyes coldly looking at the ground.

Apparently, Miranda, who arrived at the news, heard everything.

The woman's clean and crisp hair, no longer can make her appear spirited, the charming face expressionless, bowed head, figure slightly lonely.

"Miranda... Miranda... Lippi's delirious appearance gradually calmed down, and the voice of Shouting slowly decreased, and the body supported by soldiers slowly gave up the struggle, "Sorry, sorry.... I'm sorry about Ethan..."

With Lippi being carried away by the soldiers, Miranda vaguely heard the sound of Lippi crying.

"Oh, so you died for your comrades." Miranda took a deep breath in a faint tone. "It was a fair death."

With these words, Miranda stepped away from the long corridor.

At the corner of the hallway, Miranda stopped abruptly, and in the distance, saw three members of the Powers walking out of the hall, escorted by soldiers.

Her beautiful blue eyes shone with the three Powers, no, rather her torch-like gaze fixed on John.

John gave Miranda a cold glance, no sign, no words.

Surrounded by soldiers, passing Miranda.

Location: 15 km outside the town of Saar.

"Oh..." Ethan's eyes popped open, gulping for fresh air. After a coughing fit, Ethan struggled.

Found that once firmly tied their own rattan has been soft no strength, easily let Ethan break free.

Ethan quickly half knelt down, looking around, and found that there was still a group of inhuman dogs and evolutionary zombies waiting to kill themselves not far away.

But, for some reason, they're still afraid to come within 15 meters of the flowers, so they're just waiting for Ethan to come out.

Ethan looked back and found a few tiny bits of petals, most of which seemed to have let himself eat. Ethan scratched his head, at the time of such a dangerous life and death, the adrenaline surge Ethan, in order to survive, did some things that humans can not imagine.


Ethan crouched in front of his scattered guns and asked, "Why did I pass out?" What's that weird energy? Have I awakened my powers? Should not ah, in addition to contact flowers can awaken power, no example of awakening the power the day after tomorrow."

Ethan sorted out his thoughts, calmly observed around, with flowers as the center, a radius of 15 meters away are full of xenogenetic evil dogs and evolutionary zombies, it is not easy to escape.

And, even scarier, what if these monsters find out this isn't the "dead zone" anymore?

Those evolved zombies, it seems, still have some intelligence, after all, as can be seen from this ambush.

Ethan quickly checked the equipment on his body, but frowned, his tattered clothes where to find equipment?

Ethan found that in addition to a black half-foot sword on his leg given by Miranda, he only had the assault rifle he had just picked up in his hand, no extra magazines, and not many bullets.

In that case...

Ethan took a deep breath and kept thinking of various approaches.

Waiting here for help is obviously not wise, I have been unconscious for several hours, looking at the sun in the sky, it is already in the afternoon.

These exotic animals are like elephants that have been domesticated since they were small. When they were young, they were beaten with a whip, so that they were afraid to step out of the circle. When the young elephant grew into an elephant, it was still docile, still allowed to be whipped, and did not dare to step out of the circle.

It's an invisible fear. It's a habit.

But now, an adult elephant can easily stomp to death the trainer who once abused it. The same is true of these beasts, who can freely enter the dead zone around the flowers, not because the beasts have grown up, but because the flowers have died!

Ethan clenches the gun in his hand, and this is, by all means, a dead end.

Does it mean you're in a coma because of some inexplicable energy in your body? Ethan carefully felt for a long time, but how can not find their own strange ability.

Wait, now that zombies have evolved, they should have crystal nuclei in their brains.

Ethan looked over and found five silver evolutionary zombies, and I'm afraid all the evolutionary zombies in the world are concentrated here, because this strange flower made them evolve.

They are supposed to be very special products, if the whole world is such an evolutionary zombie, it is likely that the human race will be extinct.

These evolutionary zombies are hunkering down, so they're sitting ducks.

Ethan clenched the gun in his hand and felt a fierce battle in his heart.

The shot will bring back the crystal core, or... Piss them off, make your death happen sooner?

No, that's not right! His idea is wrong, Ethan knocked on the head, under the gaze of a scarlet eye, extremely calm thinking: I am within a radius of 15 meters of the flower, but safe, which has objectively indicated that the death zone has become a safe zone.

So, what are they so afraid of? Or... The flower was too majestic, wasn't it? They don't have the guts to get in here, do they?

Thinking of this, Ethan quickly raised the gun.