
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs


Miranda in Luling Base just learned Ethan's information, and at this time in Bay City, there is also a woman thinking about Ethan.

Of course, this so-called "thinking" is not the miss between friends, but wish Ethan fell into hell, wish Ethan died without a whole body.

Early in the morning in the Bay City, the late autumn sun sprinkled on the blood-stained walls, shining on the outside of the group of wandering zombies and evil dogs, showing a bleak scene in the apocalypse.

But such a picture belongs to the eyes of the soldiers, to the eyes of the coolies, the eyes of the people at the bottom.

In a small villa in the city, the men and women who are unbridled on a soft bed, their world is different from the world of most people in the end times.

They have a comfortable and comfortable living environment, personal safety has absolute protection, they have a considerable power in Beicheng, even if the outside world is miserable and desolate, but here is a warm spring, they are enjoying everything, enjoying a superior life.

Soon after, Dawgs, refreshed, dresses, gives Caitlin a kiss, and leaves work, high on the Marauders' team, mastermind and master of the game of Death, with too much work to do.

Caitlin was a good look to see Dawgs off, when the man left, Caitlin's charming expression suddenly changed, she had endured a hard night, but also endured a morning, in fact, she did not sleep much last night.

She's got something on her mind. Something serious.

Of course, it wasn't that she wasn't satisfied with Dawgs. On the contrary, Catelyn was satisfied with the man who had brought her a rich life and a high position. Catelyn wanted her life to stay that way. Every time she saw the soldiers who toiled on guard, saw the dirty laborers who built the walls, Catelyn felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

She was once a member of that group of people at the bottom, but with her own conditions and good mind, she climbed the Doggs tree, so she can now look down on the people from above, and even kill the group of humble people at will.

As God is my witness, when she was just out of the lowly crowd, when she was just living this kind of carefree and superior life, she did a lot of shameful things in order to vent her emotions.

In order to bid farewell to the past themselves, Caitlin under the guise of giving food to civilians, with a group of soldiers personally to the civilian grotto, will throw a pile of junk food at the foot of the hard trampling, she has suffered such poor days, fed up with these tasteless junk food, she looked at the people competing for junk food at their feet, her heart strangely rose a strange emotion.

She vowed that she would live a life of wealth and prosperity, and never again become one of these few kneeling to rob the untouchables.

Therefore, the appearance of Green and Ethan became a big worry for her.

She knows who gave her everything, is the top of the bay city Doggs, Caitlin to firmly grasp the Doggs, what he wants, Caitlin will give him what, only in this way, Caitlin's identity status can rise, can continue to bully in the bay City.

Caitlin is most afraid that Green and Ethan will tell Doug something, although the country is very open about "sex", but Caitlin is more willing to control the fate in their own hands, rather than pray for Doug's tolerance.

After all, Doug is a powerful man, so who knows how he'll react?

Caitlin does not want to tolerate any accidents, so she must start the action, she only wants Douges to see that she shows the "noble self-respect" side, rather than a loose woman, which does not match her "human"!

Once the setup is broken, Caitlin's life may be broken.

Catelyn thought, getting up and out of bed.

Put on the beautiful clothes, through the window beside you, you can see the bloody mottled city wall in the distance, you can see those who work hard in the late autumn, such a scene, and the luxury decoration of the house formed an obvious contrast.

Dressed in a bright, she found one of her subordinates, but did not wait to say anything, a few words of subordinates but let Caitlin completely fried, she did not wait for the implementation of the plan, it was forcibly interrupted!

Ten minutes ago.

In the Bay underground prison.

Ethan sat on the iron bed, his prison uniform stretched tight, obviously not suitable for his massive frame.

Ethan is not concerned, quietly listening to the promised information.

There are less than 30 people left, including those who joined the last fight to the death, so not many promised to know.

But the promise is that contestant 003 is still here.

Ethan is also particularly interested in this contestant, after all, the elder level contestant in the last death battle at the last moment crazy screen, a surprise, and even became the only person in the game to kill enough 5 people to leave the game early.

"I've seen his ability. It's special. He can be invisible. It's weird. There was a faint look of memory in Promise's eyes, and he muttered.

"Invisible?" Ethan raised his eyebrows, this power is very useful ah, this power was born for assassins, can kill invisible. I am afraid that the crazy brush screen in the life and death war is also because of the waiting for the rabbit after the stealth of 003.

"His powers are not outstanding in the daytime, and if you look closely you can see him, even if he is invisible, but he does not blend in with his surroundings, he is like a vague floating human outline, if you look closely." He opened his mouth with a promise.

"Daytime stealth is not good..." Ethan frowns, there are some contradictions in the heart, as a ability to absorb the powers of others, Ethan of course hopes to absorb the ability is very strong, but at the same time, Ethan does not want this ability to be too strong, otherwise Ethan can defeat each other is a problem.

"Well, but at night, he's the king, and I don't know if that's part of his power, but at night, even if there's a lot of light shining on him, he can perfectly hide his body." The promise continued, with a hint of incomprehension in his voice.

"So... The weakness of his powers is sunlight? Only sunlight can make him show?" Ethan guessed.

"Uh... I didn't have much contact with him, I just saw him once and I ran away." Promise some embarrassed said, of course, she hopes to be able to give Ethan more information, but unfortunately, she is running away in every life and death battle.

"Promise, you know my power, we should use my ability cleverly, we need to choose the power that is suitable for our escape, to increase our chances of survival, and, even if we escape from this bay city, we are about to face a dangerous doomsday environment, so, in a short time to enhance our combat effectiveness of the choice, only this way." Ethan said slowly.

Promise body slightly shivered, slowly lowered his eyes, hesitated for a long time, gently nodded. Now that she's already gambled, let's not get any more ideas.

"When we go out to dinner later, you watch the remaining twenty or so contestants and try to remember their powers. We need to make a good plan." Ethan said in a deep voice. "By the way, when's the next fight to the death?"

"In a month." 'answered the promise.

"A month? Looks like we've got some time. In the meantime, we're here to keep as low profile as possible and get some Intel." Ethan thought for a moment, then continued, "It's obviously not practical to escape from Baytown. I think we have a better chance of escaping during the Deathtown fight, don't you?"

"Well, Baytown is too heavily guarded, not to mention a top priority prison." Promise for Ethan's judgment is still more recognized, although Dougs repeatedly indicated that at the time of the game, there will be dozens of powers in the death town guard, so the escape will be very difficult, but compared to escape from the Bay City, the death town guard is much more lax than the bay City.

Of course, this is only by comparison.

"I have to admit, your ability really gives us the possibility of escape." Promise also had to admit, just Ethan's ability to let her fear, but as long as she firmly grasp Ethan, and his life and death, together, then Ethan's ability is to help her escape the most advantageous weapon.

"The plan is settled. One month is enough time for us to do a lot..." While Ethan was still talking, the prison door suddenly opened.

"Hey! Yellow boy!" Red hoop men with a team of soldiers appeared again at the door of the room.

Promise looks a little flustered, and the bald guy with the red band is picking on Ethan again?

"Come with me. UU reading www.uukanshu.com "Red hoop man seems to be too lazy to talk nonsense this time, casually waved at Ethan.

"What for?" Ethan stood up and asked, frowning.

"Do you think I don't want to leave you here forever to humiliate and amuse myself?" The man with the red band gave Ethan a cold look and said, "I guess you've been bought, tut tut.... New toys, what a bummer."

As the red hoop man said, he stabbed Ethan with his baton to make him move faster: "You've grown a lot, huh? Damn it, goddamn Powers!"

Ethan can't hide his change from anyone, after all, his appearance has changed so much, maybe that's the real reason he was called away?

'What? Promise to be frightened, quickly came forward to catch Ethan, but was kicked back by a soldier.

Ethan was a little confused by all this, but he had to follow the soldiers.


The prison gates were tightly shut.

Promise climbed forward in a panic, clutching the iron bars with both hands, and cried out in fear, "Ethan! Ethan!"

Promise saw Ethan's unclear eyes, which let her heart sink to the bottom.

Ming-ming... She had just made plans, and a possible bright future was waiting for her, but... it was all ruined! It was all ruined! Ethan's been bought! ?

"No, Ethan, you come back! The promise frantically shook the iron bars. She had always been cowardly and timid, and never had such a moment of hoarse.

The panic in Promise's eyes slowly turned to fear and eventually to despair: "Don't do this to me, Ethan! Ethan!!"

At that moment, it was as if all hope had been shattered.