
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Be sent to prison

After roasting the cans by the campfire, eating and drinking, they got into the car and continued on.

After a night and a day's journey, Ethan finally came to the so-called "Bay city".

Ethan is finally relieved, on this long journey, the black woman named Rose always looked at Ethan with a hungry Wolf like eyes, if it was not the bald boss's order, I am afraid she would have pressed Ethan in the back seat of the car to enjoy.

Baytown, the city that made Ethan somewhat curious, did surprise Ethan slightly.

Because the city is not built underground, it has a not magnificent wall, the height of about 7-10 meters, from the front, the left and right sides can be seen at a glance to the side.

Groups of walking dead and inhuman dogs frantically climb the wall, they use their bodies to build a high pile of people, constantly trying to break into the wall, in the beautiful sunset, this picture shows a strange beauty.

It can be seen that here, as elsewhere, the environment outside the walls is as chaotic as any other town.

Of course, in the end times, such chaos is normal, and empty towns like Harvey and Sal are not normal.

"Woo woo..."

A series of whimpering sounds, a group of walking dead have to lie on the ground and spit out things of different colors, disgusting.

Under the "kneeling" of a group of walking dead and alien evil dogs, the vehicle drove to the bottom of the city wall very smoothly, with waves of vibration on the ground, the land below abruptly opened a channel, the vehicle entered, passed a long underground tunnel, and the vehicle finally saw the light of day.

In the course of the night and day, Ethan had seen this more than once, in the early hours of the morning, when the sky was light, there was a pack of inhuman dogs chasing their cars, and one by one they all stopped and vomited, their spirits were weak, let alone chasing cars, they could not even climb up.

Ethan's finally seen what it's like to be a truly powerful power. But the bald black man took a long time after each use of his powers, and although he had a black face that made it hard to see how his face looked, the white lips still made Ethan realize how much the frequent use of his powers had affected him.

I'm afraid that's why black men want to move quickly. Ethan did not know why the bald man was in such a hurry, but when he was detained in a prison, from the mouth of his fellow inmates, three days later there will be a life and death battle, perhaps because of this, the bald black talent regardless of the danger of night on the road.

Ethan knows that the world is not a good place, and he is good at ravaging the life of the world in various ways. But what Ethan doesn't know is that the outside world is so wonderful, so wonderful!

Get down to business.

Entering town, Ethan looked at the clean streets around him and suddenly felt as if they were yesterday. Even though the town of Harvey is empty, the crumbling buildings and blood-stained streets around it still show signs of the apocalypse.

But here, in Bay City, if Ethan deliberately forgets the walls and the monsters outside them, it's a nice, cozy town, just as it was before the end.

It was an eye-opener for Ethan.

Ethan thought that when he got here, another round of torture was waiting for him, but no one paid any attention to him, no one cared about his identity, no one tried to understand his past, in other words, Ethan was like an ordinary, no more ordinary pariah, taken away by the soldiers.

"Goodbye, I hope we never see each other again." In front of a building, a shaven black man with a big smile waved at Ethan, and I could tell that the deal had just gone well,

This dead head got what he wanted.

After this, Ethan was forced to change his equipment, and the rope that used to bind his hands was replaced with a metal handcuff that glinted blue. It looked a little high-tech, but Ethan had no idea how it worked.

He was just shoved by the soldiers and thrown into a large bathroom, where there were no sprinklers, no hot water, just two soldiers in white protective suits with hoses in their hands, stripped Ethan naked, and then washed Ethan thoroughly from top to bottom.

"Call..." Ethan shuddered as the cold, powerful jet of water hit him, and he staggered forward, holding his hand against the cold wall.

Behind him, two soldiers with water guns were constantly washing Ethan's body, which made Ethan feel like he was in prison. It would be perfect if they gave themselves a jumpsuit later.

"Hey, guys, you like self-abuse?" The soldiers, who were not supposed to speak, asked curiously when they saw Ethan's scars.

Ethan's scars are obviously very rich, knife wounds, arrow wounds, bullet wounds can be seen everywhere, when receiving Miranda's training, Ethan's pain is unimaginable to ordinary people.

These scars are like MEDALS, they not only bring Ethan endless painful memories, but also bring Ethan strong skills, strong skills, and perseverance.

The two soldiers put down their water guns and watched Ethan not speak. They did not want to provoke the strange man. They knew what Ethan was about to face.

So under this mentality, no soldier wants to mess with an unknown person.

Moments later, Ethan was actually given a prison uniform and led by soldiers to a medical room on the southeast side of the first floor.

There, Ethan was tied up in a hospital bed, and then a man in a white coat held what looked like an injection gun, shoved the head of the gun into Ethan's nasal cavity, and pulled the trigger.


The intense pain makes Ethan's body struggle involuntarily, and a miniature bomb has been implanted through Ethan's nasal cavity.

The soldier door seemed to be familiar with such a process, unshackled Ethan's body, gave Ethan no time to react, and directly carried Ethan out of the medical room, down the stairs, and into a basement.

It was a very large basement, a very large space, just from Ethan's observation when he arrived, there were at least eight rows of cells, each containing at least two prisoners.

At the urging of the soldiers www.uukanshu.com Ethan entered one of the cells, dressed in prison uniform and handcuffed with the blue light.

Here, he saw a fellow inmate who was like an old monk. He had dark skin, was skinny, and his cloudy eyes silently glanced at Ethan. Then, as if he were looking at a pile of garbage, he turned his head without interest and closed his eyes for himself.

"Hello?" Ethan tried to be friendly. After all, he needed more information.

"No, as you can see, I am not." A thin black man on one of the beds said coldly that, unlike most African Americans Ethan had seen, this guy's skin was too dark, and indeed, without the flickering light in the hallway, Ethan would not have noticed that there was a man hiding here.

Until the black man showed a mouthful of white teeth when he spoke, the picture was very scary.

"So, what are they going to do? My captors said they were trying to sell me out? Are we waiting here to be chosen?" Ethan sat on the cold bed, the stench of the underground prison did not disturb his thoughts, he was not some kneaded and artificial male brother, he was the iron head boy who crawled out of the garbage.

"Oh, you think too simple, selling you? They will squeeze the last value out of you, and whether they sell you or not, that is another story. There's a fight to the death in three days. Look forward to it, rookie." The thin black man sneered, closing his eyes again and saying nothing.

"What do you mean? My friend?" Ethan asked as kindly as he could, raising his eyebrows.

"We're not friends." The black man gave Ethan a cold look, and that was the end of the conversation.

Ethan saw the way the black man lay on his side in bed facing the wall and knew he was being rejected...