
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs


Ethan knew he was carrying a camera in his head, and though he wanted to slice the skulls of the Powers open to see if there were any nuclei, he resisted the thought of the tiny bombs he was being injected through his nasal cavity.

Ethan rolled into the building again, searching from top to bottom for any weapons that might be available.

Finally, the emperor pays off, in the third layer of a long rotting body, Ethan found a fruit knife.

Is this an item left behind by the game designer?

At the same time, the sound of the vehicle approaching gradually sounded, Ethan knew that this was the soldiers to collect the body, but he was also careful to guard, for fear of any accident, in this way, between the first floor and the second floor, Ethan carefully lurking.

The soldiers did not disturb Ethan in the building, they did not even take the body, but skillfully cut the head of the body, looking for possible crystal nuclei, and then quickly left.

And those two once arrogant powers are now like garbage, lying dead in the wilderness, nobody cares.

The scene, however, was far less brutal than the scenes that played out in Death Town from time to time.

As time passes, Ethan hears a constant voice broadcast in the invisible headset, and fortunately, he does not hear the news of the death of Number 7 promise, nor does he hear the news of the death of number 63 Green.


Ethan frowned, really helpless. From their brief chat, Ethan learns that Grimm is a Power and can heal people's wounds.

Such powers tend to be more of a support category, if Green has some combat skills that would be fine, but from Green's description of his resume, he does not seem to have received professional training, only served as a medic in his civilian organization, and rarely went to war.

A power so useful, why wouldn't Baicheng keep it for himself? Does Baytown have a better option? I don't think so. You can't get too many powers to stay alive like that, so what was Bay thinking?

Back to the city chief said it has the power team, Ethan can only speculate that the city is rich and bold.

If Ethan were a manager, he would not hesitate to retain Green, not because of personal friendship between the two, but because Green's abilities are so useful.

"Number 10, three points."

"Number 10, three points." At noon, someone finally broke Ethan's record, in a number of 1 points and a few 2 points, suddenly rushed out of a 3 points, so that the weak powers realize that the pace of death is getting closer and closer.

And they can't even do any decent resistance, can only cry and pray that the other side won't find them.

It is worth mentioning that at 11 noon and 14 p.m., everyone received a message asking them to immediately stop all actions and stand still, or their brains will be blown up.

It was also during these two times that several military vehicles stormed the town of Death, taking away four Powers, who were supposedly picked off by certain forces and bought.

I don't know what's in store for them, but it should be a lot better than staying here, after all, Death Town is a real life battlefield.

One second! One second to death!

"Uh-huh!" At dusk, a fierce roar echoed through Deathtown, a rude voice with extreme anger, "Why hasn't anyone taken me yet! Why not! ? Can't you see my worth?! ?"

South of Death town, a very tall and strong, naked black man angrily growled, and different from other powers, he swaggered down the street, casually killing the slow zombie, his action is particularly violent, holding the zombie's body hard to both sides of the...

He was shirtless,

The body is lumped with muscles, as if it contains endless power, and it is true, he will crush the zombie's head with one foot, and can tear the zombie's arm off with one hand, how powerful is this power?

He is the legendary number 10, the only man on the field with three points.

"Why doesn't anyone see my value! I've been to the death once. I've had enough of this place! Give me some challenges!!" Black men eyes like bells, fierce, height at least 2 meters away, dark skin is full of blood and sweat, in the sunset glow, emitting a strange luster.

From a distance, no one would want to mess with such a humanoid beast.

"Number 76! Number 76!" For some reason, strong Man 10 suddenly called out Ethan's number, "Come out, we're one-on-one!" The winner walks out of here!"

The strong black man enough to be called the humanoid beast roared loudly, at the beginning of the game, 76 took the lead, not only that, from the speed of the announcement of death, 76 completed the double play, which left a deep impression on most contestants.

The idea of the black strong man is also very simple, kill the strong, win the victory, let more people see their value, let themselves leave this damn death town, go to a base, or directly stay in Bay City as a soldier can!

The strong black man had had enough of eating the cold bread every day, had had enough of drinking the tasteless cold water, and the black man even had the impulse to fork the dead flesh at his feet and roast it on the fire, and his mouth almost faded out of the bird!

Why? When it is clear that I am so valuable, when it is clear that I am so powerful, why does no one notice themselves?

"Anyone! Give me an answer! I'm right here! You know I'm right here! I will never hide, come and fight me! Come on!" The man angrily stepped on the bodies of zombies at his feet, like a humanoid meat grinder, and frantically stepped on the zombies at his feet into piles of meat foam.

Maybe it was because he was so crazy that no one bought him?

Or has someone already wanted to buy him, but the city is not satisfied with the other side's offer?

"Aaaah! The black strong man stepped forward, and his identity became a member of the demolition brigade, and everything that could be torn, smashed, and kicked down in front of him became his target, and any building was nothing in his eyes.

I saw No. 10 black man stomp on the zombies at his feet and stride forward, facing an abandoned car repair factory. The man walked forward with great strides, broke the door, bent down to pick up the broken door panel and threw it out without any rules.

'Ah! From a distance came a cry of surprise, let the strong man's movement slightly stalled.

Someone here? The strong man's eyes flashing bloodthirsty breath, excited again, strides toward the direction of the sound.

In the warehouse of the auto repair factory, Green suddenly stood up and dared not stay any longer. In front of him was the door panel that cut deep into the warehouse door!

Green stood up and ran to the back door www.uukanshu.com At the same time, the front door was kicked to the ground by the strong man, who shouted angrily, "Get back here, you coward!"

"Hell, hell, hell..." Green ran out with his heart in his mouth.

The black man roared, picking up everything he could get his hands on and throwing it at Green.

And Green very coquetty ran out of a zigzag, crazy walk, hard not let the strong man hit.

"Aaaah! The black man was even more angry, the body squatted, the thigh was tight, the muscles exploded out of the amazing energy, the whole person jumped, such a heavy body, can jump out of the height of more than one meter, and the distance is very far.

This is just the beginning. The black man is running like a heavy truck with full power, rumbling and crushing everything around him.

"No, no, hell!!" Green cursed loudly, his heart was about to jump out, running fast, but the heavy footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer, and the frequency was extremely fast, so that Green almost fainted.

Sometimes, death is not the most terrible, the most terrible is the taste of the powerless dying before the death.

At that moment, a beautiful head emerged from the side of the building, carefully looking at everything in front of her, when she saw the shape of the maniacal human fierce beast, she was directly scared to close her eyes, quickly crouched down, dare not have the slightest action.

The next moment, however, the woman suddenly opened her eyes. The man was Ethan's best friend! Yeah, that guy was Ethan's best friend! If we can save that man...

Promise thought, fragrant tongue slightly licked her dry lips, and made a momentous decision that would determine her fate.