
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Angels and Demons

"Taken by Dale? Dale took him! ?" A startled female voice, with a hint of anger and resentment in it, quickly changed her address when she saw the equally startled face of the soldier in front of her. "Mr. Dale seemed to take that soldier very seriously."

"Yes, ma 'am." The soldier nodded, puzzled by the woman's reaction. However, the status of the current woman is not something he can shake, and he is not qualified to question it.

After all, she was Doggs 'woman. Her name was Caitlin.

"Ok, I see. You go down." Catelyn's blonde hair was up high, her face was cold again, and after the soldier left, Catelyn threw her hands away. "Shit, shit, it's all shit!"

Catelyn's scream was heard through the heavy door, and then a bang went on. It was clear that she had dropped something. A dozen minutes later, Catelyn came out, her face lithe, and she was escorted by her men to a small house.

Although the house in front of us is very small, it still stands in the periphery of the rich area, and those who can live here are not ordinary people.

"There you are, Catelyn! A girl rushed out, expression and words are revealed a trace of humble and please, she was Caitlin's high school classmates, relatively close, can be called girlfriends. There was a time when the two were equal, and the girl had never groveled to please Caitlin, but the end had come and the world had changed.

The girl was able to live in a wealthy area without worrying about safety and food, thanks to Caitlin.

"Niya, long time no see. I came to see you." Catelyn had gathered her emotions in the car, smiling and hugging Niya like sisters.

"I missed you too." "Said Niya ingratiatingly.

As Catelyn and Niya entered the house, Catelyn's face changed color and she pushed Niya away. She no longer had to pretend to the soldiers outside.


"Huh?" Catelyn glanced coldly at Niya.

"Ah, madame, are you here this time?" Niya hastily changed her name. She was a wise woman. She knew what Catelyn needed, and Niya knew what she meant to be.

"Hum." Catelyn gave a cold snort as she navigated her way to the ground floor where the living room joined the family room, where a staircase went down.

Catelyn stepped into the darkness of the basement, and Niya hurried over, turned on the light in the basement, closed the basement door softly, and hurried out of the place.

Yes, the meaning of Niya's existence may not be the deep sisterhood between the two, but because of the people in this basement.

A man, to be exact. A black man.


With the light in the basement, the black man tied to the pillar opened his eyes in confusion, and his head seemed to be a little unclear. A few seconds later, when he saw the figure of the cold and beautiful Caitlin, the black man's body could not help but tremble.

The man's voice even shook. "Caitlin, don't do this. Don't do this to me again."

"Shut up, you cheap thing." Catelyn picked up the whip that was hanging on the wall and, without saying a word, lashed the black man's naked body with great force.

"Ah! Aaargh!" The howling of pain came and went, but it was all hidden away in the soundproof basement.

The black man's wounds, which had not healed, opened again, and crimson blood flowed out.

Catelyn's face was fierce, her eyes were angry and unwilling, and she frantically whipped the black man, cursing in her mouth: "Fuck you, you fucking bastards, you filthy things."


"Don't, don't call... Whoo..." Black men pain cry and wailing sound can be heard, although the black men are tall, but it is skinny, obviously the result of a long time does not see the sun and insufficient nutrition, coupled with the body that crisscrossed by new and old injuries, so that the scene looks more miserable.

And so, in this gloomy basement, the thin man wailing helplessly, was violently beaten by the vicious woman.

A burst of heart-wrenching pain black man can no longer bear, eyes gush crystal tears.

Tears can also be described as "crystal", but the tears flowing out of the black man's eyes are really "crystal clear", ice blue water drops rolling down, with a little bit of fluorescence.

This black man is a power! ?

Catelyn was unmoved, letting out her anger and letting the ice-blue tears fall.

A few minutes later, Catelyn finally stopped, breathing heavily and sweating profuse, and stepped forward to place a long, slender finger on the man's eye socket and dab a few ice-blue tears.

Catelyn put her finger between her nose and took a deep breath. The next moment, the ice-blue tears were sucked into Catelyn's nose.

How did it get sucked into the body in a fog-like form when it was clearly water? Is that an energy body?

Catelyn threw back her head and walked slowly back, swaying, her eyes blurred as if she were drunk, and she sighed deeply, and a silly smile came to her lips.

Such a scene, there is no need to speculate too much, discerning people can see what the man's powers are.

It is hard to imagine that the world is so wonderful, and that there can be such powers.

Catelyn is like a mentally retarded child, the body wobbles and stands in place, with a silly smile on her face, for ten minutes, she gradually returns to her mind, but she can no longer recover the high and cold posture, her drunk eyes are hazy, bending to pick up the whip that fell to the ground.

"No, Catelyn, leave me alone. You've got what you wanted. Please leave me alone." The black man covered and begged, and the trembling body accompanied by the trembling sound line was pitiful.

"I want your tears? Well, that thing... It does make me feel... Comfortable..." Catelyn spoke staccato, clearly a little out of her mind. "But you're wrong. I don't just want that... And I want to see you in pain, and I want to see you in my hands, and I want you to die, you fucking... Powers..."

"No... Aaargh!" The black man gave another cry of pain, but his voice was hoarse from all the blood.

"You bloody Powers! The Powers! Why am I the only one not a Power... Why am I the only one not?! ? ! ?" Caitlin's drunken eyes are hazy and her face is peach, but her behavior is completely out of line with her beautiful appearance at this time, and she is still brutally abusing black men in front of her.

"Grimm... Even that skinny Ethan... You're all powers. Why am I not? Why?! Why not!! Why!!" Catelyn's voice grew louder and shrill, burning with jealousy, a shrill sound that seemed to shatter the black man's eardrums.

She's jealous! So jealous! Why is it that the lowest of the four became Powers and she wasn't?!

'A Grimm? Ethan? Did you see them?" The black man was still in pain to avoid the whip, when he heard Caitlin curse words, the black man jerked up his head, unfortunately, the whip hit the black man's face.

"Shut up, shut up! You trash, you bastard, you scum, you cheap thing!" Caitlin abused the black man even harder, and dirty words filled the basement.

But this time, the black man was no longer hiding, and he looked stupidly at the woman in front of him, muttering to himself, "Green, Ethan... Oh my God, it's really them, it's really..."

Then the black man suddenly became worried and whispered, "They were thrown into Deathtown, Deathtown... Caitlin, it's Death town, you know where the death rates are, you help them, you can't let..."

The black man stopped in the middle of his sentence, and then the black man's face showed a smile. There was such a pure smile on a face covered with blood and whiplash that it was a poignant sight.

"They've all been bought, it's great they're alive..." All the while, Caitlin never told the black man anything, but the black man knew everything.

He is not only a power, he is one of the rare people with two powers!

And his second power, the one everyone dreams of, is an absolutely valuable, even strategic ability - telepathy.

"Are you happy? Mike! ? You're happy your two bastard friends are alive, aren't you? And they're powers just like you! You are all Powers alike!!" Caitlin looked at Mike showing a smile, she was even more jealous, "Only I am not!" I'm going to rip your body out today!"

Visually, Caitlin looks more like the Angel of the day, while Mike looks more like the black devil with his bruises and bones.

But why does the Angel look so mad and ferocious?

And why does the demon smile so warm, so pure?