
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

1 night before the war

No. 080, Garcia Banderas, 16 years old, Hispanic, about 165cm tall, with a black half-long curly hair.

He is number 80, the last person to enter this batch of life and death games.

For a teenager who has just turned 16, such a death game is too cruel. But for a teenager who spent two years in the midst of the apocalypse, he has suffered no less than anyone else.

He, who is already living at the bottom, has already felt the cold and warm of the world, and the sudden advent of the end is only to magnify such contradictions.

He has a heart of gold, but such modesty, honesty, kindness and enthusiasm, after immigrating to the United States has been repeatedly frustrated.

Compared with those white people, the situation faced by immigrants is simply a world apart, they can feel the world is full of malice, which also prompted Garcia's growth.

At this time, Garcia held the meat stick he had just picked up, and looked somewhat hesitant.

The tall men and women both threw sticks of meat in their hands, but Garcia picked up only one of them.

Garcia looked at the dirty meat he picked up from the ground, and looked at the meat he had just received on his right hand. Garcia's eyes were smart, constantly flashing, and finally clenched his teeth, as if he had made a decision, and his left hand lifted and began to eat the meat that had fallen to the ground.

No matter what happened to the team, it still moved forward.

Before entering the underground prison, the team finally dispersed, and Garcia finally found the right time, he wore a loose head of curly hair, and his thin body shuttled through the prisoners, and finally found his goal.

"Hello, Sir, you need lunch, right?" Garcia, speaking in English with a strong Spanish accent, leaned over to Ethan and held out the strip of meat in his right hand. "This is my food," he said. "It didn't fall on the floor."

Ethan gasped. What does that mean?

Ethan looked down, looking at the slightly green face, looking at the youth that is full of expectations in the eyes, Ethan seemed to see the shadow of promise.

Once, the promise to Ethan was bitten by a small piece of bread, trying to make good.

Now, the strange young man also took out the meat sticks, looking at himself with a look of hope.

This world... What's going on?

Obviously, the young man was looking for support, looking for someone to lean on, and maybe he heard something about a "teammate," so he tried to curry favor with Ethan.


Cynthia also did not eat lunch. Why did the young man choose himself and not Cynthia? More importantly, everyone knows that they are worth 2 points and Cynthia is worth 1 point, so from this perspective, Garcia's object of affection should be Cynthia.

In fact, Garcia did hesitate for a long time before finally choosing Ethan.

Yes, compared to Cynthia, who is strong and arrogant, Ethan's momentum and emotion are very restrained, and it seems harmless, which is relatively easy to approach.

Cynthia no matter how soft and gentle her heart, but in this prison, she showed the side of everyone, but a fierce momentum of the strong.

Ethan, by contrast, became Garcia's favorite. And this young man with smart eyes has his own theory, in his head, he thinks that the player with 2 points must be very powerful, is more reliable.

When Garcia immigrated to the United States, he was exposed to some cultural influences, and as a teenager, he knew that extreme individual heroism prevailed here. Even though everyone is saying "team, team, team" on the surface, it's not really like that.

Garcia believes that every superhero needs a sidekick, and Garcia is very confident in this, and his past life has taught him to read people,

Taught him how to act, Garcia believes that as long as Ethan gives him a chance, he can let Ethan cannot leave him, just like his employer once, as long as give Garcia a chance, the mansion will not accommodate any other servants, Garcia can take care of everything in order.

Garcia of course knows the danger of 2 points participants, let alone in this personal life and death battle, any power is the enemy of each other's life and death, but Garcia is very confident in his ability level, he can become the swallow thousand bird beside the crocodile, his own benefit at the same time, the same peaceful coexistence.

Ethan shook his head as he looked at the expectant teenager.

Ethan can't afford the consequences, he doesn't know this stranger, can't make a judgment.

The world is crazy, people are strange, everyone has their own ideas.

The human heart is incalculable.

Large forces continue to move forward, Ethan stopped in front of his own cell, as No. 80 Garcia cell is still behind, see Ethan has always been indifferent, Garcia heart anxious, speak very fast to say something, and even a few words of Spanish.

But Ethan stopped, and Garcia was pushed further and further away by the army.

A hot eyes fell on Ethan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com keen Ethan looked back, but saw standing in the hallway in front of the cell door Cynthia interesting appearance, beside, promise lowered her eyes, seems a little dare not face Ethan.

Time quietly slipped away, the night before the war, the cell came from the SOB SOB, such as complaint, attracted bursts of clouds.

Some people became more sad because of the sound of crying, some people could not bear such fear and panic, and joined the army of crying, while some people were upset and angry roar, and some people were already eager to try and get ready.

It is interesting to see a picture of life unfolding slowly in the prison.

In the wee hours of the morning, the guards on the watch suddenly stopped in front of Ethan's cell.

Ethan quietly sat up, tiptoed, and quickly came to the door of the cell, because he saw a familiar scene, saw the soldier with a dull look! This soldier looked different from the soldiers in the dark room, and even had different skin colors. They were not the same person at all, but their expressions were identical.

"Tomorrow, southwest of town, basement of Factory 2, interview." The soldier spoke, and walked slowly away. After walking for a few seconds, the soldier recovered his appearance, looked a little strange, muttered something, found nothing strange, and continued to patrol the night.

So, tomorrow? The mysterious power clearly said to Ethan, to do something in the life and death battle, do not know whether the other party's ideas and their own coincidence.

We can team up if we're on the same page, but if we're not, we can live with a sword against Ethan.

If this is a conspiracy...

Ethan pursed his lips, and the war was over.