
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

"Old friends"

In the end, Ethan did not respond positively to the promised invitation.

The conversation between the two came to an end when the prisoners who had gone to work as laborers returned.

It wasn't until about 1 p.m., lunch time, that Ethan was finally allowed to leave his cell and go to the so-called dining room to eat. On the way, Ethan felt a familiar voice behind him: "Ethan, it's really you, I can't believe it!" You... You are taller and stronger, like a cow."

It was Grimm's voice.

Since Green was able to resist the attempt to embrace, Ethan also understood how strict the rules were here, so he did not turn around, but slowed down and walked alongside Green in the pile of prisoners.

"Where have you been all these years?" Ethan asked softly, suppressing the joy of the reunion, and his tone was smooth, even a little cold.

"Weren't you grounded that day? Because we took you to the club..." If this conversation had happened a few years ago, Ethan would have blamed Green and Caitlin for the woman's insistence on going to the club that got Ethan dragged away by Green.

Years later, this conversation changed to now, will only let Ethan's face emerge a shallow smile, high, that is a period of how young and beautiful youth ah.

"Since you're grounded, I had to hang out with Caitlin and Mike, remember?" That night there was an Orion meteor shower. The three of us called my brother and we went camping in the mountain. When we got back, we were passing the gas station below the hill..." Grimm's words paused slightly, and Ethan knew what had happened on the way back, that day, the alien dimension had invaded.

"The four of us had been hiding in a petrol station with a few strangers, and it was scary to think about the dogs barking outside." Green said with trepidation, obviously the original picture left a deep impression on him.

"And then the damn flowers bloated and the whole world went to hell and we were rescued by a group of people, and I wanted to go home but I was dragged in against my will and I ran away with the army and there were a lot of stories, Ethan, really a lot of stories..." Green said this, her voice trembling, her voice already choked.

I mean, everyone who survives doesn't have a story to tell.

I care about you, so your story speaks to me. Eventually Ethan could not resist and gently patted Green on the arm, which was somewhat funny because Ethan's hands were handcuffed, but it was like a traditional Chinese New Year gesture.

Ethan knew that the story of the past few years could not be told in a short ten minutes.

Under the guard of the soldiers, the two men fell into silence, daring no one to have the slightest change, so Ethan went with the flow, received bread and water, and then followed the large army back to the cell.

Time passed so slowly in this dark cell that nothing happened and no one dared to do anything out of line.

Ethan's third day in jail, his last before he goes to war.

All the people in the prison were driven out of the cell in the morning, and a team of prisoners came to an empty basement in an orderly manner, and a command from the soldiers could reverberate in the empty room.

Several torches were lit on the surrounding walls, but the flickering fire could not bring even a tiny bit of warmth to the people present.

Ten minutes later, in the silent basement, there was finally a bit of commotion, more than ten heavily armed soldiers poured into the door, and after the soldiers entered, a white young man with short black hair walked in, and beside him, a cursive, well-dressed lady followed.

A woman dressed in bright, long blonde hair up high,

The white dress is incompatible with the dirty basement, and the shawl with white fur looks very expensive, with large swaths of naked white skin below, and the slender jade hand firmly holds the arm of the man beside him, as if declaring his sovereignty.

Compared with her expensive clothes, the proud look on her face aroused the desire of men to conquer. Hope. Under the gaze of a group of wolves, the woman did not react at all, as if she had gotten used to such a picture, she just took the arm of the man next to her, and slowly walked to the front of the crowd, her blue eyes full of mockery, and her eyes scanned the poor prisoners below.

The dark-haired man is also obviously very pleased with his partner, which makes him very proud. He has a smile on his face and a flirtatious tone. "Okay, guys, are you ready for tomorrow's game?"

A playful word, but let the prisoners' restless hearts break, the prisoners were pulled back from the fantasy reality, they realized that tomorrow is the day of life and death, under this idea, the atmosphere in the room was silent and terrible.

"That's how it feels, haha." The man leaned slightly to his side, patted the palm of the woman on his arm, and smiled very gentlemanly. As the woman released her arm, the man took a step forward and said, "There are a lot of faces here that I'm familiar with, and you know the rules by heart, but there are also a lot of new faces, so I have to follow the routine."

"Tomorrow, you will be escorted to the Storybrooke I have built, where you can do whatever you want, you can let your nature run..." The man suddenly stopped, touched his chin with one hand, and said to himself, "No, that's not the right word..."

"Ah, I've got it! The man snapped his fingers and laughed loudly, "Not can, must!" You must show your strength to the best of your ability, it represents whether you are worth surviving!"

"Old rules, kill five people, I will send a special car to pick you up, to offer you the highest hospitality in Baytown, I can assure you, your future road is full of bright."

"In addition, if you don't have the confidence to kill five people, then don't be discouraged, you just show your strength as much as possible, maybe someone will buy you, this is also a way to survive, isn't it?" The man smiled and looked at the black stone man in front of him. The man snapped two fingers one after another, "Hello! Guys, give me a reaction!"

"TSK, no response? I'm your judge Dougs, and it doesn't pay to piss me off, does it?" The man who called himself Dawgs curled his mouth and found that the people in front of him were still shrouded in clouds, and no one gave any reaction.

"Well, it's always so boring." Doug cold snort, eyes scanned the people, "of course, UU reading www.uukanshu.com some of you cowards, escape responsibilities, escape challenges, although this is also a way to survive, but it makes me feel sick, you are simply wasting the resources of the Bay City, I have to report to the above, if you no longer have buyers, It's about time we had an answer. Yes, I'm talking about you, Xu, you fugitive!"

Dawgs pointed to a woman with disheveled hair. Promise would like to cover his face with hair, would like to be an ostrich with his face in the ground, and do not want to attract anyone's attention, but today he was actually named by the director of the life and death war.

This was not good news for the promise, she knew, she had caused the boss's annoyance, which was very fatal.

"You yellow bitch who only loves to hide and run, you should let others see your ability, see your value!" Hell, I can't sell you." Dawgs, with a distressed look on his face, suddenly said, "New rules, kill 'fugitives' allowed, count two places!"

For a moment, all eyes were on Promise, and Promise's body trembled and wobbled, almost unable to stand.

"Hey, that forces you to do your best. Well, that's a genius idea." Dawgs laughed, and his attitude said it all. Here, Powers really are nothing.

The way to survive here, the way to believe, is a world away from the Luling base where Ethan once resided.

The gorgeously dressed woman on the stage slightly looked down at the humble yellow man, the white face was full of contempt, suddenly, the woman froze, her pupils slightly dilated, eyes fixed on the man in the left of the promised station.

He, too, is a yellow man.

His figure was so familiar to her.
