
Pet Werewolf

When a teenage werewolf gets taken into an animal shelter after an accident, how will she cope? And how long can the charade last?

SalCop · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

Chloe sat on the sofa deep in thought, despite her interference the party was still taking place in the house she was currently in. It was then that she had a thought, what if she attended the party as a human. She could talk to Liam, undercover of course, he wasn't ready for the truth, yet.

For that she'd need a dress though, and so the plan came together. Today she'd go to the town where Liam went to school, she'd heard him talk about a clothes shop there, and get a dress. Then she could go to Liam's party.

She put on one of Liam's plain black hoodies, and a pair of jeans that were too small for him, but fitted her perfectly. Along with a pair of trainers way to big for her. Just before she left she snuck into Liam's Mum's room and stole a 50 from her beside table, she wouldn't even know it was gone.

Then she was off. Even in her human form she was extremely fast and had endurance that could last her 20 kilometers easily. The town wasn't even that far though only about 3 kilometers she would estimate.

She slowed down to a stop and started wandering the town. She saw a women's clothes shop and in the back of head she head a church bell, indicating it was 12 o'clock. Entering she looked around and noticed the people giving her looks, oh right she was supposed to be in school. She probably looked like a dosser, she smirked at the thought and that was when she saw it.

The perfect dress. It was skintight, long sleeved dress. Blue and green sequins adorned the top half, while the bottom half was plain black. It reminded her of the night sky, and it was just so her.

(Dress at top of page.)

She found some black heels to match along with some undergarments. She paid for them all and headed out, successful. As she was walking the streets she noticed lots of teenagers walking the streets. Then she remembered, today was Friday and so was a half day. She walked back the way she came when she saw Liam sitting down outside a café with people who looked much more like his type of friends than the buffoons that had come over to their house before.

He saw her pass and his eye's flickered with recognition, probably recognising his clothes. She quickly walked on and once she was no longer in his line of site she ran all the way back, her shopping bag becoming a nuisance as it swung side to side.

The second she stepped inside she took off Liam's clothes and folded them, making sure to put them back exactly where they came from. She then shifted into a wolf and carried the bag into the woods, stuffing it into a hollowed out log, thankfully it was a plastic bag.

Knowing it would be at least two hours before Liam came home she ran around in the woods. She'd gotten to know the woods now and happily ran around weaving in and out of trees.

Returning she shifted into a human to lock the door behind her then shifted back when finished. Due to her shifting several times a day she no longer felt any pain during the shift. It now was as easy to her as it would be to lift her leg. She laid down on the sofa and let out a content sigh, faze one: complete.

Author's note:

Sorry everyone for the short chapter.

What do you think will happen at the party?

How will Liam react to meeting Chloe for the first time?

Hope you're all enjoying the story :)