
[Technology] - Mind

Essence of the Innovator

By consuming this crystal-clear liquid you become imbued with the very essence of artifice, science, and craft.

* You are now the greatest scientist, engineer, and inventor alive, and perhaps the greatest that has ever lived. Your aptitude for such things as mathematics, the physical sciences, mechanical intuition, etc., is so high that such things are as effortless as blinking or breathing for you. Having actual instructional materials or samples/phenomena available to study and reverse-engineer is still very useful for you, but even without them you can still work out entire bodies of knowledge merely from first principles - it just takes longer.

* In addition to your prodigious scientific and engineering talent your overall cognitive functions such as perceptiveness, learning speed, reaction time, and pattern recognition are heightened to the highest levels naturally attainable for your species. You also gain a perfect memory with infinite storage, instant recall, perfect indexing, tamper-proofing, and protection from harmful memories.

* The only limits on your scientific talent are what resources are available to work with and the inherent physical laws and limitations of the cosmos you inhabit... the true limitations, not just the ones that are believed to exist by other, lesser scientists. Otherwise the sky is the limit. Engineering superpowers in yourself or other people, outright miracles of medicine, "clean" zero-point energy, artificial intelligence, power armor, whatever... provided that it could hypothetically be possible for someone else someday, you can start doing it right now.

* Almost any field of knowledge is valid for your talents as an Inspired Inventor, not merely technology or engineering. Study political science and come up with ideas on how to vastly streamline and re-engineer administrative systems, devise new and highly effective martial arts by working from basic principles of biology, anatomy, and applied physics, create new languages that allow speaking or thinking with greater efficiency, or use your study of mathematics and harmonics to compose wondrous new music; all this and much more is possible for you.

* Your status as an Inspired Inventor lets you accomplish your research & development projects without assistance and with incredible speed. Things that would 'merely' be incredibly advanced feats of engineering are usually doable for you as fast as you can assemble the initial prototype, needing at most a few test runs to get dialed in perfectly. Outright pushing the boundaries of physics or otherwise trying to work with anomalies and cosmological loopholes requires actual trial-and-error research, but can still be completed within a reasonable time frame.

* As a final bonus, at the time you consume this Essence you are restored to perfect physical health and good physical fitness, as well as being made aware of any mental conditions you might have and being given the option to be cured of any or all of them as well. You receive no special Essence powers for maintaining your fitness but the abilities you have should let you easily create ultra-efficient physical training programs for yourself, find ways to enhance your physical longevity, or otherwise develop yourself as much as is scientifically possible.


Essence of the L337 Hacker

By consuming the Essence of the L337 Hacker you gain several boons.

● Perfect memory and unlimited storage.

● Beyond genius level intellect capable of nearly unlimited parallel thought trains along with the associated mental multi-tasking capability.

● Able to instantly parse and understand any form of code from the most basic machine language to the most abstract visual language, as well as various cyphers and other such encoding methods.

● You have an instinctual understanding of what exploits to use in any situation to accomplish both what you want and don't want to happen. This primarily works in computer programming but also extends into the more hardware aspect of technology as well.

● Just to be clear you can make and tailor to your needs any form of virus, malware, etc. as well as just making incredibly clever and clean programs of a non-infective nature.

● You are able to cause computer processes to go faster by increasing the speed at which you are imputing data, whether through typing or other.

● Your speed and accuracy in imputing and receiving data from a computer system through any form of interface is unmatched, even by devices that are specifically designed to use them.

● When in a large crowd you may loudly shout; "Hack the Planet!" And be perfectly understood by those you wanted to communicate without the crowd paying any significant attention to you despite how strange your actions may be.



Essence of the Tinker of Fiction

By drinking from a bitter, oily potion you have become the one and only Tinker of Fiction.

- Your mind is capable of aligning itself to the raw metaphysical concept of creation and technology that permeates throughout the entire multiverse. This translates as a complete database of a single universe that you can consciously and unconsciously assess. At the purest sense, this means you can recreate anything present in the universe your mind is aligned to, provided that you have time and resources to do it.

• The choice of universe your mind aligns to is mostly random, but you can subconsciously nudge it towards certain themes and concepts that meet your current needs. With practice and effort you will be able to do this consciously.

• Your database will translate everything present in your aligned universe such as magic, spiritual energies, divine and cosmic forces, and so on as in a way you can create, so even primitive, magical, or mythically-focused settings will give you something to work with.

• This can manifest in several unpredictable ways like translating a fireball spell into a fire based gun, or allowing you to artificially create a specific race unique to the universe, or even reproducing the powers of a creator god as a special type of instrument and wavelengths that can be used to maniple reality, the possibilities are endless and, more often than not, very wacky. As a rule, there is no aspect of your aligned universe that you cannot recreate with time and effort.

• The mental database of a aligned universe is connected to your mind on a metaphysical level, meaning it is completely impossible for telepathic or corruptive effects to disturb it is any way. This connection will persist for as long as you have a conscient/conscious presence in the word, so not even replacing your brain, evolving to a being of energy or dying and turning into a ghost can break it.

• As a rule, the universal database and your mind are separated, however, there will always be a 'bleed of knowledge' between them, so you will slowly learn more and more knowledge of a single universe by simply having it aligned. This 'bleed' increases as you focus its use to tinker, with the particular subject you are using in your tinkering bleeding faster than the rest. This will turn the knowledge of the database into your inherent knowledge and you will be able to retain it even as the database aligns to a different universe. However, this process is very slow and takes years, decades, or even centuries to turn all database knowledge of a single universe into your inherent knowledge. By the end of an alignment you will have enough inherent knowledge to repair, maintain, or duplicate whatever you created while you had the universe aligned, all while knowing the general concepts behind them. It also gives you enough to finish a project if the alignment changes halfway through, provided that the project is of a reasonable scale related to what you are capable off at the time.

• Your mind has a limitless storage capable of handling any amount of knowledge that bleeds through the database, you are also capable of perfectly remembering any concept you learn. This perfect memory is only in relation to database or inherent knowledge.

• You can create completely new creations using the concepts of a universe, provided that you put the effort to do so and have either the inherent or database knowledge as a base. You can also modify and upgrade technologies in ways not thought off by the gifted minds of the aligned universe.

• You are capable of perfectly mixing the concepts, magic and technologies of different universes together, even if it shouldn't be possible. This allows you to create hybrids magic's, martial arts and techs of various designs, or fabricating something completely new.

• If needed, you are capable of downgrading your creation to meet the demand and quality of the resources at hands, allowing you to build lesser equivalents of the creation available to you with less time and fewer resources, at the expense of their effectiveness of course.

• Your skills at creating, forging, building and tinkering in general can grow without limits, to the point they will be able to break the laws of reality eventually. The more you tinker, the better you get at it, taking less time, using less resources, doing more with these said resource, making things more durable, more efficient, and more aesthetically pleasing, eventually you will be able to achieve feats like building a project that should have taken years in a hour, using a small fraction of the resources it should have, making it capable of functioning forever and endure massive damage without diminish results or efficiency, all while making it look mesmerizingly beautiful to whoever witnesses it. At some point, you will surpass the abilities of the creators of the aligned universes, taking the creation provided to new highs each time.



Essence of Inventive Wonder

The Essence of Inventive Wonder draws inspiration from the boundless creativity and ingenuity of Phineas and Ferb, infusing you with their unparalleled spirit of adventure and innovation. Embracing this essence unlocks a world of limitless possibilities and extraordinary abilities. Here are the key aspects of this essence:

• Ingenious Imagination: Your imagination knows no bounds. You possess an innate ability to conceive and design extraordinary inventions, gadgets, and contraptions that defy conventional logic. Your mind brims with ideas that push the boundaries of what is possible, fueling your quest for constant innovation.

• Masterful Engineering: You possess an innate talent for engineering and construction. With remarkable precision, you can assemble elaborate structures, mechanical devices, and fantastical installations. Your creations seamlessly blend form and function, showcasing your exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail.

• Multidimensional Construction: Your inventions transcend the limitations of conventional physics, allowing you to build interdimensional portals, time machines, and mind-bending contraptions. You can traverse different dimensions, explore alternate realities, and manipulate the fabric of space-time with ease.

• Enhanced Intellect: Your cognitive abilities reach extraordinary heights, granting you an exceptional intellect. You possess an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a remarkable aptitude for learning. Your mind processes information at incredible speeds, allowing you to solve complex problems and devise innovative solutions effortlessly.

• Versatile Gadgets and Tools: You have access to an array of versatile gadgets and tools that enhance your abilities. From shrink rays and jetpacks to laser-guided grappling hooks and molecular manipulators, your arsenal of inventions empowers you to overcome any obstacle and embark on thrilling adventures.

• Teamwork and Camaraderie: You understand the value of teamwork and collaboration. You inspire those around you to tap into their own potential, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity. With your natural leadership skills, you assemble diverse teams of skilled individuals who complement each other's strengths, working together towards a common goal.

• Musical Mastery: Music flows through your veins, and you possess remarkable musical talent. Whether playing an instrument, composing catchy tunes, or orchestrating elaborate musical numbers, your melodic prowess captivates and uplifts those who hear it. Music becomes a powerful tool for inspiration and creative expression.

• Time Management Skills: You possess an uncanny ability to make the most of every moment. With your exceptional time management skills, you maximize productivity and seize every opportunity for adventure. You effortlessly balance fun and responsibility, ensuring that every day is filled with memorable experiences.

• Optimistic Spirit: You radiate an infectious optimism and zest for life. Your unwavering positivity inspires others, lifting their spirits and encouraging them to embrace their own creativity. Your boundless enthusiasm and belief in the power of imagination create a vibrant and joyful atmosphere wherever you go.

• Endless Seasons: You embody the spirit of eternal cycle of change through four seasons, where every day is an adventure waiting to happen. Your essence infuses each moment with excitement, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. With your inventive wonder, life becomes a constant source of awe, discovery, and endless possibilities.

• Embrace the Essence of Inventive Wonder and embark on a journey of boundless imagination, remarkable inventions, and unforgettable experiences. With Phineas and Ferb as your inspiration, there's no limit to what you can create, explore, and achieve in the world of endless seasons.



Essence of the Tinker of Fiction


You are now a Worm kind of Tinker, without the Shard itself and instead being an innate part of you.

● But unlike a normal Tinker that has a certain specialty or focus, you don't have something so minuscule. No, what you have, is the ability to create any kind of technology from anywhere. You only have to think "I want to create X" and you will find your power feeding you the knowledge of how to make it. So say you want to make the Iron Man Armor MK L, your power will not only show you exactly how you make it, but will also guide you in creating it, sometimes entering a fugue state during the process. It will also guide you so that anything you create will fit whomever or whatever you create it for, or anything similar that allows you to actually use the technology how you intended.

● Not only that, you are able to use technology from somewhere else to improve upon almost anything you build. So say you want to build the Iron Man Armor MK L, then starts thinking about how Argent Energy from Doom might be able to not only increase the energy it can use, but also increase the power of the weapons. If you think about this, then your power will help you merge the technology in the way you want it.

● The only drawback is that you have to know about the technology to create it. So if you don't know about the Human Replica Droids from Star Wars, your power from this essence won't be able to make them until you find out about it. But you only have to know about it's existence, not how it's made or anything else about it. No piece of technology or anything from the hard sciences are beyond you, from Time travel to super soldier programs to Father Boxes to cloning. As long as you know about any piece of technology from somewhere, you can make it. No, this doesn't work for things you imagine or make up yourself. It has to come from somewhere else.

•●• If you wish to fix flaws you find in the original design, your power will help by feeding you the solution and helping change the design so that whatever you don't want to happen doesn't happen. It will also help you prevent possible flaws in tech you create that could have unforeseen consequences, feeding you the information on what the consequences might be. Not only that, your ability also helps you improve upon anything you build, allowing you to endlessly improve your technology.

● You have the ability to control whether your designs are easily reproducible or completely blackboxed, or anything in between. You can also make it so that some can understand and study your tech while others cannot. You can both give and take away the ability to understand your tech should you want to, and this can be done anytime.

•●• You are able to create machines that can help you in creating your tinker-tech. This can be drones that will automatically create large constructs you upload the blueprints for, or it can be entire factories that can mass produce anything you want.

•●• You are able to quickly understand and reverse engineer any form of technology and science you come across, should you want to.

● If you have a form of magic, you are also able to create Magitech.



- + Tinker of Imagination + -



Essence of Genetic Mastery

You now have obtained the power to manipulate and modify genetic material with precision. Through touch or focused intent, you can introduce desired genetic changes, enhance beneficial traits, and suppress undesirable characteristics in organisms. Your mastery over genetics enables you to selectively breed and create new varieties of plants, animals, and even microorganisms.

• You have the power to stabilize genetic material and prevent harmful mutations. Your influence ensures that genetic information remains intact and free from errors during replication and recombination. This ability safeguards the genetic integrity of organisms, promoting their health and longevity.

• You possess the ability to heal genetic abnormalities and restore balance to damaged genomes. With a touch or focused intent, you can repair damaged DNA, reverse harmful mutations, and rejuvenate genetic material. This power grants you the ability to heal genetic diseases and restore the vitality of organisms.

• You also possess an innate understanding of genetic principles and inheritable traits. Your knowledge of genetic patterns, heredity, and genetic variation surpasses that of any other individual. You can analyze and predict the outcome of genetic traits with exceptional accuracy, allowing you to unravel the secrets of inheritance.

• You now possess a deep connection with the natural world and an acute ability to observe and understand living organisms. You can discern subtle variations and traits in organisms, making you an exceptional naturalist and observer of nature's patterns. Your keen intuition guides you in uncovering hidden genetic secrets and understanding the intricacies of life.

• You gain access to the accumulated genetic knowledge of all living beings throughout history. This vast repository of information empowers you with unparalleled wisdom in genetic matters. You can tap into this wellspring of knowledge to solve complex genetic puzzles, discover new insights, and push the boundaries of genetic understanding.

Your understanding of genetics extends beyond individual organisms to ecosystems as a whole. You can analyze the genetic diversity and interactions within an ecosystem, identifying potential imbalances and threats. Through your intervention, you can restore genetic equilibrium, fostering biodiversity and preserving the delicate harmony of ecosystems.
