
[Desire] Plus Ultra

Essence of Hentai World Defense Powers (+Hentai Bastard+)

• You become an unassailable bulwark against the plots, tropes, and horrors offered by Hentai worlds and Hentai plots. Your body is changed to be healthy and physically fit if it was not before and you now can make use of porn physics if you desire so. You have complete control of your virility and will only impregnate as you desire. You are immune to sexually transmitted diseases and disease in general.

• You have a Hentai Nullifier field making you and your partners immune to Hentai plots like getting drugged and raped by fat old bald men or getting blackmailed to do sexual favors behind the back of your spouse with a CEO. These plots will fail spectacularly in the face of the would-be plotter either ending with them suitably punished, ruined, or worse. Body warping drugs and mind affecting abilities are less than worthless against you and your partners, and you will know exactly who or what attempted to use them. Tentacle monsters will lose their grips, aliens will target someone else, or they will conveniently be killed by a passing super hero or environmental damage. You can project this as a field to extend its protections to others or just specific people like your loved ones or friends.

• You have passive Hentai Vision which lets you feel and direct to the kinks, sexual history, desires, intent, diseases, and damn near any other bit of information that might be relevant to a person. It will unfailingly let you detect suitable partners, people you want to avoid, or disguised Hentai monsters. 

• You have a passive Hentai Clairvoyance which lets you chart a perfect path to getting laid using only what you have available and if the person could have a sustainable relationship with you or two others if you want to play matchmaker/marriage councilor. The power makes you a monster in bed able to unfailingly please any partner you might happen to have.



Essence of Cool

by cliffc999

Drinking this pure sparkling water, delicately infused with the finest trace of the vapors from the legendary Font of Cool, will forever leave you functioning on a higher, more conceptual level.

• Upon first drinking this Essence your body, mind, and spirit all become infused with the essence of elemental Cool. Cool is not a consumable resource, but more of a fundamental quality like temperature or gravity. It is a localized alteration of fundamental logic that, as the degree of Cool increases, grants greater and greater freedom from mundane or practical limitations.

• Even at the most minimal level of Cool, you will have your inherent limits raised and the normal complications of your existence mitigated. Your doubts and hesitations become easier for you to overcome when you try to, you gain greater results from the same amount of effort put into an activity, you take less damage than you otherwise would from hostile conditions, and things just seem to be that much easier around you.

• The more Cool you become, the greater this boost becomes. What should be body-destroying training instead produces positive results, research that you perform produces results previously believed impossible by physics, your combat skills start to evolve into supernaturally effective styles, etc. A sufficiently Cool archer could defeat a platoon of gunmen, and a sufficiently Cool artisan could build flight-capable powered armor in a cave from a box of scraps. Conceptual enhancement of the body or mind, rapid mastery of skills or abilities that should logically have taken years of expert instruction to learn, even developing new and fantastic abilities or evolving past normal mortal limitations, all these things and more are possible to those who are Cool enough.

• The simple act of living your daily life and engaging in any degree of activity at all above the most deliberate efforts at moldering away into insignificance will allow your degree of Cool to have a slow passive growth, but rapid gains of Cool are produced by overcoming significant challenges (which includes completing sufficiently Cool and difficult training), or achieving significant milestones. The overall rate of these gains also scales to your environment; it might take only a moderate degree of Cool to outshine everyone around you on a mundane Earth, but when you are in more fantastical or legendary settings the stakes and challenges around you are greater and so your own infusion from the Font of Cool will rise to the challenge.

• At higher degrees of Cool you cease being even remotely realistic and enter the ranks of legend. A massively Cool enough person could build a fortress overnight while stranded on a desert island, or become a master of kung-fu capable of dodging lightning and punching people through mountains. Even in places not Cool enough to already have magic systems of their own, sufficient Cool would allow you to begin to see the secret ways of manipulating reality through symbolism and concept (i.e., magic).

• The more Cool you are, the harder you become to harm. This can manifest in any number of ways – whether it's because you're harder to hit, harder to hurt when you get hit, or just that damn lucky isn't really important, because Coolness may manifest in any number of ways. Even the most minimally Cool drinker of this essence is still notably tougher to permanently injure or kill than a normal person, and at higher levels of Cool you become exponentially more so. A sufficiently Cool person could survive a nuclear explosion by hiding in a refrigerator… and if they were really Cool, they could even make doing that look good. Aging, infirmity, sickness, curses, etc. are also considered 'harm' in this context.

• Indeed, you embody the expression 'too Cool to die'. Even if you take enough damage to where your standard Cool-infused resistance to harm isn't enough to save you, you can still evade death or permanent destruction of any kind at the price of lowering your degree of Cool. (After all, few things are less cool than overusing a trope.) You will never become entirely unCool by doing this, even if you are repeatedly knocked back to the absolute minimum degree of Cool you gained from the initial consumption of this Essence.

• A sufficiently Cool existence can with suitable time and/or effort raise the degree of Cool in things around them if they choose to. Spells you cast and things you enchant will still function in mundane environments in your absence, super-advanced technologies you create and/or master will still be teachable to and useable by other people even in places unCool enough that they never invented such things themselves, supernatural martial arts styles or magic systems you master and then teach others will still be super-effective when they go on to each others in turn, etc, etc. Places you reside in for long periods of time or significantly invest yourself in can grow more and more Cool and grandiose – the mountains becoming taller and more majestic, the forests becoming older and deeper, natural resources become richer and more fantastic, even the local wildlife could start having otherwise mythical creatures return.

• Likewise, people who train with or adventure with such a Cool entity like you for sufficient periods of time will themselves start to become Cooler, etc, etc. Indeed, with enough time and effort you could leave entire worlds significantly more Cool than when you found them. This effect may be voluntarily or selectively toggled, although you cannot control all the exact details of another person's growth in Cool, merely whether or not they are and how much. Coolness is ultimately an expression of one's individuality, after all.

• Lastly, you can learn how to slip in-between the edges of reality to enter the legendary Cool Mine, an infinitely deep conceptual chasm that lies between reality and the actual Font of Cool. Although you could descend into its depths for a quintillion years and never draw close to your destination, adventuring in the Cool Mine allows for even greater gains in power and Cool than you would have otherwise. If you go deep enough into the endlessly branching fractal labyrinths, passageways, and dead ends of the Cool Mine you can find almost any conceivable fantastical environment, creature, or challenge to test yourself against, and in such a variety and profusion as to be beyond counting. And as Cool is a transfinite and Omniversal force, with sufficient exploration a person passing through the Cool Mine could find his way to virtually anywhere or anywhen, even if they were not already Cool enough to have created/learned other travel methods of their own.



Essence of the Gacha

• You have the ability to randomly {?} get one item or person of importance in fiction per roll.

• These things will always appear on cards and can be summoned out of it. 

• However living beings they can't revert back into cards once done.

• You have access to a list where it details every single card, and option in order to narrow down searches.

• Cards can be used to increase the strength of a summon item or person; however these cards will be destroyed in the process. This increase is determined by the rarity of the card.

• The rarity of card is determined by the strength and the importance of the being or item.

• Items that are summoned through the Gacha will always work no matter what universe you are in, and can never be used against you in any way. These items are always in perfect condition, and will not degrade in any way. They can only be used by you, and the only way for anyone else to use them is that they must have direct permission from you. These items are summon-able and will appear by your side no matter what. Items that require things such as energy sources or ammunition will have infinite amounts of them; however you can't siphon or use them for any other purpose.

• People that are summoned through the Gacha will always be loyal to you, no matter what their personality or alignment is and can't negatively effect, hurt or kill you in any way. If they are ever killed or injured, they will immediately be restored back to full health after the battle is done and return to your side. They can disobey orders that they don't like so long as these orders don't directly involve you in any way.

• You will have a bond relationship with the people you summon and can check anytime what level the relationship is at. Bond relationships start at 0, which means that you are strangers to them, and end with 10, which means that the person is completely in love with you and will do anything for you. Anybody summoned through the Gacha will have a bond relationship of 0. By spending time with them, you can quickly increase your relationship with them to a 10.

• You get 1 Gacha point per day. You can get more Gacha points by paying the equivalent of one (25g) gold coin/ore for 1 Gacha point. However, there is a limit to that as you can only spend the equivalent of 100 gold coins per month. Don't want you developing a problem.

 : 1-Gold coin (25g) = 1-Gacha Points, 40-Gacha points for 1kg Gold.

 : Ranks: - E = (01-to-06) < D = (07-to-12) < C = (13-to-18)< p>

B = (19-to-24) < A = (25-to-30) < EX = (31-to-36), True???(0)???Nothingness--

 (F) + (Ff) + (Fff) Rank represents increasing absence of supernatural.

 Mortal (6) < Mystic (12) < Earth (18) < Sky (24) < Heaven (30) <Void (36)< p>

- Each age represent its connection with its Roots or Source, like Akasha from Fate.

- A world can reconnect with root, depending on the action of entity or event and its power level and connection to root. (Ex. - )

- Void Rank represents a safe void (Compared to True Nothingness) in a Omniverse, and is almost equal to True Nothingness.

- EX rank is equal to highest rank of all world or TCG. 

Ex. - 4.5x8 = 6x6 = 4x9 = 3x12 = 2x18 = 36

- Any Higher rank ability is expression of self and equal to Nothingness. So giving it a rank is meaningless.

- Rank and power are a bit complicated, a person can have raw power to destroy the stars like in Xianxia but no conceptual ability like primordial's, gods or demigods.

- Having great strength makes one close to certain concepts but only by actively working towards it one gains such ability.

- Ex. - Aura masters from I'm the Sorcerer King, Masters from 4-Cut Hero, No-Name (Sasaki Kojirou) from Fate, Miyamoto Musashi from Fate, Dao Cultivators, Lord of the Mysteries pathway, Ascension to become a God, Hegemony and Transcendence Gods From Shinza Bansho.

- Mortal (6) and Sky (24) is roughly equivalent to level 600 and 2400 respectively.

- Heaven (30) and Void (36) is equal to level 3000 and level 3600 respectively.

 : Rank: - (Fff) + (Ff) + (F) = Current "Mortal mortal" age, 21st century. 

- Almost no supernatural phenomenon (aside from manifesting in different senses or instinct or talent), a almost pure physical or mental effort based world, due to minimum ether presence (Just enough for life to live. But almost no supernatural)

- Almost entire lifetime of effort or chance is needed by life-form of this age to manifest any simmer of supernatural phenomenon (ex. Peak human Intellect).

- Allows for most rapid development of mind and emotions compared to any other age.

- Ex. - Clementine (The Walking Dead), 

: Rank: - (E-6) = Beginning of "Mortal" age, slightly supernatural. 

- Half the effort is required compared to age for the supernatural endeavor.

: Rank: - (D-12) = Beginning of "Mystic" age, Humans exist side by side with supernatural.

: Rank: - (C-18) - Beginning of "Earth" age, Age of demigods with Godly interactions.

: Rank: - (B-24) = Beginning of "Sky" age, Age of Gods and Primordial's interactions.

: Rank: - (A-30) - Beginning of "Heaven" age, Age of Primordial's and Heavenly Creators.

: Rank: - (EX-36) = "Void", Awakening of Heavenly Creators, will and Void Ones.

• You have three modes in the Gacha. (6x6 = EX, A,B,C,D,E Ranking) 

• The first mode is where you have two options to spend your Gacha points: you can spend 3 Gacha points which will always gives you a 3 star card or have the chance to get a 4 or higher star card, or you can spend 30 Gacha points which will give you 10 cards, guaranteed to get at least one 3 or higher star person and one 4 or higher star card, however in the beginning you are limited to just getting 3 to 5 star cards. This limitation will gradually disappear as you use the Gacha. 

• The second mode allows you to get 10 cards for free once per day, however you are limited to 1 through 3 star cards. 

• The third is an alternate mode of the first one, where you can get copies of items and people that exist in the universe you are in, however you must pay 6 or 60 Gacha points to summon the cards instead of the 3 or 30 you would normally pay in the first mode, must face the same limitation as the first mode, and can only get cards that exist in that universe. This mode can only work if the universe you are in has 4 to higher star cards that are based on the items and people in it.

• You can decide on how this Essence manifests.



Essence of the Keyblade

• You gain your very own Keyblade just like the ones from Kingdom Hearts. 

• Its default form is a manifestation of your heart in the form of a Keyblade.

• A body just above the peak of your species in ability, one sculpted to your tastes and tougher than it should be. This body can grow in ability and durability through training.

• You gain the ability to use any magic seen in the series, but you start out knowing how to use none of it. Your magical reserves start out small, but grow over time when frequently used.

• You gain a downright supernatural ability to learn practical skills 'on the job'. Whenever you face a difficult trial and succeed, you will be able to derive a spell or technique relating to the challenge in question at a level slightly below that of the challenge itself. For example defeating a powerful fire demon would grant you Fire, Fira, Firaga, or even higher levels of fire magic should the threat be great enough. While fighting skilled swordsmen would allow you to emulate their techniques with your Keyblade. You can even develop Keyblade Transformations on your own once you reach a high enough level, and if you fight opponents with similarly transforming weapons.

• Speaking of Keyblade Transformations, if and/or when you develop the ability to turn your Keyblade into a Glider, you can travel to any fictional setting on it. You're not limited to just Disney or Square-Enix properties.

• Furthermore, you can 'meld' two or more sufficiently mastered techniques and/or spells to create stronger skills and spells. However these new abilities are learned at a base level, and take time and experience to be mastered enough to be melded again.

• When you perform the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony one someone, you can guarantee that the recipient will one day gain their own Keyblade. This can be toggled.

• You can acquire Keychains to temporarily change your Keyblade's form and abilities, after having a short adventure in another world. Even normal physical objects can also become Keychains if they have enough emotional sentiment attached to them. You also know the recipes to synthesize the various Ultima Weapons (and Omega Weapon), you just need to acquire the materials the old-fashioned way.

• You have a special form of perfect memory with infinite storage that prevents you from being reverted back to 'Level 1' like Sora. Whether its having your memories erased, being in a year-long coma, nearly being possessed by an evil master of darkness, or having to lose them to take an exam. Thus, any powers or skills gained through this Essence will never degrade.

• You also have the capacity to use Light and Darkness, but this Essence provides no protection against the corruptive influences of the latter. That's something you'll have to build up on your own, like Riku did.

• Lastly, you have the knowledge and skill needed to create supplemental equipment like Black Coats, Keyblade Armor, or even the various magic clothes made by the Three Good Fairies.



Essence of Rule 69 

Works passively in background {(according to my wishes twisting space-time, cause-&-effect and history to get the outcome I want)… Muhahaha… I'm a scum, but it's worth it!}

• Ex - Causes Sasuke to be born Sarada, Naruto to be born Naruko. 

• Thor to thrud, Jaune Arc to Jeane Arc, Rance to Rika, Luffy to Lucy. 

(You get the idea… Muhahaha… I can't stop laughing…)



Essence of the Hentai Bastard {+Hentai World Defence Powers+}

By drinking the Essence inside this opaque bottle shaped like a woman's face in an ahegao expression that seems to look a little different every time you look at it no matter the reason you looked away from blinking to leaving the room you gain-

• A body that runs on porn physics, your dick could be the size of an elephant and it would still fit inside a girl, though she might be a little stretched out afterwards.

• Access to porn logic capable of leveraging many situations to your advantage ranging from convincing people to do what you tell them even if they shouldn't to allowing you to smooth talk your way out of legal trouble should it arise and more. It's like a sort of perverted charisma that allows you to walk up to some random strangers house with your dick stuck inside a pizza box and convince them to let you in even if they know that they really shouldn't, or that lets you 'convince' someone until they have hearts in their eyes actually does count as retroactive consent no matter how hard they fought you or how many times they said before hand.

• Your actions may no longer have any appreciable consequences for yourself if you so choose, allowing you to escape any sort of punishment or retribution that you might otherwise have coming- even if the source is a supernatural being, force or phenomenon that would ordinarily be unstoppable or inescapable.

• Hentai Vision which lets you see the kinks, sexual history, desires, intent, diseases, and damn near any other bit of information that might be relevant to a person. It will unfailingly let you detect suitable partners, people you want to avoid, or disguised Hentai monsters.

• Immunity to illnesses and diseases (not just limited to STDs and STIs) as well as an incredible resistance to toxins, poisons and various other health hazards. Go without bathing for as long as you'd like, you still won't get sick- that said, people do appreciate good hygiene so you might want to be considerate of other people.

• A one-time body re-sculpting to make you look however you want that removes any and all injuries, illnesses and defects that you may have previously had, but it's restricted purely to humans.

• Comic book style peak human capabilities on par with Captain America, making you stronger, faster and more enduring than even the greatest athletes.

• A big dick, how big is up to you (Optional, but there by default)

• Unlimited stamina and sexual fluid production

• No refractory period, you can get hard and stay hard for as long as you want with no medical consequences

• Super powerful pheromones that you can control at will that will make whoever you desire more submissive, compliant and aroused, while making others wary of crossing you (and optionally more aroused as well). They can also make it impossible for anyone else to get an erection for a set length of time after smelling them if you so desire. How this makes you smell is up to you.

• Godlike skill at sex, allowing you to bring your partners to multiple screaming orgasms no matter how willing or unwilling they may be with little to no effort on your part.

• The power to mind break anyone through orgasms, the more you make them cum, the easier it will be for you to make them into the exact sort of 'your' addict, you feel that they're suited to become. Heart-shaped pupils are optional, though on by default and only temporary.

• A cleansing touch that will allow you at will to clean your partners inside and out at will to whatever degree you choose, this also works on yourself. Scents and tastes can optionally be left behind even if you cleanse someone entirely, if you so choose.

• An instinctive knowledge of how best to blackmail, extort, exploit, or do various other nefarious things to people without getting caught. You might be able to talk your way out of jail time, but it can still be very annoying if your victims try to squeal, this combined with a healthy dose of porn logic will keep them nice and compliant until they accept their fate.

• The power to slowly and subtly reshape your targets body in any way you desire while you're having sex with them. Don't like that tattoo on your partner's shoulder? Get rid of it after just a few orgasms. Are their breasts too big or too small? Make them just right while you ride their ass. Want that annoying/bratty boy to be more girly? They'll be ready for bikini season before they know it so long as you fuck them hard enough; it's up to you if they keep their penis and how much of it they can keep.

• The ability to instantly conceal your eyes in shadow, making you look more mysterious and/or intimidating while also allowing you to perfectly conceal your identity no matter how clear it would otherwise be that it's you. Optionally this can also make you harder to notice, becoming like a background character that nobody questions lurking around until you do something to draw attention to yourself. You can extend this effect to anybody you're actively having sex with. Yes, you can use this to rob a bank if you really want to, but that's a lot more work and far more dangerous than just finding some rich person to fuck into giving you their fortune.

• Alternate forms that you can change into at will, there are no limits on what this can be. You can be a Centaur, an elf, an Orc, a Minotaur, a tentacle monster, whatever you desire.

- You can change back and forth at will in front of whoever you want and nobody will connect the dots if you don't want them too- that said, you should probably expect screaming and panic if you suddenly turn into a mass of writhing tentacles in the middle of a crowded city.



Essence of the Ultimate Chad

By drinking a fluid of explosively awesome taste you turned into the Ultimate Chad.

• You gain a new body that sits at the peak of your species in capability; you may chose to look similar to your old self or look like someone completely different, in either choice your features will be enhanced to peak handsomeness. Essentially making you into a walking wet dream.

• You became supernaturally good at sex; able to almost instinctively know what you partner want and need to make them feel good, even when it shouldn't be possible. This ability is so effective that you are able to turn even experienced primordial goddess of sex into babbling ahegao puddles.

• You gain infinite stamina when having sex, and your refractory periods are under your complete control.

• Your cum is extremely tasty, highly nutritive, and slightly addicting. Someone can easily live of a diet completely composed of your cum if they want/need, though they will become a junkie for it.

• You can only impregnate someone if you want to, and when you do the pregnancy is one hundred percent guaranteed even if it shouldn't been possible.

• You have a passive ability to always say and do the right things to get into a woman's good grace, but only when you are not paying attention to it. When you are, and are actively trying to get into a woman's pants, this ability becomes active and you will supernaturally know what to say and do to achieve this goal. Be warned though, some women need more work than others, but you can woo anything with enough effort.

• Women in relationships are much more vulnerable to your charms than a woman who isn't. For example; it may take mouths of hard work to bone a lesbian feminazi that hates man with undying passion, but if this feminazi is in a happy lesbian relationship, it will only take a few weeks instead. Married women are particularly vulnerable to you, needing only a few days or hours of work.

• A woman that you successfully managed to have sex with becomes a 'conquest', and you may figuratively or literally mark her. Each of your conquests are moderated loyal to you on the moment of the first lay, is up to you how you foster this loyalty or let it die.

• You may influence the feelings conquests have for you, from friendly attraction to undying, madding love. Though the process isn't instantaneous.

• For every woman you 'conquer', you gain one or several boons related to the powers and abilities the woman has. Normally, it's a copy of their power or ability, but it can be something similar or related to it. For example; you bang a common housewife, you learn how to cook, you bang a witch, you gain the capability to use her kind of magic and learn several of her spells, you bang an kunoichi, you learn how to ninja, gain the ability to use chakra, learn several of her jutsus and maybe gain a copy of her bloodline ability.

• Each ability and power you gain have unlimited potential to grown and evolve even when they shouldn't. You can also unlock the hidden potential of the powers and abilities of your conquests during sex if you choose.

• You can now use sex to replace training; an hour of sex is the same as an hour of hard and fulfilling training, complete with insights and experience of how to use your powers and abilities better. This benefit is increased the more partners you fuck at the same time. This ability can be shared with the partner/s that you are having sex at the time with if you want.

• You learn how to do a complex tantric ritual that lets you travel to other worlds, however, the aim of this ritual is very faulty and you may end up in a world you didn't intend to go. There is also a 'cool down' period for the ritual to be used again; this can range from a few days to a full month depending on the world.

• You learn how to do a simple ritual to travel back to the worlds you've been before, these can be done in a few minutes and don't need a 'cool-down', however, each time you are in a completely new world, it will need time to tune your metaphysical presence to your relative position in the multiverse, reentering it useless for a period of time that can range from a few days to a full month depending on the world.

• Fate itself conspire to make your life 'interesting' and throw hot women at your way, this can be a blessing or a curse.



Essence of the Erotic Empowerer

By drinking from this suspicious, genital shaped bottle you've become an Erotic Empowerer!

• Your body is elevated to the peak of your species in terms of physical attributes while also becoming supernaturally attractive; this comes with a free cosmetic change if you want to modify your appearance.

• You become supernaturally good at sex and foreplay, able to instinctively know what your partner needs or want to bring them to the peak of pleasure, your new skill vastly surpass even ultimate gods and goddess of sex making you able to turn pretty much anything into an extremely satisfied ahegao puddle.

• You gain infinite stamina while having sex or engaging in sexual activity, the worst you'll even get is 'satisfyingly tired' but you can decide to make it so you don't feel tired at all.

• Porn logic now affects you, and you have absolute control over the intensity to which it's affecting your being. Things like refractory period control, snug fit no matter the genital differences, mind-break, guarantee pregnancy, guarantee not pregnancy, moral degradation, lowered inhibition, hate-s*x-turn-love, and many others are now possible to you as long as you adjust the porn logic intensity.

• Your cum has become highly nutritious and has acquired a divine, always adjusting taste that will always affect the drinker's taste sense in the best way possible. The taste itself already make it slightly addictive, but it does have addicting properties beyond that, if you're not careful you might turn your partner into a junkie for your cum, but as this is likely to happen, you can decide if they're going to be a non-functional junkie only living for their next fix, a functional junkie able to go on with their life but away feeling a strong and often irresistible craving for it, or a high functional junkie that is capable of not letting the constant craving affect their lives.

• You can empower your partner through sex, this can mean granting them new abilities, skills and powers, or just enhancing what they naturally have.

• As a rule, you will always make your partner more powerful or more versatile, hence the name 'empower', and you are free to decide how this empowerment will manifest. But you are limited to your partner current strengths and potential for growth; a quick explanation would be 'You can't turn a normal housewife into a goddess of battle in one session; you need multiple session to do that.' Basically, while you can empower them to be stronger than what they are, you can only do that to a reasonable degree. But of course, this degree changes depending on the partner, no a normal housewife becoming stronger in different than a Demigoddess becoming stronger.

• Because sex is a communal act, you also are empowered by your partner empowerment. However, because it's only a reflection, you do not have control over how you yourself are going to be empowered. The result are not completely random however, it depends on your partner, and the empowerment they are receiving, for example if you partner is a fire mage by nature it might mirror that and grant you fire base magic, or if you are in the process of empowering our partner with legendary sword skills, it might mirror that instant and grants your similar, but different swords skills. It is always based on your partner or now the empowerment they received.



Essence of Setting Insertion

You may have a one-way trip to a story/universe/setting of your choice (including variations, fan-fiction, doujin, captions, and the like). This may happen in any of the ways below.

• Drop-In: You may be dropped into the setting as you are, at whatever time and place you want.

• Retroactive Insertion: You may choose to gain a history and memories in the chosen world (potentially merging with a local counterpart). You may have whatever background you like and feel makes sense for the setting (or let it be random).

• Reincarnation: You may choose to reincarnate in the chosen world. You may have whatever background you like and feel makes sense for the setting (or let it be random). You may also decide what sex you will be (defaulting to your current one) and either to keep your memories/powers/etc. from the beginning or to have them sealed until a specific age or condition of your choosing.

• Replacement: You may replace an existing character and take their place in the story. How this manifests is up to you (maybe you got isekai'd/summoned instead of the chosen character, maybe you literally overwrite the chosen character with yourself, etc.).

• You may combine the Reincarnation option with Character Insertion into a character native to the story/setting to make that character your reincarnation.

• You (and the character you inserted yourself into, if applicable) get a one-time restoration to full health, removing all injuries, illness, and other health problems you may have.

• Optionally, if you use the Drop-In or Retroactive Insertion options, you may gain a free change to your age.

• Optionally, if you insert yourself into a being that doesn't have a humanoid form, you gain one based on the original form. Any details are up to you.

• Optionally, you may choose to forget all meta-knowledge you may have about the chosen story/setting.

• If you use the Drop In option, you may optionally appear in the chosen setting transformed into a entity or life-form from that setting, such as a Pokémon in Pokémon or a Red Dragon in Dungeons and Dragons.



Essence of the Bitch Breaker

• You have a supreme 'bitch-breaker' that gods of sex and virility would be proud to have, an utterly massive and magnificent phallus that inspires deep awe and lust in all but the most strong-willed of women, with your testicles being just as mighty. You won't have any trouble fitting it in whichever size you want, though. Whoever you stick it in won't feel any pain, but will feel incredible pleasure instead. 

• You have no refractory period whatsoever, can stay hard for a long as you like, and produce truly massive loads of semen (easily over a gallon, but you may reduce the amount to "merely" enough to flood a woman's womb full). Your virile seed is amazingly thick and potent, ensuring that siring children will always be easy, even on women with low fertility.

• You have nigh-inexhaustible sexual stamina, being easily able to fuck for days on end without rest. You never run out of sexual fluids, your orgasms will be just as strong and plentiful by the 100th time as they were the first time.

• You and your sexual partners operate on porn physics, ensuring that they never get harmed no matter how roughly you fuck them, how big your dick is, how much cum you pour into them; STDs are never a problem, and so on.

• Your enjoyment of sex will never decrease, and you gain a healthy libido and confidence in yourself. 

• You may have an aura of lust, inducing arousal in women towards you and heightening their sensitivity while lowering their inhibitions. This can be toggled on and off and controlled to affect only certain targets (such as those you find attractive). Willpower can influence their ability to resist the effects, but proximity and time of exposure to it massively increases the difficulty of resistance.

• Your sexual fluids are a supercharged aphrodisiac to women. The smell or taste of it is addictive and incredibly pleasurable to experience whether it is on the skin, through the nose, and especially so when you cum inside them.

• You have godlike skill at sex, allowing you to bring your partners to multiple screaming orgasms no matter how willing or unwilling they may be with little to no effort on your part, as well as the power to mind break anyone through orgasms, the more you make them cum, the easier it will be for you to make them into the exact sort of cum toilet you feel that they're suited to become. You can very easily leave women you fuck an ahegao'd mess, even if they are goddesses of pleasure or succubi. Heart-shaped pupils are optional, though on by default and only temporary.

• You have supreme talent at making women yours, whether this is by romance, seduction, or overwhelming them with pleasure until they can no longer resist and submit to you. Your sexual and romantic conquests will never mind being part of your harem, you having multiple partners or fucking others, and so on. You having a harem, being a known womanizer, and the like will never be a turn-off to potential romantic/sexual partners.

• You have immunity to illnesses and diseases (not just limited to STDs and STIs) as well as an incredible resistance to toxins, poisons and various other health hazards.

• Your offspring will always be born strong and healthy. These pregnancies will always be safe and easy for the mothers, and will never have complications. Any half-breed offspring you have will always have just the right amount of fusion to be attractive instead of monstrous. 

• No matter how much they may hate you, women you impregnate are assaulted by powerful maternal impulses that compel them to lovingly raise the children you sire on them to the best of their ability. 

• Your children will inherit great potential from you and their other parent. 

• You can always tell your descendants within at least five generations of yourself when you see them; automatically knowing they are so even if you have never met them before.

• By default, you will never have sexual interest in the above; and your descendants will share this disinterest.



Essence of the Hentai Protagonist

By drinking this Essence, you will become the Hentai Protagonist.

• You are incredibly attractive and your body is an almost horrifying instrument of sexual prowess. You have delicious, stimulating and almost addictive fluids, a pleasant and arousing scent, a voice that will make your paramours weak in the knees and more.

• You possess powerful charisma and charm, being capable of talking just about anyone into a relationship, or just into a bed, with you. You can easily ignite love and other tender emotions in the heart of even the most frigid or repressed individual. What's more, you'll find that your hooks are extremely hard to remove and it would take extreme abuse for a prolonged period before you see the figurative spell you weave begin to falter.

• There is no resistance you can't break down, no bond you can't subvert and no taboo you can't effortlessly bypass. There is nothing that can avoid being seduced and ensnared utterly by you.

• Your talents in the bedroom are outright supernatural, as is your stamina and endurance. You can fuck forever, though you will always feel satisfied when you decide to stop, and can reduce a frigid ice queen to a drooling mess with just your body. Actually applying your incredible skill will see far greater results.

• Your incredible talent tends to rub off on your partners. A few rounds in the sack with you could turn a blushing virgin into an incredibly skilled lover. As well, your "teaching" lends itself well to bringing out the lewd desires of your partners, allowing you to train them into mewling sluts, hook them on your fetishes and enhance the natural sensitivity of their bodies even further.

• You won't ever get bored of sex or burn yourself out from too much of a good thing.

• You benefit from relaxed or even completely altered physics where sex is concerned. Improbable insertions, cervical orgasms, erogenous zones where there were none before, ludicrous cum, selective fertility/virility, non-existent STDs, etc. Whatever you want and can justify to yourself will fall under here.

• You find it entirely effortless to bend any abilities you may have towards lewd and sexual ends, even if it doesn't necessarily make sense. Like using a thermokinetic or pyrokinetic ability to drive your lover into heat, achieving weird and wonderful things with shape-shifting (even lacking any knowledge of biology or similar) or utilizing telekinesis with a level of unseen skill to stimulate your partner with vibrations, clutching hands and much more.

• You can easily form and maintain harems and similar kinds of relationships. The people within these relationships will naturally gravitate towards a state of harmony amongst one another, resolving issues and conflicts naturally, perhaps even to the extent of entering into their own relationships with one another. You will remain the center around which the entire thing orbits, but the resulting relationship chart might become a tad mind-bending.

• The world will run itself like a particularly lurid story wherever you are concerned. Everyone you meet will be some flavor of attractive to you, wear skimpy or sexy outfits, have interests and fetishes that align with yours and a taste for men such as yourself. Your opponents can be seduced and overpowered with comparatively little effort, as if the narrative was working against them, and any resistance they put up is token at best. If you decide to blackmail someone then they'll go along with you rather telling you to go fuck yourself. Your promiscuity and sexual escapades will never be stumbled upon or break the light of day if you don't want them to, be it fucking a man's wife in his bed, having someone service you beneath your desk or ducking into an empty room for a quickie. And basically anything else you can think of. All of these effects can be toggled or toned down to any degree you wish.

• You will never be the victim of NTR. Your partners will utterly resist any and all forces that attempt to subvert their relationship with you or steal them away from you, no matter the scale. And nothing will attempt to assault your partners in that way. Bastards might appreciate them in an entirely lurid way, but they'll never make anything of it. Unless that's your thing, in which case you can turn off or tone down this protection.

• And finally, you may at any time choose to have your face fall into shadow in such a way that your eyes can't be seen. You may choose whether or not this makes you impossible to recognize or not. This effect looks best with hair, but it'll work even if you're bald.



Essence of Media Insertion

• From songs to video games, from fan-fiction to porn movies, pictures cartoons and photos and everything in between you may enter any of these at any time either at that moment or being reborn or reincarnated into whichever character you choose and/or merging personalities or merely receiving a copy of theirs to better play your part.

• You gain all powers/knowledge/skills/talents/abilities/races/templates of the person.

• When you choose a character you may choose instead of their powers/skills/knowledge being converted into a magic or power system you already know or getting theirs and a converted copy.

• You also gain copies of any items, pets, vehicles, slaves or dungeons they may own

• You don't have to be reborn or take them over, if you wish you can merely be a helpful voice in the back of their head.

• They cannot harm or trap you in any way.

• This still get you copies of their stuff and when they get finite resources such as points you do as well and when they spend them you get what they spent them on but yours don't disappear.

• You can give them access to your stuff as well.

• Allows you to bargain or make deals for anything. Even giving them a copy of your health or remaining lifespan.

• This includes quests, quest rewards and copies of items they get.

• Those you join willingly only have to share what they agree to those you just jump in you can copy what you want,

• Once in a setting you can jump to multiple people or just exist as yourself.

• You can choose whether to awaken your previous personality immediately or choose a certain time or condition to do so. Your main personality will always have preference in control, integrating the one you grew up with if that is your wish.

• These don't have to match exactly those canon settings you could go where things went a bit different such as someone being a different gender, never being born/arriving, or having a different personality.

• You can control and alter your age at will.

• You can choose to live the inserted life entirely and once the life is over you will just resurrect in your pocket reality.

• Your original personality will only be influenced in ways that you would consider positive and all previous friends and family will always recognize you for you.

• You gain a small pocket reality, say a copy of Hawaii if you wish or even something more exotic like the Mist Village from Chaos Seeds with all accompanying powers and buildings. Or even a mash up it's up to you. This is a place to rest or build up during and between your adventures.

• If you choose something more exotic if there is a magic or gamer system native you may choose if those you take their gain access to it and what if any skills/abilities/affinities they could gain from it.

• You can never be trapped or prevented from returning here in any way.

• It will grow in size as time passes or you can use willpower to speed things up.

• You may split off portions to have completely private areas.

• Comes with a personal Afterlife you control absolutely if you wish which you can self resurrect from at any time.

• You can bring people and things with you. Even conceptual things such as magic, souls, gamer/cultivation systems.

• Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

• You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

• Perfect fertility control and safe from all diseases, altering your size.

• This includes passing on any abilities / powers / knowledge / skills / affinities / memories that you choose to your progeny. These can have unlock conditions or be active at conception.

• Neither you nor your powers can be copied without your permission.



Essence of the Monsterfucker

By drinking of this black Essence, you have become the pinnacle of monsterfuckers: you have the potential to seduce and have sex with pretty much anything!

• Your attractiveness receives a considerable boost. At the absolute minimum, everyone will consider you moderately attractive.

• You gain a significant ability to seduce and pleasure anything. You start out as the equivalent of an excellent playboy and sex actor; you can increase your performance with study and practice.

• Whenever you first meet someone (or something), it will not consider you a threat. However, this only applies for the first impression: depending on your actions, their attitude towards you can change. For example, if you meet SCP-682, it won't try to kill you unless you deliberately try to provoke it. If you do provoke it, then your protection is forfeit.

• You can try to communicate with any potential partner via any possible method that you already possess, (like voice, smell and body language); likewise, you can understand their attempts to communicate with you. If the conversation is related to seduction or sex (for example: courting or complimenting the other, discussing fetishes, using a safe-word, etc), you and your partner will ALWAYS understand each other perfectly, without any chance of misunderstanding or error; otherwise, you can use this ability only to communicate basic concepts.

• You have the potential to learn and master any kind of skill, ability or power, as long as it's somehow related to seduction or sex, even just vaguely. The greater the relation, the faster you learn and improve. For example, if you try to learn alchemy, it'll be as difficult for you as it is for the average person; but if you're doing it to impress a girl, it'll be slightly easier. And if you try to learn how to make love potions specifically, you will learn really fast. As long as the skill you're training is somehow related to seduction or sex, you can improve it endlessly.

• Since many partners are kinda dangerous to have sex with, you gain a peculiar form of invulnerability. If your suffer any form of damage (physical or otherwise), but the source of said damage does NOT actively and deliberately wish to cause you permanent harm, then you can reduce, negate and/or undo part or all of this damage at any time you want, even when you normally wouldn't be able to make such a decision. For example, you're capable of: hugging a fire elemental without burning, but still able to feel a pleasant warmth; allowing a vampire to endlessly suck your blood, instantly regenerating any blood that you lost; etc.

• You also gain the ability to reduce, negate and/or undo any damage that you cause – or would cause – to others. For example, you can: whip someone for hours without causing any actual damage, but letting them feel the pain of every hit; stab someone through the heart without any effect; penetrate an small ass or pussy and have it stretch painlessly and harmlessly around your cock; killing someone and then resurrecting them a hour later; etc. You can grant this ability to others, temporarily or permanently.

• You can reduce your fertility at will, from your normal state all the way down to zero. However, if a pregnancy has been conceived and the host wants to keep it, you won't be able to undo it.

• If you want, you can make it so that any pregnancies that you cause are painless, effortless, devoid of gestational problems, and/or undetectable from the outside.

• Any romantic or sexual conquest you gain will not feel any jealousy towards you or any of your other partners, as long as you are honest with them.




Essence of True Love


Having sipped this essence potion the following happens.

You gain an aura similar to Nasu's Harem Protagonist EX, yours however, only attracts the attention and draws the interest of attractive members of your preferred gender, who have a mindset and personality that you find attractive and complements your own in any manner, even explosively, but will get along famously.

• You too will be attracted to those drawn in by this essence; your relationship with those attracted to you will swiftly progress into an actual relationship.

Just by being yourself, you will be innately charming, seductive and romantic towards your partners like you were a Casa-Super-Nova and win their heart like it was nothing. (Which to be fair, you're just being yourself)

To be honest, your partners have a similar effect on you.

• In regards to the performance in bed with you and your partners, you are all sex monsters under the sheets; there is no doubt that all involved will be left satisfied in the end.

You and your partners will always know when something is bothering someone they care for, and will always help each other become the best person they can be.

• In the event that you have multiple partners, they too will be attracted to each other and get along seamlessly.

Only when you and your partners are ready to move on to the afterlife or to reincarnate into another adventure can you actually die, this will be painless and near instant, and you will have a guarantee that you all will find each-other again, and remember their previous life.

• (The memories are optional, but the feelings remain)

This essence will subtly sabotage anyone or anything that is trying to Kill or NTR you and your family to a degree that you find satisfactory, this includes Bad-Ends, this part, is the only part that is passed on to your descendents.




Author's notes

This essence will attract even those not of your species, only compatibility matters, as a result you will always get along with them.




Essence of Setting Convergence

By drinking this Essence you taste dozens upon dozens of different flavor's swimming together and mixing with certain combinations being better than others.

- One time only you are able to combine different settings together to create a new one through several methods both major and minor.

• Major Methods

- The First Major Method is [Crossover] in which the settings combine but the individual stories and characters are mostly untouched, this method is the most commonly use along with Multiverse but certain crossovers may not work well with different time periods complicating things along with conflicting lore and characters from one setting only hearing about those from another but never actually meeting.

- The Second Major Method is [Amalgamation] in which not only the settings are fused together but also characters, combining their history and abilities together to create beings more than the sum of their parts. This method is rarely used but it will deal with any conflicting elements as their directly addressed. You can pick and choice how characters and their stories are fused together, with only select amalgams with other characters untouched if you wish.

• Minor Methods

- The First Minor Method is [Multiverse] in which the settings all exist alongside one another in neighboring universes / dimensions, a number of settings already possess abilities to travel to other universes and allows for powers and abilities of one verse to enter another. Even if none of the settings involve have methods of dimensional travel they will interact even if only for short span of time.

- The Second Minor Method is [Element Insertion] in which elements of one setting is transplanted into another without the stories or even characters being carried over, a lesser crossover would be a suitable name for this option if you wanted to give characters new abilities or expand on things in your own way or merely bring over a VRMMORPG without the grim future it originally came from.

• You can use these four methods to craft your fused setting to be whatever you desire with settings that could already being called crossovers (such as Kingdom Hearts, Marvel vs Capcom and Namco X Capcom series along with Super Robot Wars) already being considered their own fused setting.

• You can select up to 7 characters from all the series you're using and gain copies of their abilities, skill and items.

• Optionally, you may select a some characters in this setting to be someone important to you be it as a family member or your waifu. Their stories slightly altered so that you do end up together and any tragic fate that befell them in canon being adverted. They will love you unconditionally and support you.

• Gain a perfectly healthy body immune to disease and forever in its prime designed to be how you want.

• Your potential becomes infinite allowing you to learn and develop new skills and powers at an alarming rate with a particular talent for combining different skills and powers together.

• You begin on this converged world as you are OR you awaken after regaining your memories before you were reincarnated into this new world.

• Optionally this new world could be a hot spot for inter dimensional travel allowing for other settings to crossover but only those you would have approve of.

• Fanwank responsibly.



Essence of the Incubus Gift

You have undergone a ceremony and have received the divine gift {Incubus}

● Your body has been rebuilt to be perfectly healthy and removed of any previous imperfections. You are also given a one-time appearance customization.

● Your stamina in the bedroom and out on the battlefield is seemingly limitless. Only feeling fatigued when you have finished satisfying your partners or accomplished whatever goal you have set for yourself. Due to blessing of lust and desire, you are naturally immune to all forms of mental attack and harmful intoxicants.

● As the holder of the {Incubus} gift, you are capable of increasing your strength and abilities from sexual acts done with your partner(s); this increase also affects your partner(s). There is no limit to the amount of power that you and your partner(s) are capable of cultivating and it is possible for all of you to exhibit new abilities and talents.

Finally, everyone involved will eventually acquire youthful immortality and a mind & memories that are capable of enduring eternity.

● You also hold a conceptual advantage against members of your preferred gender. This advantage can be applied in a variety of situations from combat, to sex, or even something as mundane as Scrabble. Their defenses are like wet paper under your assaults, their attacks as weak as snow, and their luck are unreliable like gacha rates.

● Optionally, you are capable of forming a master-servant contract with anyone that you have sex with. The potency of this contract can be adjusted to your liking, but at the lowest settings, the contract will permanently increase all positive emotions the servant has for you and slowly overcoming any negative emotions. In addition, the servant will receive protection from mental manipulation and poisons. Finally, all servants are marked and you are able to teleport them to your location or vice versa; you are also able to return them to their previous location prior to the teleportation.

● You are also capable of creating a love room it is impossible for anyone to break out unless they have sex. It is also impossible for anyone outside of this space to find it or break into it.

● But it wouldn't be an {Incubus} gift if we aren't going to talk about your penis,

○ You are capable of freely changing the shape, size, texture, material, temperature, and other attributes of your "little brother".

○ You are also capable of regenerating your penis should it be damaged.

○ You have complete control over your fertility. Capable of swapping between 100% fertility rate to 0% fertility. Any child that you sire will not suffer any form of genetic complications. Hybrids will be born with all the strengths of both of their parent species with none of their weaknesses.

○ When having sex, your penis will automatically adjust to be the 'perfect' fit for your partner.

● In the event that your partner(s) and servant(s) die, their souls will be hosted inside your body where you are capable of resurrecting them by a tantric ritual where you have sex with their soul '9' times in a row. But if you die, your soul will arrive at one of your partners or servants that is currently in the safest location away from danger and they are capable of reviving you by using the same ritual.



Essence of the Multiversal Voyager

Tastes like a kaleidoscope universes

• Interdimensional Travel - By consuming the essence of the Voyager, you gain the ability to travel between dimensions and realities, exploring the vast multiverse at will.

• Enhanced Perception - You possess an ability to see beyond the natural world, allowing you to perceive entities and matter that exist on different planes of reality or exist outside the usual physical laws.

• Elemental Mastery - You gain an elemental mastery, allowing you to manipulate the fabric of elements that allow our reality to exist. This allows you to manipulate energy, quantum particles, and other cosmological elements.

• Cosmic Energy - You harness the power of cosmic energy, akin to the energy emitted by stars and the cosmos itself. This raw energy can be channeled to form powerful constructs and weapons.

• Adaptive Memory - Your memory is enhanced, allowing you to learn and adapt to any situation presented to you. Your experiences are stored and can be called upon as needed to help you navigate the multiverse.

• Multiversal Knowledge - With your travels and perception, you acquire knowledge of the workings of the universe beyond what any mortal can conceive. You have the ability to interpret the meaning of cosmic forces and use that knowledge to navigate the multiverse.

• Multiversal Protection - Your essence provides a protective shell that shields you from harm as you traverse the infinite multiverse, deflecting and redirecting any attack or danger that may arise in your travels.

• Reality Creation - As a Voyager, you have the power to create new realities or alter existing ones, allowing you to shape the multiverse according to your will.

• Time Travel - You possess the ability to navigate through time, allowing you to travel through different eras and change the course of history.

• Multiversal Diplomacy - Your travels have given you the ability to communicate and negotiate with beings and entities from different planes of existence, allowing you to form alliances and make deals that benefit you on your voyages throughout the multiverse.

• Universal Translation - You possess the ability to communicate and understand any language, whether it is written, spoken, or even in a different medium, making communication with any being possible.

• Cosmic Intuition - You have an intuitive understanding of the multiverse, enabling you to predict the occurrence of events and the decisions made by beings from different planes of existence.

• Reality Anchoring - Your essence also grants you the ability to anchor your existence onto a specific reality, enabling you to return to the same reality when you explore the multiverse instead of becoming lost or trapped in some alternate dimension or timeline.

• Multidimensional Manipulation - With the power of the Voyager essence, you possess the ability to manipulate different dimensions, including their physical laws, orientation, and density.

• Ethereal Form - The essence of the Voyager also enables you to transform into an ethereal form, allowing you to traverse through energy fields and cross into different realms.

• Annihilation - You possess the power to completely and utterly destroy anything in your path. You can shatter worlds, obliterate entire civilizations, and leave nothing behind but ash.

• Planar Void - Your essence allows you to manipulate space and time, creating a planar void that can trap other beings and even entire planes of existence. You can also use this power to travel through the multiverse at will.
