


- Scholar + Blank + Ultimate Intellect +

- Talent + Spark + Luck +

- Training + Eternal + Noob +

- Truth + Babel + Absolute Existence +

- Transcendent Human + Cultivator (1+6.5) +

- Gamer's System + Communication +

- Conceptual Embodiment +

- Walking and Breathing + World Library +

- Player's Handbook + Overpowered Xianxia Protagonist Starter Kit +

- Potential + Skill/Power Creation + World Egg +

- Player Character + Legendary Weapon (EMIYA) + Master of All Fiction +

- Refinement + Personal Reality +


[Magic] – {Soul} - Archmage +

+ Soul Manipulator +

+ Metamagus +


[Martial Art] – {Body}

- Assassin + Warrior + True Emptiness: Martial Enlightenment + Miyamoto Musashi +


[Technology] – {Mind}

- Innovator + L337 Hacker + Tinker of Fiction (3) +

- Inventive Wonder + Tinker of Fiction (6.5) +

- Tinker of Imagination (6.5) +

- Genetic Mastery +



- Crafter + Gourmand + Music +

- Food + Artificer + Scribe + Artist + Alchemist +

- Rewriting Literature to Suit the Time Period +


[Fun] - Multicross Plot Device -

- Animal Sidekick + Picture manipulation -



- Warlord + Admiral + Teacher -



- Binder + Dungeon Master + Home +

- Hivemind + Dominator + Merchant + Broker +

- Personal Objects + Purgatory + Qi Bracelet +

+ Healer +

- Basic Human Decency +

- Complete Universal Archive +

- Hammerspace + Essence Master +

- Self-Sealing -

- Media Creation System +

- Dungeon Creator + Essence Configuration +

- Tags +



- Harem Protagonist (EX) + Manipulator + Fated Companions + Clan Restoration Act

- Hugs + Bourgeoisie + Visual Novel Protagonist + Reddit User +



- Hentai World Defense Powers + Cool + Gacha + Keyblade + Rule 69 + Hentai Bastard

- Ultimate Chad + Erotic Empowerer + Setting Insertion + Bitch Breaker +

- Hentai Protagonist + Media Insertion + Monsterfucker +

- True Love + Setting Convergence + Incubus Gift

- Multiversal Voyager +


[Safety] Elements

- Knife + Evolution + True Freedom +

- Implicit Protections of Multiverse Travellers

- Memetic Bard + Tri-Sage + Cycle (Worm) +

- Sound Mind and Soul +

- World of Warcraft + Hiding +

- Unlimited Power + Kabbalah Sefirot +


[???] Throne

Character Assimilation + Shared Multiverse +

Divine Egg + Personal Multiverse +「 」+ Trimurti +





Absolute One 

You are attuned to not only the very essence of the multiverse, but the entire Omniverse itself. All universes, timelines, dimensions, Multiverses, Hyperverses, planes of existence, voids, and Overvoids are now within the reach of your new senses.

You find you are able to manipulate them to your will, and even travel between them. What you can accomplish with this is limited only by your creativity, imagination, and experience. Drawing in alternate versions of people to fight under your control, copying powers from alternate selves or fictional characters, fixing a destroyed neighborhood by overlapping a pristine version on it. These and any imaginable manipulation of space and time (time travel included) are within your reach. The eternity of infinity is at your fingertips.

The boons granted to you by this Essence cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, or otherwise manipulated against your will in any way shape or form. You may extend this protection to any other Essence or Essences in your possession.





 [Collectible Card Game] - {only given in needed world}

Now 'I' is connected to all the waifu-games from the 'Home' world.

- All stats and stars are adjusted to the skill 6x6 patterns below

- Skill or Authority Rank follow E<D<C<B<A<EX, and -< p>

- With each higher rank representing increasing connection to the Root.


- Strength Rank: Mortal < Mystic < Earth < Sky < Heaven < Void

 Mortal (lv. 1-600) < Mystic (lv. 601-1200) < Earth (lv. 1201-1800) < Sky (lv. 1801-2400)

 < Heaven (lv. 2500-3000) < Void (lv. 3001-3600),


- Nothingness (lv. 3601-7200), Beyond (7200-to-[???])


- Mortal represents Planetary

- Mystic, Stars to Stars Clusters

- Earth, Galaxy to Galaxy Clusters

- Sky, from Filaments to Cosmic Web

- Heaven, Equal to universe and more

- Void, Nascent Multiverse to Omniverse


- Nothingness, Omniverses-to-Adverse (Reality & Non-Reality)

- Beyond, Creator/???

-Skill rank is roughly equal in a different way to strength,

- A rank skill represents potential to influence universe if they have the proper strength, i.e. Heaven rank strength. Sky rank or lower strength will reduce the skill influence to their respective domains (See chart above).


- E (1-to-6), D (7-to-12), C (13-to-18)

- B (19-to-24), A (25-to-30), EX (31-to-36)


- Each Skill Rank has six parts,

- Ex - (---A = 25) < (--A = 26) < (-A = 27) < (A = 27.5) < (A+ = 28) < (A++ = 29) < (A+++ =30)




- All the attributes of Gacha and Unlimited Gacha Essence, Just replace the random cards with TCG Card Game or any Game with Collectible element and 'waifu'.

- Free [72] rolls of Unlimited Gacha per day, but with less than 1/72 chance to get B rank or higher Card, compared to 1/24 chance of Gacha rolls.

- You can summon a card with catalyst of any kind, as long as it synchronizes with it. The summons 'heavily' skews towards attractive female characters, especially the most powerful ones. Same Cards summoned can be used to boost the said card six times.

- Well this was originally made to create a TCG Waifu Harem Army to help in battles, so is also includes all the 'Collectible type game' of any kind from 'Home' world. Can also summon from normal TCG or Games with gender twisting to suit 'I' preferences.






Essence of the Ultimate Omnipotent Planeswalker

This essence encapsulates all the power and knowledge of the Omniverse, and by drinking it, you become an Ultimate Omnipotent Planeswalker. You possess immeasurable wisdom, magical power, and abilities that allow you to manipulate reality across all dimensions and timelines with ease.

• Your essence transcends all mortal, immortal, and divine realms, making you the ultimate god and master of all existence. You cannot be harmed, killed, or even affected by any force or power in the Omniverse, and your powers and abilities are limitless.

• You have complete mastery over all colors of magic, including the ability to create new types of magic that defy all understanding and laws of reality. Your magical abilities can influence time, space, matter, energy, and even concepts and emotions, allowing you to shape the very foundations of the Omniverse as you see fit.

• Your planeswalking abilities are so advanced that you can travel between any planes, dimensions, alternate timelines, and even parallel universes and realities. You can also create, destroy, or modify these realms as you see fit, creating unique planes, worlds, and timelines that nobody else can access.

• You can create anything from scratch, including objects, creatures, people, realms, and even entire Multiverses, each with their own unique properties and laws of physics. You can summon or create any being or entity from any plane, and you also have the power to destroy anything that you dislike.

• Your magical power is so limitless that you can awaken the Planeswalker spark in any being, regardless of their origin or power level, with a mere thought. You can also grant them divine powers and abilities, making them mini-gods or sentient entities under your direct control.

• You are the true master and ruler of the Omniverse and beyond, beyond rival and beyond comparison. You can alter or manipulate reality in any way you desire, create new species and technologies, rewrite history, and shape the course of the future. You can also interact with other beings, gods, and entities on your terms, and nobody can ever defy your ultimate power and wisdom.

