
[Safety] Multiversity

Essence of the Cycle (Worm)

Yow now have another body made up of crystalline mass of exotic matter can exists in multiple parallel universes & can easily travel across universes as people walk across a room.

- Your mind can now be distributed throughout your shards & offload your mental faculties to your shards.

- Your now have access to a sealed pocket universe that only you & those you allow have the ability to access. You also have the ability to seal universe with this ability.

You can now project a Physical avatar from your sealed universe while your real body remains safe. This universe can't be breached even with Sting, unless you will it.

Access to all shard powers demonstrated in the Worm, Ward, Worm Jumpchains, & the Worms CYOAs stories (Ex: Stilling included.) You can make these powers shardless if you wish.

• These powers cannot be taken away, suppress, weaken, or copied in any way.

• Won't run out of power from overuse.

• Are not limited to planetary orbit.

• Your power level has no limits on it and operates without the usual negative effects that shards without limits have.

• Powers are completely unrestricted unless you desire them to be.

• Your powers are not limited by the Manton Effect.

• Contain no blindspots.

• You have full knowledge how these powers work & the best ways to use them and you won't be overwhelmed by the sheer number of powers you have.

• If, for some reason, you are unable to come up with a power or are incapable of doing so, you will automatically be given the best power for the situation. This will also happen whenever you are preoccupied, unconscious or caught off guard. For example, being given August Prince Power when you are being attack while you are asleep and having it activated.

• Shards have absolutely no influence over you unless you allow it. They're completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you.

• Tinkertech you make doesn't have the same problem in universe of needing constant maintenance & cannot be reverse engineered without your permission.

• Also able to use you scanning ability to reverse engineer/copy any ability or tech you come across.

As an entity you gain perfect / infinite memory & processing power with instant recall & learning capability.

- Furthermore your mind is able to process and successfully handle the multitasking and management needed to perfectly simulate 10^81 universes in real time.

- Capable of budding off to create a copy of yourself & can re-absorb them at any point & obtain their memories, powers, etc. These copies are completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you.

- Capable of creating & distributing shards to individuals to create parahumans . These shards can be programmed to your specifications (Such as whether they are limited by the Manton Effect, range, how they can be triggered, blindspots, secondary trigger, power level, etc.)

- Beings who have the copies of your power cannot hurt you in any way and you can instantly recall back those powers whenever you want. You are capable of recalling them at will, it's up to you to decide whether this kills the host

You can create 25 Endbringers to serve you. They're completely loyal, unable to rebel or work against you. They can also be programmed to your specifications (Such as whether they are limited by the Manton Effect, range, etc.



Composite Psionic {Pretty Big}



Essence of Sound Mind and Soul

Upon drinking this sapphire-emerald colored liquid, you feel more at peace with yourself. This grants you several boons:

• A natural mental shield now surrounds your mind and protects you from outside influence. No matter how powerful or skilled they are, no one can affect your mind against your will.

• Beyond Genius level intellect with a perfect memory, archiving, indexing, instant recall, fully retroactive with protection from harmful memories

• Similar to your mind, your soul becomes a bulwark against spiritual based afflictions. You are completely immune to soul attacks, manipulation, destruction, and etc.

• A perfect balance between your mind and soul that cannot be broken or lost. This balance protects the core of your being this granting you both infinite willpower and protection from personality death. Nothing can make you falter and you will never lose your sense of self through events such as apotheosis or reincarnation.


Essence of World of Warcraft

Tastes Magical

• You can turn into any race found in the World of Warcraft setting with all their power when in that form.

• You may exclude races from this if you wish.

• This will also let you acquire more races in the future and let you use any power in any form.

• You are not bound by the rules of game balance.

• You gain the knowledge and skills of all classes, specialties, spells and talents as if you had spent 7,000 years mastering each one. Up to the most recently released patch or piece of media, including fanfic

• Including npc classes such as time mage, death mage, necromancer, dragon tamer and more

• This includes every weapon and armor shown so far.

• You may travel to any version of Azeroth.

• This includes vr verses, real verses, fanfic verses, porn verses, head verses an any you can imagine. The Omniverse is infinite.

• You can make binding magical contracts.

• You can travel the Omniverse and learn any magic or cultivation and have them be usable. And may return to a place at any point after you left it. Or before since you would know how the bronze flight time-travels.

• You can cross breed with anything, from primal elementals and things that couldn't possibly get pregnant you can make them have parts you desire and breed with them.

• You have both your own spirit healer who can resurrect you safely and your own custom version of the shadow lands where you can torture your emimens, sell places in your afterlife or any such thing.

o If something dies or ends you may offer it a place in your afterlife. This also covers those who've suffered death of personality, granting the personalities an afterlife. This also includes the people's memories and personalities erased or never existed due to temporal shenanigans. Or even evil/corrupted or good analogs that only existed for a brief time.

• You have a safe hidden dimensional pocket realm that includes resource fields for any you might need that can grow to incorporate more as you encounter them.

o This place is very special in that it exists outside of Space and Time. Even should the infinite Omniverse itself cease to exist, this place alone and those within it would survive without worry or care.

o Within time passes as you wish.

o It has all environments that you might find relaxing, from an isolated mountain lodge to an all inclusive beach resort or even the ultimate theme/water park.

o They are all staffed by attractive and willing staffers.

o While here all you choose to be are immortal.

o While here you can exert your will over this place as if an over god.

o With time and effort you may increase the physical size capping out at a planet the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

o Nothing can harm you here, stop you from coming here, or enter without your leave.

o Has a complete copy of all forms of entertainment and should you wish to play multiplayer there will always be enough people online willing to play.

o This includes a vast library.

• Your skill in every Warcraft profession is enough to make even the greatest Archmasters weep tears of blood in envy.

o And you have every recipe, blueprint and formula.

• You learn to read, write and speak any language you encounter.

o Thes cannot corrupt you.

• Like a dragon you grow in all ways as you age and my grant this ability to those you might wish.

• Perfect memory, with infinite storage, perfect indexing, protection from harmful memories and the ability to move memories into hidden storage, replacing them with a mental note that you have done so and can restore them at will.

• You never tire of the joys of life and your emotions will never be dulled by the mere passage of time. Adapting to cultural change over the centuries will never be grating.

• You also gain the ability to be believed as long as you are telling the truth and the ability to distill a long explanation into a short phrase or single WORD.

• You can be in multiple places at once and have a mind capable of dealing with that. Even different universes

• You can buy and sell anything through contracts, classes, abilities, youth, souls, someone's firstborn; the love a spouse has for them, their relationship to someone, the ability to use magic or even access to gamer systems. Anything and everything about a person can be bought and sold. Should they have already sold their soul you claim will always get first dibs. Whether this takes stuff away from the other or merely copies them to you is your decision.

• This comes with a magic to put these in reusable crystals that any can use and gain what they contain.

• You can summon demons from the Twisting Nether and permanently bind them to you.

• Your mana, and stamina are the size of the next greatest on Azeroth twice over.

• You may if you desire, gain sole ownership of Blizzard in your birth world.

o This new company will in the next 6 months discover and perfect full dive virtual reality and within a year's status vr tech and within ten full mind soul upload and all the hardware and software to go with it. As well as a living Warcraft, and porncraft game.

o Not limited to loyal to you post singularity AI, Full living and expanding digital worlds made to order, such as cyoas that people can live through or in.

o The laws will be passed so nothing that happens in game will be the responsibility of you or your company. Nor will they shut them down.

o A computer with a very specific function. It generates video games. That's right. While a top-notch computer in all aspects, the primary function of this device is that you can feed it any form of media, and it can generate the absolute best, most enjoyable game possible from it.

• You may incarnate into any wow character from any piece of media.

• This can be done multiple times.

• In many worlds, there exist one or more methods by which one could subvert another's mind, whether through magical compulsion, alien pheromones, or things more exotic. No longer will you worry that the sanctity of your mind and soul might be befouled, for you will forevermore be immune to that which will rob your free will - not a curse of such sinister potence and subtlety that subverts those it infects into emotional extremes that they would later make excuses for; not an obscure, forbidden spell that grant eldritch horrors beyond reality a backdoor to your soul; and certainly not casual reality warping on a massive scale that would rewrite your personality. Your will is your own, and none can say otherwise.

• You No longer fear having your flesh altered against your will, as you are now immune to body horror inflicted by radiation, viruses, or mad scientists. When you choose to alter your body or the bodies of others, the results will only display positive effects and harmful outcomes will never manifest. However, keep in mind that your free will isn't protected, and you are not immune to being ripped apart by a dragon.

• No situation is utterly hopeless for you, and you can always find a way out of any physical, magical, spiritual or social prison. Every moment you spend trapped is an opportunity for you to study your surroundings and discover the cracks in your prison. This ability applies to any situation, whether you are stranded in an alternate dimensional plane, lost in time, or caught in a complicated social situation. With this power, you can live free and conquer any obstacle that comes your way.

• You possess a mastery over magical artifacts and can even create magi-technological artifacts with ease. You can develop and invent items that can reproduce any magical effect you are personally capable of, continually improving on your designs with no limit other than the time you dedicate towards them. Your rate of improvement and the speed at which you create artifacts far surpasses any other "artificers". Additionally, you have the ability to substitute pure magical energy for most materials required during the creation process, although the cost ratio is initially unfavorable until you refine this ability.

• You are capable of permanently killing any being you confront in direct combat, even those believed to be immortal or beyond death. However, this ability requires time to "attune" to your opponent, with more powerful opponents requiring longer times to permanently slay them. For instance, a foolish apprentice who exchanged their soul to a demon for power would only take a few seconds to put down, while an immortal lich-king with millions of undead at their command could take up to an hour. Committing deicide upon a maddened god of magic could take a day or more, and your opponents will fight back, sensing what you're doing and what it means.

• All enemies that you defeat will drop appropriate loot and should you find them desirable you may gain their services.

• You may choose 7 demons from fiction to be bound to you.

• You may create your own dungeons and raids of any type.



Essence of Hiding

Smells like stage smoke and tastes like water.

By drinking this Essence you gain supernatural skill at hiding.

• You now know all the mundane ways of hiding whether that's through camouflage or in plain sight with disguises.

• You know all the mundane methods by which people will try to find you and mundane ways to counter them.

• You also gain incredible skill at sneaking and stealth which you'll only get better and better at.

• The real power of this Essence is the pool of energy you gain with it which has a frequency focused towards stealth, making attempts at them more powerful. Any other energy pools you possess will be wrapped within this veil of stealth energy so they stand out less.

• You could do all kinds of things with your pool. You could hide your scent, your energy signature, your soul, from all human senses, your very existence from the universe itself, from even memory itself, and with time and practice could hide yourself from all means to find you. Not even ROBs or the 4th wall could locate you if you wanted to stay hidden.

• You can also hide in any way that you can be hidden. Fold dimensions around you, use illusions on the senses, telepathy on the mind to ignore you, outright invisibility, blend in like a chameleon, SEP fields, even hide parts of yourself like traits, thoughts, gender, limbs, etc. Any and all means that you could manipulate for stealth you can do. This does not give you any other spells or powers that are not meant for stealth such as fireballs, teleportation, telekinesis, durability, and other things like that.

• You are naturally much harder to detect even if you don't have powers and any stealth based spells or powers receive a boost from this effect.

